الشَّيْء كَذَا خشن وصلب
الشَّيْء كَذَا خشن وصلب
الْكَاف والذال
وَجه كُنَابِذ: قَبِيح.
وَجه كُنَابِذ: قَبِيح.
1 كَذَّ, [aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. كَذٌّ, (TA,) It (a thing, TA) was, or became, rough, (K,) and hard. (TA.) 4 اكذّوا They, (a people, Msb,) became among stones such as are termed كَذَّان. (L, Msb, K.) كَذَّانٌ Soft stones, (AA, S, M, L, Msb, K,) as also جَذَّانٌ, (As, L in art. جذ,) like dry pieces of clay, (S, L, Msb, K,) and foraminous, or pierced with holes, (M, L,) or sometimes pierced with holes: n. un. with ة. (L, Msb.) Some say, that the ن is a radical letter; (L, Msb;) but the form of the verb أَكَذَّ is against their assertion; for if the ن were so, it would appear in the verb. (Msb.) كَذْكَذَةٌ Intense redness. (K.)كذ
الكَذانُ: الحِجارَةُ الرَّخْوَةُ النَّخِرَةُ، الواحدة كَذّانَةٌ.
الكَذانُ: الحِجارَةُ الرَّخْوَةُ النَّخِرَةُ، الواحدة كَذّانَةٌ.