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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
975. حنأ10 976. حنب9 977. حنبل5 978. حنت11 979. حنتم11 980. حنث17981. حنجر10 982. حندر4 983. حندس10 984. حندق4 985. حنذ15 986. حنزب4 987. حنش15 988. حنط16 989. حنظل6 990. حنف20 991. حنق13 992. حنك18 993. حنو9 994. حو4 995. حوأ2 996. حوب19 997. حوت14 998. حوث8 999. حود5 1000. حوذ13 1001. حور24 1002. حوز18 1003. حوش17 1004. حوص16 1005. حوض12 1006. حوط16 1007. حوف14 1008. حوق13 1009. حوقل5 1010. حوك13 1011. حول21 1012. حولق4 1013. حوم14 1014. حون4 1015. حوى6 1016. حيث10 1017. حيج5 1018. حيد15 1019. حير18 1020. حيز8 1021. حيس15 1022. حيص18 1023. حيض18 1024. حيط3 1025. حيعل5 1026. حيف18 1027. حيق15 1028. حيك12 1029. حيل13 1030. حين15 1031. حيهل2 1032. حيو3 1033. خ5 1034. خا3 1035. خاتون3 1036. خانقاه2 1037. خب6 1038. خبأ12 1039. خبث18 1040. خبر19 1041. خبز14 1042. خبص11 1043. خبط17 1044. خبعثن6 1045. خبل16 1046. خبن13 1047. خبو9 1048. خبى2 1049. ختر14 1050. ختعر6 1051. ختل14 1052. ختم20 1053. ختن15 1054. خثر18 1055. خثى4 1056. خجل16 1057. خد7 1058. خدب12 1059. خدج17 1060. خدر18 1061. خدش17 1062. خدع19 1063. خدل12 1064. خدلج9 1065. خدم17 1066. خدن18 1067. خذرف5 1068. خذف13 1069. خذل15 1070. خذم13 1071. خر7 1072. خرأ9 1073. خرب20 1074. خرت13 Prev. 100




1 حَنِثَ فِى يَمِينِهِ, (S, A, Msb, K, *) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. حِنْثٌ (S, * A, Msb, K *) and حَنَثٌ, (TA,) He violated, or broke, or failed of performing, his oath: (A, Msb, K, TA:) he was untrue in his oath: (S, TA:) he committed a sin, or crime, in his oath. (TA.) Also He retracted, or revoked, his oath. (TA.) b2: And the verb alone, He said what was not true. (Khálid Ibn-Jembeh, TA.) b3: He inclined from what was false to what was true: or from what was true to what was false. (K.) b4: [And app. (assumed tropical:) He committed a sin, or crime: a meaning which seems to be indicated in the K: see حِنْثٌ, below.]2 حنْثهُ He pronounced him (جَعَلَهُ) a violator, or non-performer, of his oath: (Msb:) [a verb similar to أَثَّمَهُ and فَسَّقَهُ &c.]4 أَحْنَثْتُهُ (S, K) فِى يَمِينِهِ (S) I made him to violate, or break, or fail of performing, his oath. (S, K. *) b2: احنث فُلَانٌ قَسَمَ فُلَانٍ Such a one assented not, or consented not, to the conjurement of such a one; contr. of أَبَرَّ. (T and TA in art. بر.) 5 تحنّث (assumed tropical:) He put away, or cast away, from himself الحِنْث, i. e. sin, or crime: (ISd, Towsheeh, TA:) it is said that there are only six verbs of the measure of this signifying the putting away, or casting away, from oneself a thing, [i. e. the thing denoted by the root,] which are تحنّث and تأثّم and تحوّب and تحرّج and تنجّس and تهجّد: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) he did a work whereby to escape from sin, or crime: (IAar, Msb:) (assumed tropical:) he applied himself to acts, or exercises, of devotion; (S, A, Msb, K;) accord. to Ez-Zuhree and the K, during numerous nights; but it has been shown by the Expositors of El-Bukháree, and others, that this addition is taken from words following the verb in the explanation of a trad., and has nothing to do with the meaning of the verb itself: (MF, TA:) (assumed tropical:) he relinquished [the worship of] idols; (S, K;) like تحنّف; (S;) and it may be that the ث in this verb is interchangeable with ف, (A,) or a substitute for ف. (TA.) You say also, تحنّث مِنْ كَذَا (tropical:) He abstained from such a thing as a sin, or crime; syn. تأثّم, (S, A, K,) and تحرّج. (A.) And تحنّث بِأَفْعَالٍ (assumed tropical:) He sought to bring himself near unto God, or to advance himself in God's favour, by works [of devotion &c.]. (TA.) حِنْثٌ The violation, or failure of performance, of an oath: (S, A, K, TA:) [an inf. n. used as a simple subst.:] pl. أَحْنَاثٌ; as in the saying, عَلَيْهِ أَحْنَاثٌ كَثِيرَةٌ [He is accountable for, or chargeable with, many violations, or failures of performance, of oaths]. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A sin, a crime, an offence, or an act of disobedience. (S, A, Msb, K.) So in the saying [in the Kur lvi. 45], وَكَانُوا يُصِرُّونَ عَلَى الحِنْثِ العَظِيمِ (tropical:) [And they persisted in great sin]; (A;) meaning belief in a plurality of gods. (Bd, Jel.) and hence, (Bd in lvi. 45,) بَلَغَ الحِنْثَ (tropical:) He (a boy) attained to the age when he was punishable for sin: (A, * Bd:) or attained to [the age when he became punishable for] disobedience and [rewardable for] obedience: (S:) or attained to the age when the pen [of the recording angels] began to register his acts of obedience and of disobedience: attained to the age of puberty: attained to manhood. (TA.) [Hence also,] أَوْلَادُ الحِنْثِ (assumed tropical:) The children of adultery or fornication: occurring in a trad., accord. to one reading: accord. to another reading, اولاد الخُبْثِ. (L.) حَانِثٌ Violating, or failing to perform, his oath; or a violator, or non-performer, of his oath. (Msb.) مَحْنَثٌ: see مَحَانِثُ.

مُحْنِثٌ A thing respecting which people differ, and which admits of its being regarded in two different ways; as also مُحْلِفٌ. (L.) [So called because it may make one to be untrue in an oath.]

مَحَانِثُ, accord. to some, having no sing.; but accord. to others, its sing. is ↓ مَحْنَثٌ, and this is app. the truth, and is agreeable with analogy; (MF;) Places [i. e. occasions] of falling into the violation of an oath or oaths, or (assumed tropical:) into sin or crime; expl. by مَوَاقِعُ حِنْثٍ (TA) and مَوَاقِعُ

إِثْمٍ. (K.)
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