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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1123. خصل15 1124. خصم16 1125. خصو4 1126. خصى4 1127. خض5 1128. خضب161129. خضد17 1130. خضر21 1131. خضرم11 1132. خضع15 1133. خضل15 1134. خضم14 1135. خط6 1136. خطأ14 1137. خطب20 1138. خطر17 1139. خطف18 1140. خطل14 1141. خطم12 1142. خطو12 1143. خظو5 1144. خظى2 1145. خف6 1146. خفت17 1147. خفر14 1148. خفش14 1149. خفض15 1150. خفق17 1151. خفو5 1152. خفى6 1153. خل7 1154. خلأ5 1155. خلب20 1156. خلج15 1157. خلد16 1158. خلس16 1159. خلص18 1160. خلط20 1161. خلع18 1162. خلف23 1163. خلق22 1164. خلنج3 1165. خلو10 1166. خلى7 1167. خم7 1168. خمد16 1169. خمر22 1170. خمس19 1171. خمش12 1172. خمص17 1173. خمط16 1174. خمع9 1175. خمل16 1176. خمن14 1177. خن5 1178. خنث16 1179. خنجر10 1180. خندرس3 1181. خندق5 1182. خنر6 1183. خنز15 1184. خنزر7 1185. خنس20 1186. خنسر5 1187. خنص6 1188. خنصر6 1189. خنع10 1190. خنفس9 1191. خنق15 1192. خنو5 1193. خنى3 1194. خو2 1195. خوأ2 1196. خوب10 1197. خوت13 1198. خوخ11 1199. خود11 1200. خور15 1201. خوص15 1202. خوض17 1203. خوف17 1204. خوق10 1205. خول16 1206. خوم10 1207. خون20 1208. خوى10 1209. خى1 1210. خيب11 1211. خيت5 1212. خير19 1213. خيش8 1214. خيط16 1215. خيف15 1216. خيل18 1217. خيم13 1218. خيو2 1219. د7 1220. دأ1 1221. دأب14 1222. دأل9 Prev. 100




1 خَضَبَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. خَضْبٌ (S, Msb) [and accord. to MF خِضَابٌ and خُضُوبٌ, but respecting these two inf. ns. (the latter of which seems to be peculiar to the intrans. verb خَضَبَ) see what follows], He coloured, or tinged, (A, K,) a thing; (S, A, * K; *) or changed it in colour to red, or yellow, &c.; (TA;) and ↓ خضّب signifies the same, [but app. in an intensive sense, or as applying to a number of objects, (see its pass. part. n. voce خَضِيبٌ,)] (K,) inf. n. تَخْضِيبٌ: (TA:) and the former, particularly, he tinged, or dyed, his white hair, (TA,) or the hand, &c., (Msb,) with hinnà: (Msb, TA:) but when a man has dyed his hair with any other dye than hinnà, you say, صَبَغَ شَعَرَهُ: (Msb, TA:) or you say also, خَضَبَ بِالسَّوَادِ [He dyed his hair with black]. (Suh, TA.) When one does not mention the hair (Msb, TA) or the white hair [&c.], (Msb,) he says خَضَبَ, inf. n. خِضَابٌ; (IKtt, Msb;) and ↓ اختضب, (S, IKtt, Msb, TA,) and ↓ تخضّب; (A, TA;) [meaning He dyed his hair, &c.,] with hinnà, (S, IKtt, Msb, TA,) and the like: (S, TA:) and in like manner one says of a woman, خَضَبَتْ, aor. ـِ and ↓ اختضب: (TA:) which last also signifies [particularly] She dyed her hands with hinnà. (T, TS, TA, in art. غمس.) b2: Hence, in a trad., بَكَى حَتَّى خَضَبَ دَمْعُهُ الحَصَى (tropical:) He wept so that his tears wetted the pebbles: or, more probably, so that his tears became red, and dyed the pebbles: (IAth, TA:) [or most probably, so that his tears caused the pebbles to appear of a reddish colour; for such is commonly the case when pebbles are wetted.]

A2: خَضَبَ, aor. ـِ and خَضِبَ, aor. ـَ and خُضِبَ; inf. n. of each خُضُوبٌ; and ↓ اخضوضب; (tropical:) It (a tree) became green. (K, TA.) And خَضَبَ, inf. n. خُضُوبٌ, (assumed tropical:) Its small leaves came forth in the spring, and its twigs lengthened; said of the قَتَاد, at the commencement of its vegetation; and likewise of the عَرْفَج and عَوْسَج; but of no other tree of the kind called عِضَاه: or said also of the عُرْفُط and سَمُر; meaning (assumed tropical:) it dropped its leaves, and became red and yellow: (TA:) and you say also, خَضَبَتِ العِضَاهُ (tropical:) the عضاه became green, and broke forth; (A;) or the sap of the عضاه flowed in their branches, and they became green; as also ↓ أَخْضَبَتْ, (TA,) for which اخصبت, with the unpointed ص, is said by Az to be a gross mistranscription; explained by Lth, on whose authority it is written with ص, [as also in the K in art. خصب,] as meaning the sap flowed in the branches of the عضاه so as to reach the roots. (T and TA in art. خصب.) And خَصَبَ النَّخْلُ, (S, K,) inf. n. خَضْبٌ, (K,) The palm-trees, (S,) or the spadices of the palm-trees, (K,) became green. (S, K.) And خَضَبَتِ الأَرْضُ, (A, K,) inf. n. خَضْبٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اخضبت, (K,) inf. n. إِخْضَابٌ; (TA;) or ↓ اختضبت; and ↓ تخضّبت; (A;) The earth, or land, exposed to view, (A,) or produced, (K,) its herbage, (A, K,) and it (the latter) became green. (TA.) 2 خَضَّبَ see 1, first sentence.4 أَخْضَبَ see 1, each in two places.5 تَخَضَّبَ see 1, each in two places.8 إِخْتَضَبَ see 1, in three places.12 إِخْضَوْضَبَ see 1.

خَضْبٌ The colour of a tree, or of the spadix of a palm-tree, when it becomes green: pl. خُضُوبٌ. (K.) b2: A plant fresh, or new, and green in consequence of rain; as also ↓ خَضُوبٌ: (K:) or watered by rain, and imparting a colour to the ordure: (TA:) or the green colour that appears in trees when they begin to put forth their leaves: (K:) pl. خُضُوبٌ. (TA.) خَضْبَةٌ A spadix of a palm-tree: خَصْبَةٌ, [q. v.,] with the unpointed ص, is erroneously said to have this signification. (TA.) خُضَبَةٌ A woman who uses خِضَاب for herself [i. e. for dyeing her hair or hands &c.] much, or often. (S, A, K.) خِضَابٌ Hinnà (حِنَّآء), and the like: (Msb:) or the thing with which one dyes, or tinges, his, or her, hair &c.; (S, K, TA;) such as حِنَّآء and كَتَم and the like. (TA.) خَضُوبٌ: see خَضْبٌ.

خَضِيبٌ Anything dyed, tinged, or changed in colour; [generally, with hinnà;] as also ↓ مَخْضُوبٌ: the former is both masc. and fem.: and its pl. is خُضُبٌ. (TA.) You say كَفٌّ خَضِيبٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ خَاضِبٌ (TA voce ضَارِبٌ) [A hand dyed with hinnà]: and بَنَانٌ خَضِيبٌ and ↓ مَخْضُوبٌ (K) and ↓ مُخَضَّبٌ (S, A, K) [fingers, or fingers' ends, dyed with hinnà]; but the last of these has an intensive signification. (S.) b2: And hence, (TA,) الكَفُّ الخَضِيبُ (assumed tropical:) A certain star; (S, A, K;) the star β of Cassiopeia; (so in the Egyptian almanacs;) [i. e.] the bright star of the constel-lation called ذَاتُ الكُرْسِىِّ; which star is [termed] the extended right hand of الثُّرَيَّا [or the Pleiades; corresponding to the star called الكَفُّ الجَذْمَآءُ]. (Kzw. [See أَجْذَمُ.]) b3: And اِمْرَأَةٌ خَضِيبٌ [A woman having her hands, or feet, or hair, &c., dyed with hinnà or the like]. (K.) خَاضِبٌ A man dyeing, or who dyes, his hair with hinnà. (Msb.) b2: See also خَضِيبٌ. b3: Also (tropical:) A male ostrich (S, A, K, &c.) whose shanks (A, K) and legs (A) have become red, (A, K,) or green, [app. meaning of a dark, or an ashy, dustcolour,] or yellow, (A,) in consequence of his lusting after the female, (A, K,) or in consequence of his having eaten the [herbage termed] رَبِيع: (A:) or the front edges of whose shanks have become red, (S, K,) or green, (K,) or yellow, in consequence of his having eaten the [herbage termed] ربيع: (S, K:) or whose beak and shanks have become red from his having eaten the [herbage termed] ربيع: in the summer (الصَّيْف) he becomes bald (يقرع), and his shanks become white: (L:) or whose shanks have become green by reason of lust in the [season termed] ربيع: (ADk:) accord. to some, (TA,) it is applied only to the male ostrich: (S, K:) but some explain it without this restriction; and Lth mentions [the fem.] خَاضِبَةٌ as applied to an ostrich: [it is said that] the skin of the neck, and that of the breast, and that of the thighs, of the male ostrich, but not his feathers, become intensely red when he lusts after the female: or, as some say, خاضب signifies an ostrich that has eaten green food: (TA:) or the extremities of whose feathers are dyed by [the eating of] blossoms, and the slender parts of whose legs have become red by the same cause: accord. to an Arab of the desert, supposed to be Aboo-Kheyreh, in the [season termed]

ربيع, when it eats أَسَارِيع [app. meaning certain worms so called], its legs and beak assume the red hue of the عُصْفُر [or safflower]: (AHn, L:) or خاضب is applied to a male ostrich the slender parts of whose legs become red when the dates begin to become red, and cease to be so when the redness of the dates ceases: (AHn, K:) so that it is not from eating اساريع, which, it is said, no ostrich is known to eat: accord. to As, the cause [of the redness above mentioned] is only the dye of blossoms; but were it so, the bird would also become yellow, and green, &c., [and some assert that it partially does, as has been shown above,] accord. to the colours of the blossoms and herbs; and the green colour would predominate: [but, as the Arabs say, this requires consideration:] whatever be the cause, the bird, it is said, is termed خاضب on account of the redness that affects its shanks: and this word is [said to be] an epithet used as a proper name of the bird: (AHn, L:) but this is a mistake, unless it mean that, because of its prevailing application, it is used in the same manner as الحٰرِثُ and العَبَّاسُ, not that it may be used [in a determinate sense] without the article ال: (L:) the pl. is خَوَاضِبُ. (TA.) It is also said to be applied as an epithet to Any animal that eats خَضْب [q. v.]: (TA:) and particularly to [the species of bovine antelope called] the wild bull (الثَّوْرُ الوَحْشِىُّ). (L.) b4: [See also a saying of Dukeyn cited voce رَاوُوقٌ.]

مِخْضَبٌ I. q. مِرْكَنٌ, (S, K,) or إِجَّانَةٌ: (A:) or a vessel resembling that called إِجَّانَةٌ, in which clothes are washed. (TA.) b2: مَخَاضِبُ [is its pl.; and also] signifies The rags of the خِضَاب [or hudot;innà or the like]: (A:) [or] of the حيض [or catamenia]. (TA.) [If these two significations be correct, the latter is app. tropical: but حيض may be a mistranscription for خضاب.]

مُخَضَّبٌ: see خَضِيبٌ.

مَخْضُوبٌ: see خَضِيبٌ, in two places.
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