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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2795. عصل13 2796. عصم19 2797. عصو9 2798. عصى3 2799. عض6 2800. عضب152801. عضد21 2802. عضرط8 2803. عضرفط5 2804. عضل20 2805. عضم8 2806. عضه18 2807. عضو9 2808. عط6 2809. عطب20 2810. عطد6 2811. عطر15 2812. عطرد8 2813. عطس16 2814. عطش17 2815. عطف20 2816. عطل20 2817. عطن17 2818. عطو11 2819. عظل13 2820. عظلم8 2821. عظم20 2822. عظو5 2823. عف6 2824. عفج10 2825. عفر21 2826. عفص16 2827. عفل12 2828. عفن16 2829. عفو11 2830. عفى2 2831. عق5 2832. عقب27 2833. عقد21 2834. عقر21 2835. عقرب12 2836. عقص17 2837. عقف14 2838. عقفر7 2839. عقل25 2840. عقم20 2841. عقو7 2842. عك7 2843. عكب11 2844. عكد12 2845. عكر18 2846. عكز15 2847. عكس16 2848. عكف19 2849. عكم15 2850. عكن12 2851. عل8 2852. علب17 2853. علث14 2854. علج17 2855. علد8 2856. علس12 2857. علط11 2858. علف19 2859. علق22 2860. علقم10 2861. علك14 2862. علم22 2863. علن17 2864. علند4 2865. علو11 2866. على4 2867. عم5 2868. عمت6 2869. عمج9 2870. عمد19 2871. عمر24 2872. عمرد4 2873. عمش14 2874. عمق16 2875. عمل17 2876. عملق11 2877. عمن9 2878. عمه12 2879. عمى9 2880. عن9 2881. عنب13 2882. عنبر11 2883. عنبس6 2884. عنت20 2885. عنج11 2886. عنجف3 2887. عند17 2888. عندلب7 2889. عندم4 2890. عنز15 2891. عنس18 2892. عنف19 2893. عنفق9 2894. عنق18 Prev. 100




1 عَضَبَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. عَضْبٌ, (S, A, O, &c.,) He cut, or cut off, him, or it. (S, A, * Mgh, * O, Msb, K.) مَا لَهُ عَضَبَهُ اللّٰهُ, meaning [What aileth him?] may God cut off (O, TA) his arm and his leg, or his hand and his foot, (O,) or his arms and his legs, or his hands and his feet, is a form of imprecation used by the Arabs. (TA.) And hence, (O,) one says, إِنَّ الحَاجَةَ لَيَعْضِبُهَا طَلَبُهَا قَبْلَ وَقْتِهَا (assumed tropical:) Verily the seeking of the object of want before its time assuredly cuts it off, or precludes it, and mars it: a prov. (O, TA.) And إِنَّكَ لَتَعْضِبُنِى عَنْ حَاجَتِى (assumed tropical:) Verily thou cuttest me off from [the attainment of] the object of my want. (TA.) b2: and [hence] (assumed tropical:) He reviled him; (A, * K;) and (A) so عَضَبَهُ بِلِسَانِهِ. (S, A, O.) b3: And He beat him, or struck him, (O, K,) with a staff, or stick. (O.) b4: And He thrust him, or pierced him, (K,) with a spear. (TK.) [But in the O and TA, عَضَبْتُهُ بِالرُّمْحِ is expl. by the words هُوَ أَنْ تَشْغَلَهُ عَنْهُ; and the meaning app. is, I occupied him so as to divert him with the spear; though this meaning would be expressed more agreeably with usage by saying هو ان يشغله عنه; or rather هو ان تَشْغَلَهُ عَنْكَ, which, I think, is the right reading.] b5: And It (disease, O) rendered him weak, or infirm: (S, O:) and (O) deprived him of the power of motion. (A, * O, K.) You say, عَضَبَتْهُ الزَّمَانَةُ, aor. as above, (O, TA,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) meaning [Disease of long continuance, or want of some one or more of the limbs,] deprived him of the power of motion: and AHeyth says, it [in the O هُوَ (so that it does not refer to الزمانة), and in the TA العضب,] is الشَّلَلُ and الخَبْلُ and العَرَجُ [a state of privation of the power of motion, and unsoundness, and lameness; app. meaning that these are the effects denoted by the phrase عضبته الزمانة]. (O, TA.) b6: See also 4.

A2: عَضَبَ, (O, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (K,) signifies also He returned (O, K) عَلَيْهِ [against him]. (O.) A3: عَضِبَ, said of a ram, (K,) or عَضِبَت, said of a شَاة [i. e. sheep or goat, male or female], (S, O, Msb,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. عَضَبٌ, (S, O, Msb,) He, or she, had the inner [part of the] horn broken: (S, O, Msb, K:) or had one of the horns broken. (S, O, Msb.) b2: العَضَبُ is mostly used in relation to the horn: but sometimes, in relation to the ear: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) one says of a شاة [expl. above], and of a she-camel, عَضِبَت, inf. n. عَضَبٌ, meaning He, or she, had her ear slit, or had a slit ear: (Msb:) [or had half, or a third, of the ear cut off; for] accord. to IAar, العَضَبُ in relation to the ear is when half, or a third, thereof has gone. (O.) A4: عَضُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُضُوبَةٌ (S, O, K) and عُضُوبٌ, (O, K,) said of a man's tongue, (tropical:) It was, or became, sharp in speech; (S, O, * K, TA;) being likened to a sharp sword. (O.) 3 عاضبهُ i. q. رَادَّهُ [He endeavoured to turn him from, or to, a thing]. (O, K.) 4 اعضب, (Fr, S, O, Msb, K, *) inf. n. إِعْضَابٌ; (K;) and ↓ عَضَبَ, (Fr, O, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَضْبٌ; (K;) He rendered a شَاة [i. e. sheep or goat, male or female], (Fr, S, O, Msb, K,) and a she-camel, (Msb, K,) such as is termed عَضْبَآء. (Fr, S, O, Msb, K.) 7 انعضب It (a horn) became cut, or broken, off. (TA.) عَضْبٌ A sharp sword; (S, O, Msb;) an inf. n. (Msb, TA) used as a subst. [properly so termed], (Msb,) or as an epithet (TA) applied to a sword as meaning sharp: (TA:) or it signifies a sword. (K.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) A tongue sharp in speech; (S, TA;) likened to a sharp sword: (TA:) and so applied to a man; (K;) or so عَضْبُ اللِّسَانِ. (O.) b3: And, applied to a boy, or young man, (O, K, TA,) (assumed tropical:) Light-headed: (K:) or light, or active, sharp-headed, light in body; (IAar, O, TA; *) as also عَصْبٌ. (IAar, TA.) b4: and (assumed tropical:) The offspring of the cow when his horn comes forth, (As, O, K, TA,) which is after he is a year old: (As, O, TA:) or, accord. to Et-Táïfee, when his horn is [or can be] laid hold upon: fem. with ة: after that, he is termed جَذَعٌ; then, ثَنِىٌّ; then, رَبَاعٍ; then, سَدَسٌ; then, تَمَمٌ; and when all his teeth are grown, عَمَمٌ. (O, L, TA.) عَضَبٌ inf. n. of عَضِبَ [q. v.]. (S, &c.) b2: Also A fracture in a spear. (TA.) عَضَّابٌ (assumed tropical:) A man who reviles much. (S, A, O.) أَعْضَبُ applied to a ram, and the fem. عَضْبَآءُ applied to a شَاة [i. e. sheep or goat, male or female], Having the inner [part of the] horn (which is called the مُشَاش, Az, S, O) broken: (Az, S, O, Msb, K; and so in the Mgh as applied to a شاة:) or having one of the horns broken. (S, O, Msb.) b2: And the masc. applied to a camel, (Msb, TA,) and the fem. applied to a she-camel (S, O, Msb, K) and to a شاة [expl. above], (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) Having a slit ear. (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K.) The she-camel of the Prophet, called العَضْبَآء, was not slit-eared; this being only her surname: (S, IAth, Mgh, O, Msb, K:) or, accord. to some, the fewer number, she was sliteared: (IAth, TA:) or her name was taken from the epithet عضباء applied to a she-camel as meaning “ short in the fore leg. ” (Z, TA.) b3: and the fem. is applied to a horse's ear as meaning Of which more than a fourth part has been cut off. (K.) b4: And, applied to she-camel, Short in the fore-leg; as mentioned above: (Z, TA:) and the masc., (O, K,) applied to a man, (O,) short in the arm. (O, K.) b5: Also the masc., applied to a man, (assumed tropical:) Who has no aider against an enemy, (S, O, K,) nor brethren: (O:) and one whose brother has died: or who has no brother, nor any one [beside]. (K.) مَعْضُوبٌ Weak, or infirm. (S, O, K.) and Crippled, or deprived of the power of motion, by disease, or by a protracted disease. (A, Mgh, O, Msb, K.) b2: And مَعْضُوبُ اللِّسَانِ Impotent in tongue; having an impediment in his speech. (TA.)
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