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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3704. كلج7 3705. كلح15 3706. كلحب4 3707. كلد10 3708. كلس12 3709. كلف203710. كلم16 3711. كلو5 3712. كم12 3713. كمأ13 3714. كمت15 3715. كمثر9 3716. كمح10 3717. كمخ12 3718. كمد16 3719. كمر12 3720. كمس11 3721. كمش14 3722. كمل18 3723. كمن16 3724. كمه15 3725. كمى4 3726. كن6 3727. كنب14 3728. كنبت5 3729. كنبث5 3730. كنت9 3731. كنتب3 3732. كنث5 3733. كنثب3 3734. كنخب3 3735. كند15 3736. كندث3 3737. كندر5 3738. كنز21 3739. كنس22 3740. كنعت3 3741. كنعث3 3742. كنعد6 3743. كنف20 3744. كنفث3 3745. كنه15 3746. كنى6 3747. كهب10 3748. كهد8 3749. كهدب3 3750. كهر14 3751. كهرب6 3752. كهكب3 3753. كهل18 3754. كهن18 3755. كو1 3756. كوأ3 3757. كوب17 3758. كوت5 3759. كوث9 3760. كوح9 3761. كوخ9 3762. كود12 3763. كودأ1 3764. كوذ9 3765. كور19 3766. كوز13 3767. كوس19 3768. كوع15 3769. كوف17 3770. كوكب9 3771. كوم17 3772. كون17 3773. كوى8 3774. كيأ5 3775. كيت10 3776. كيد16 3777. كير13 3778. كيس16 3779. كيص6 3780. كيف16 3781. كيل20 3782. كين10 3783. كيه5 3784. ل9 3785. لأ1 3786. لأت1 3787. لأك5 3788. لأل1 3789. لألأ9 3790. لأم13 3791. لأى4 3792. لب9 3793. لبأ13 3794. لبت6 3795. لبث16 3796. لبج12 3797. لبخ9 3798. لبد19 3799. لبس19 3800. لبع3 3801. لبق16 3802. لبك13 3803. لبلب5 Prev. 100




1 كَلِفَ بِهِ He became attached, addicted, given, or devoted, to it; or he attached, addicted, gave, or devoted, himself to it; (S, Msb, K, TA;) he loved it: (Msb, TA:) [he was fond of it:] he loved him, [or it,] vehemently. (TA.) b2: كَلَفٌ, inf. n. of كَلِفَ: [violent or intense love:] see حُبٌّ; and see a verse cited in the first paragraph of that art. 2 كَلَّفَ نَفْسَهُ شَيْئًا He tasked himself with a thing, as also ↓ تَكَلَّفَ شَيئًا. b2: كَلَّفَهُ أَمْرًا He tasked him to do a thing; imposed upon him the task of doing a thing. b3: So تَكْلِيفٌ The imposition of a task or duty. b4: A task; compulsory work; a duty imposed. b5: كَلَّفَهُ الأَمْرَ He imposed upon him the thing, or affair; syn. حَمَّلَهُ إِيَّاهُ. (Msb.) b6: كَلَّفَ نَفْسَهُ He put himself to trouble or inconvenience; like

↓ تَكَلَّفَ alone. b7: كَلَّفَهُ كَذَا He imposed upon him the task of doing, or procuring, or bringing, such a thing. b8: كَلَّفَهُ أَمْرًا He imposed upon him a thing, or an affair, in spite of difficulty, trouble, or inconvenience: (Msb:) he ordered him to do a thing that was difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient, to him: (S, K:) he made, required, or constrained, him to do a thing; exacted of him the doing a thing; meaning, a thing that was difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient to him: (Kull, 123; and the Lexicons, passim.) See جَتَّمَهُ. b9: تَكْلِيفٌ An imposition; a requisition: con straint, &c.5 تَكَلَّفَ أَمْرًا He [undertook a thing, or an affair, as imposed upon him: or] took, or imposed, upon himself, or undertook, a thing, or an affair, [as a task, or] in spite of difficulty, trouble, or inconvenience; (Msb;) syn. تَجَتَّمَهُ: (S, K:) he constrained, or tasked, or exerted, himself, or took pains, or made an effort, to do a thing; meaning, a thing that was difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient, to him: or he affected, as a self-imposed task, the doing of a thing. (The Lexicons, passim: see تغزّل: and see كَلَّفَهُ أَمْرًا.) b2: تكلّف صِفَةً He affected, or endeavoured to acquire, a quality. So in the explanations of verbs of the measure تَفَعَّلَ; as نَحَلَّمَ. (Sharh El-'Izzee, by Saad-ed-Keen.) b3: Also, He affected, or pretended to have, a quality, not having it. So in the explanations of verbs of the measure تَفَاعَلَ, as تَجَاهَلَ: (idem:) [and sometimes in verbs of the measure تَفَعَّلَ also, as تَكَسَّرَ &c.]. And تَكَلَّفَ alone, He exercised self-constraint, or put himself to trouble or inconvenience. b4: تَكَلَّفَ He affected what was not natural to him. b5: تَكَلَّفَ He used forced efforts to do a thing, and to appear to have a quality. He affected, or endeavoured to do or acquire, &c.; he constrained himself to do, &c.; he applied himself, as to a task, to do a thing.

تكلّف الشَّجَاعَةَ He made himself, or constrained himself to be, courageous; affected, or endeavoured to acquire, or characterize himself by, courage. b6: تكلّف الشَّجَاعَةَ also, He acted, or behaved, with forced courage; endeavoured to be courageous. b7: تكلّف فِى عَرَبِيَّتِهِ He used a forced, or affected, manner in his Arabic speech. b8: تَكَلُّفٌ A straining of a point in lexicology. b9: تَعَقَّلَ signifies He affected or endeavoured to acquire, intelligence; explained by تكلّف العَقْلَ: and تَعَاقَلَ, he pretended to be intelligent, not being really so. (S, art. عقل.) تَكَلُّفٌ in a verb of the measure تَفَعَّلَ is as above explained, signifying a desire for the existence of an attribute in one's self: in a verb of the measure تَفَاعَلَ it is different, and means the pretending to be or to do something which in reality one is not or does not; as in the instance of تَجَاهَلَ, he pretended to be ignorant, not being so in reality. (Sharh El-'Izzee, by Saad-ed-Deen.) تَكَلَّفَ كَذَا He did so purposely. b10: تَكَلَّفَ He tasked himself. b11: تَكَلَّفَ القَىْءَ He vomited intentionally. (TA, art. قىء.) كَلَفٌ [A discolouration of the face, by] a thing that comes upon the face resembling sesame; [by freckles, accord. to present usage:] and a dingy redness that comes upon the face. (S, K.) كُلْفَةٌ A difficulty, or difficult affair, or a duty, or an obligation, that one imposes upon himself; (S, K;) or a thing imposed upon one as difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient. (Msb.) See حَبٌّ. b2: [Constraint,] trouble, pain, or inconvenience. (MA.)
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