شت: الشَّتُّ: مَصْدَرُ الشَّيْءِ الشَّتِيْتِ. وشَتَّ اللهُ شَعْبَهم شَتَاتاً. وجاءَ القَوْمُ أشْتَاتاً. والحَمْدُ للهِ الذي جَمَعنا من شَتٍّ. وشَتّانَ ما بَيْنَهُما، وشَتّانَ ما هُما، وشَتّانَ هُما. وثَغْرٌ شَتِيْتٌ: وهو المُلفَلَّحُ الحَسَنُ.
باب الشين والتاء ش ت يستعمل فقط
شت: الشَّتُّ: مصدر الشيء الشتيت. وهو المُتفرِّق. وتقول: شتَّ شَعْبُهُمْ شتاتاً وشتَّا. أي: تفرّق جمعهم. قال الطِّرِماحُ: :
شتّ شعبُ الحيّ بعد التئامْ ... وشجاك الربع رَبْعُ المَقامْ
وثغرٌ شتيتٌ: مُفَلَّجٌ حَسَنٌ، قال :
حرّةٌ تجلو شتيتاً حَسَناً ... كشعاعِ البرق في الغيم سَطَع
ويقال: وقعوا في أمر شتٍّ وشتى. ويقال: إنّي أخاف عليكم الشَّتات، أي: الفُرقة. ويقال: شتاّن ما هما.
شت: الشَّتُّ: مصدر الشيء الشتيت. وهو المُتفرِّق. وتقول: شتَّ شَعْبُهُمْ شتاتاً وشتَّا. أي: تفرّق جمعهم. قال الطِّرِماحُ: :
شتّ شعبُ الحيّ بعد التئامْ ... وشجاك الربع رَبْعُ المَقامْ
وثغرٌ شتيتٌ: مُفَلَّجٌ حَسَنٌ، قال :
حرّةٌ تجلو شتيتاً حَسَناً ... كشعاعِ البرق في الغيم سَطَع
ويقال: وقعوا في أمر شتٍّ وشتى. ويقال: إنّي أخاف عليكم الشَّتات، أي: الفُرقة. ويقال: شتاّن ما هما.
الشين والتاء
الشُّنْتُرَة الإِصْبَعُ بالحِمْيَرِيّة قال حِمْيَرِيٌّ منهم يَرْثِي امرأةً أكَلَهَا الذئبُ
(أَيا جَحْمَتا بَكِّي عَلَى أُمِّ وَاهِبِ ... أكِيلَةِ قَلَّوْبٍ بِبَعْضِ المَذَانِبِ)
(فلم يَبْقَ منها غيرُ شَطْرِ عِجَانِها ... وشُنْتُرَةٍ منها وإحْدَى الذَّوَائِبِ) والشَّفْتَرَةُ التفرُّقُ واشْفَتَرَّ الشيءُ تفرَّق واشفَتَرَّ العُودُ تكسَّر أنشد ابن الأعرابيِّ
(تُبادِرُ الضيْفَ بِعُودٍ مُشْفَتِرْ ... )
أي منكسرٍ من كَثْرةِ ما تَضْرِبُ به ورَجلٌ شَفَنْتَرٌ ذاهب الشَّعَرِ والشَفَنْتَرِيُّ اسمٌ
الشُّنْتُرَة الإِصْبَعُ بالحِمْيَرِيّة قال حِمْيَرِيٌّ منهم يَرْثِي امرأةً أكَلَهَا الذئبُ
(أَيا جَحْمَتا بَكِّي عَلَى أُمِّ وَاهِبِ ... أكِيلَةِ قَلَّوْبٍ بِبَعْضِ المَذَانِبِ)
(فلم يَبْقَ منها غيرُ شَطْرِ عِجَانِها ... وشُنْتُرَةٍ منها وإحْدَى الذَّوَائِبِ) والشَّفْتَرَةُ التفرُّقُ واشْفَتَرَّ الشيءُ تفرَّق واشفَتَرَّ العُودُ تكسَّر أنشد ابن الأعرابيِّ
(تُبادِرُ الضيْفَ بِعُودٍ مُشْفَتِرْ ... )
أي منكسرٍ من كَثْرةِ ما تَضْرِبُ به ورَجلٌ شَفَنْتَرٌ ذاهب الشَّعَرِ والشَفَنْتَرِيُّ اسمٌ
الشين وَالتَّاء
الشَّتّ: الِافْتِرَاق والتفريق.
شتَّ شِعْبهمْ يَشِتّ شَتّا، وشَتَاتا، وانشَتَّ، وتَشَتَّت.
وشتَّته الله، وأشَتَّه.
وشَعْب شَتِيت: مُشَتَّت. قَالَ:
وَقد يَجْمع الله الشَّتيتَيْن بَعْدَمَا ... يَظُنّان كُلَّ الظنّ أَن تلاقيا
وثغر شَتِيت: مُفرَّق مُفلَّج.
وَجَاء الْقَوْم أشتاتا: مُتَفَرّقين، واحدهم: شَتٌّ.
وَالْحَمْد لله الَّذِي جَمعنَا من شَتّ: أَي تَفْرِقَة.
وَإِن الْمجْلس ليجمع شُتُوتا من النَّاس، وشتّى: أَي فرقا.
وَقيل: يجمع نَاسا لَيْسُوا من قَبيلَة وَاحِدَة.
وشتَّان مَا زيد وَعَمْرو، وشتَّان مَا بَينهمَا: أَي بعد مَا بَينهمَا، وَأبي الْأَصْمَعِي شتَّان مَا بَينهمَا، قَالَ أَبُو حَاتِم: فَأَنْشَدته قَول ربيعَة الرقى: لشَتَّان مَا بَين اليزيدين فِي النَّدَى ... يزيدِ أُسَيد والأغرّ ابْن حَاتِم
فَقَالَ: لَيْسَ بفصيح يلْتَفت إِلَيْهِ. وَإِنَّمَا الْجيد قَول الْأَعْشَى:
شَتَّان مَا يومي على كُورها ... ويَوْمُ حَيَّان أخي جَابر
قَالَ ابْن جني: شتَّان، وشَتَّى كسرعان وسكرى، يَعْنِي: أَن شَتَّى لَيْسَ مؤنث شَتَّان كسكران وسكرى إِنَّمَا هما اسمان تواردا وتقابلا فِي عرض اللُّغَة من غير قصد وَلَا ايثار لتقاودهما. وَقد انعمت شرح عِلّة بِنَاء شّتَّان فِي الْكتاب الْمُخَصّص.
الشَّتّ: الِافْتِرَاق والتفريق.
شتَّ شِعْبهمْ يَشِتّ شَتّا، وشَتَاتا، وانشَتَّ، وتَشَتَّت.
وشتَّته الله، وأشَتَّه.
وشَعْب شَتِيت: مُشَتَّت. قَالَ:
وَقد يَجْمع الله الشَّتيتَيْن بَعْدَمَا ... يَظُنّان كُلَّ الظنّ أَن تلاقيا
وثغر شَتِيت: مُفرَّق مُفلَّج.
وَجَاء الْقَوْم أشتاتا: مُتَفَرّقين، واحدهم: شَتٌّ.
وَالْحَمْد لله الَّذِي جَمعنَا من شَتّ: أَي تَفْرِقَة.
وَإِن الْمجْلس ليجمع شُتُوتا من النَّاس، وشتّى: أَي فرقا.
وَقيل: يجمع نَاسا لَيْسُوا من قَبيلَة وَاحِدَة.
وشتَّان مَا زيد وَعَمْرو، وشتَّان مَا بَينهمَا: أَي بعد مَا بَينهمَا، وَأبي الْأَصْمَعِي شتَّان مَا بَينهمَا، قَالَ أَبُو حَاتِم: فَأَنْشَدته قَول ربيعَة الرقى: لشَتَّان مَا بَين اليزيدين فِي النَّدَى ... يزيدِ أُسَيد والأغرّ ابْن حَاتِم
فَقَالَ: لَيْسَ بفصيح يلْتَفت إِلَيْهِ. وَإِنَّمَا الْجيد قَول الْأَعْشَى:
شَتَّان مَا يومي على كُورها ... ويَوْمُ حَيَّان أخي جَابر
قَالَ ابْن جني: شتَّان، وشَتَّى كسرعان وسكرى، يَعْنِي: أَن شَتَّى لَيْسَ مؤنث شَتَّان كسكران وسكرى إِنَّمَا هما اسمان تواردا وتقابلا فِي عرض اللُّغَة من غير قصد وَلَا ايثار لتقاودهما. وَقد انعمت شرح عِلّة بِنَاء شّتَّان فِي الْكتاب الْمُخَصّص.
1 شَتَّ, (S, A, Mgh, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. شَتٌّ (S, Msb, K *) and شَتَاتٌ, (S, A, K, *) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) and شَتيِتٌ (K, by implication,) and شُتُوتٌ; (MA;) and ↓ انشتّ, (K,) and ↓ استشتّ, and ↓ تشتّت; (S, K; [but the last, app., has an intensive signification;]) It (the state of affairs, S, or the state of union of a people or party, A, TA) became dissolved, broken up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled; syn. تَفَرَّقَ, (S, A, Msb, K, TA,) or اِنْفَرَقَ; (CK;) and of the third and fourth verbs, [or rather of all,] اِنْتَشَرَ. (TA.) And ↓ تشتّتوا They became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered. (A.) A2: See also 2, in two places.2 شتّت, (S, K,) inf. n. تَشْتِيتٌ; (S;) and ↓ اشتّ; and ↓ شَتَّ, aor. ـِ [which is anomalous in the case of a trans. verb of this class,] inf. n. شَتٌّ and شَتَاتٌ and شَتِيتٌ; (K;) [the first and second mentioned in the K only with reference to God as the agent;] He dissolved, broke up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled, syn. فَرَّقَ, (S, K,) the state of affairs [&c.], (S,) and the state of union of a people or party. (TA.) And one says also, بِى قَوْمِى ↓ اشتّ My people, or party, dissolved, broke up, &c., my state of affairs. (S, TA.) And بِقَلْبِى ↓ شَتَّ كَذَا وَكَذَا Such and such things discomposed, or disorganized, (فَرَّقَ, [which may also be rendered frightened,]) my mind, or heart. (As, TA.) And شَتَّتَهُمُ اللّٰهُ God separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered, them. (A.) 4 أَشْتَ3َ see 2, in two places.A2: [أَشَتَّ عَلَيْكَ It (a thing) was, or became, distinct, or clear, to thee. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)]5 تَشَتَّّ see 1, in two places.7 إِنْشَتَ3َand 10: see 1.
شَتٌّ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.] (S, Msb, K.) b2: And signifying Separation, disunion, or dispersion: so in the saying, الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِى جَمَعَنَا مِنْ شَتٍّ [Praise be to God who has brought us together from a state of separation, disunion, or dispersion]: (TA:) a saying mentioned by AA, as heard by him from an Arab of the desert: (S, TA:) and ↓ شَتَاتٌ is [similar in meaning, being] likewise an inf. n. of 1; (S, A, K;) or it is a subst. from the intrans. verb شَتَّ, (Msb,) and signifies a state of separation or disunion; as in the saying, أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمُ الشَّتَاتَ [I fear for you separation, or disunion]. (TA.) A2: Also i. q. مُتَفَرِّقٌ [meaning Dissolved, broken up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled; and separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered]; as also ↓ شَتِيتٌ, (S, A, Msb,) [and ↓ شَتَاتٌ, as will be shown in what follows;] or ↓ شَتِيتٌ is syn. with مُفَرَّقٌ, [which is virtually the same as مُتَفَرِّقٌ,] and مُشَتَّتٌ: (K:) the pl. of شَتٌّ is أَشْتَاتٌ (S) [and شُتُوتٌ also, as will be shown by an ex. in what follows]: and ↓ شَتَّى is pl. of ↓ شَتِيتٌ, like as مَرْضَى is of مَرِيضٌ; (Jel in xx.
55, and MF;) or, accord. to some, it is a sing. noun. (MF.) One says أَمْرٌ شَتٌّ i. e. مُتَفَرِّقٌ [A state of affairs dissolved, broken up, &c.]; (S;) and [so] ↓ أَمْرٌ شَتَاتٌ, the latter word being an inf. n. used as an epithet. (Ham p. 176.) and ↓ صَارَ جَمْعُهُمْ شَتِيتًا i. e. مُتَفَرِّقًا [Their company, or congregated body, became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered]. (A.) And جَاؤُوا أَشْتَاتًا They came separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered; syn. مُتَفَرِّقِينَ: (S, Msb, K:) and so ↓ جاؤوا شَتَاتَ شَتَاتَ, (K,) in one copy of the K شَتَاتَ وَشَتَاتَ; and MF allows ↓ شُتَاتَ, like ثُلَاثَ and رُبَاعَ; but there is no apparent reason for the repetition; and accord. to the L, the phrase as transmitted from the authorities worthy of confidence is ↓ جَآءَ القَوْمُ شَتَاتًا and شَتَاتَ i. e. The people, or party, came separated, &c. (TA.) and ↓ قَوْمٌ شَتَّى (S, Msb, K, TA) A people, or party, separated, &c.; syn. مُتَفَرِّقُونَ: (Msb, TA:) or consisting of sundry, or distinct, bodies; not of one tribe. (K.) And إِنَّ المَجْلِسَ لَيَجْمَعُ شُتُوتًا مِنَ النَّاسِ, (S, TA,) and مِنَ النَّاسِ ↓ شَتَّى, Verily the assembly comprises sundry, or distinct, bodies of men; (TA;) or men not of one tribe. (S TA.) And ↓ أَشْيَآءُ شَتَّى [Things of sundry, or different, or distinct, kinds or sorts]. (S.) أَزْوَاجًا مِنْ نَبَاتٍ
↓ شَتَّى, in the Kur xx. 55, means Sorts, of plants, various, or different, in colours, tastes, &c. (Jel.) ↓ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ شَتَّى see expl. voce أُمٌّ. And تَؤُوبُ ↓ شَتَّى
الحَلَبَهْ, a prov., see expl. voce حَالِبٌ.
شَتَاتٌ and شَتَاتَ and شَتَاتًا: see شَتٌّ, in five places.
شُتَاتَ: see شَتٌّ.
شَتِيتٌ: see شَتٌّ, in four places. ثَغْرٌ شَتِيتٌ means [Fore teeth] separate, or wide-apart, one from another. (S, A, K.) Tarafeh says, مِنْ شَتِيتٍ كَأَقَاحِ الرَّمْلِ غُرْ [meaning From separate fore teeth like white chamomiles of the sands: ثَغْرٍ being understood, and غُرْ being for غُرٍّ]. (TA.) شَتَّى: see شَتٌّ, in seven places: b2: and see also the last sentence of the following paragraph.
شَتَّانَ بَيْنُهُمَا, (K, TA, but omitted in the CK,) with damm to the ن of بين, (TA,) [Different, or distinct, are they two: or widely different or distinct are they two: or how very, or widely, different or distinct, are they two! lit., the union of them two is severed: or the interval between them two is far-extending, or wide: or how greatly is the union of them two severed! as will be shown below.] Az quotes, in his “ Nawádir,”
with بين in the nom. case, the following verse: شَتَّانَ بَيْنُهُمَا فِى كُلِّ مَنْزِلَةٍ
هٰذَا يَخَافُ وَهٰذَا يَرْتَجِى أَبَدَا [Different, or widely different, &c., are they two in every predicament: this fears, and this hopes, ever]. (TA.) The mansoob form, however, is also employed (K, TA, but omitted in the CK) by some of the Arabs in the above-mentioned phrase, so that one says, شَتَّانَ بَيْنَهُمَا, مَا being understood, as though one said, شَتَّ الَّذِى بَيْنَهُمَا [meaning, as above explained, Different, or widely different, &c., are they two: lit., separated, or disunited, or severed, is that which is between them two: or far-extending, or wide, is the interval between them two: or how greatly separated, or severed, is the union between them two!]: Hassán Ibn-Thábit says, وَشَتَّانَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِى النَّدَى
وَفِى البَأْسِ وَالخُبْرِ وَالمَنْظَرِ [And different, or widely different, &c., are ye two in munificence and in valour and internal state and external appearance]. (TA.) In like manner also, [but with ما,] one says, شَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا, (A, Msb, K,) accord. to Th. (TA.) This [as also, consequently, the same phrase without ما] is disallowed by As and IKt: IB, however, says that this phrase occurs in the verses of chaste Arabs: for instance, Abu-l-Aswad EdDuälee says, وَشَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَكَ إِنَّنِى
عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ أَسْتَقِيمُ وَتَظْلَعُ [And different, or widely different, &c., are I and thou: for I, in every case, go erect, and thou haltest]: and similar is the saying of El-Ba'eeth, وَشَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَ ابْنِ خَالِدٍ
أُمَيَّةَ فِى الرِّزْقِ الَّذِى يَتَقَسَّمُ [And different, or widely different, &c., are I and Ibn-Khálid Umeiyeh, with respect to the supplies for the wants of life that are divided among mankind]. (TA.) One says also, شَتَّانَ مَا هُمَا; (S, A, K;) and شَتَّانَ مَا عَمْرٌو وَأَخُوهُ; (S, K;) Different, or distinct, or widely different, &c., are they two; and 'Amr and his brother: [lit., separate, or distinct, are they two; &c.: or remote are they two, one from the other; &c.:] or how greatly, or widely, are they two separated; &c.! (S, A, K:) here ما is redundant; and in the former phrase, هما is the agent of شتّان; as is the former of the two nouns, to which the latter noun is conjoined, in the latter phrase. (TA.) ElAashà says, شَتَّانَ مَا يَوْمِى عَلَى كُورِهَا وَيَوْمُ حَيَّانَ أَخِىجَابِرِ [Different, or widely different, &c., are (or were) my day upon her (the camel's) saddle, and the day of Heiyán the brother of Jábir: in which, for يَوْمِى and يَوْمُ, some read نَوْمِى and نَوْمُ]. (S, TA.) And in like manner, [but without ما,] one says, شَتَّانَ أَخُوهُ وَأَبُوهُ [Different, or widely different, &c., are his brother and his father]. (TA.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited voce دَائِمٌ, in art. دوم.]
b2: شَتَّانَ, is a preterite verbal noun, signifying اِفْتَرَقَ, [and so expl. above,] accord. to many authorities, [including most of the grammarians,] and therefore they have made it a condition that its agent must be what denotes more than one: [for اشترطوا فى فعله التردّد, I read اشترطوا فى فاعلهُ التعدّد, which agrees with what is afterwards said in the TA and here; though the former phrase may be so rendered as to convey essentially the same meaning: but this condition is not necessary if we render شتّان by بَعُدَ:] (TA:) or it signifies تَبَاعَدَ and اِفْتَرَقَ; (Ibn-Umm-Kásim;) or بَعُدَ; [and so expl. above;] (S, A, Msb, K;) and is inflected from شَتُتَ; (S, K;) [which is a verb not used; in the CK, incorrectly, شَتَتَ;] the fet-hah of the ن being the fet-hah originally pertaining to the [final] ت [of the verb]; and this fet-hah shows the word to be inflected from the preterite verb, like as سَرْعَانَ is from سَرُعَ, and وَشْكَانَ from وَشُكَ: (S:) or, accord. to Er-Radee, it implies wonder, [like several verbs of the measure فَعُلَ, as shown in remarks on هَيُؤَ &c.,] and means how greatly separated, disunited, or severed, &c.! (TA:) or, accord. to El-Marzookee and Hr and Zj and some others, it is an inf. n.: El-Marzookee says, in his Expos. of the Fs, that it is an inf. n. of a verb not used, [namely شَتُتَ,] and is indecl., with fet-hah for its termination, because it is put in the place of a pret. verb, being equivalent to شَتَّ, [for شَتُتَ,] i. e., تَشَتَّتَ أَوْ تَفَرَّقَ جِدًّا [as expl. above]: and Zj says that it is an inf. n. occupying the place of a verb, of the measure فَعْلَان, and therefore indecl., because differing thus from others of its class: Aboo-'Othmán El-Mázinee says that شَتَّان and سُبْحَان may receive tenween, whether they be substs, or occupying the place of substs.: upon which AAF observes that if شتّان be in its proper place, it is a verbal noun, meaning شَتَّ: if with tenween, it is indeterminate; if without tenween, determinate; and if translated from its office of a verbal noun, and made a subst. answering to التَّشْتِيتُ, and determinate, it is similar to سبحان in the phrase سُبْحَانَ مِنْ عَلْقَمَةَ الفَاخِرِ, which is a subst. answering to التَّنْزِيهُ. (TA.) The ن in شَتَّان (sometimes, TA) receives kesreh; (K;) though this is contr. to what is said by Az and by IDrst: its being sometimes with kesreh is mentioned by Th, on the authority of Fr: and Er-Radee seems to infer that its being so was an opinion of As; and gives two reasons for his disallowal of the expression شتّان ما بين; first, because شتّان occurs with kesr to the ن; and second, because its agent cannot be otherwise than what denotes more than one: [but see what has been observed above on this point:] IAmb says that one must not say شَتَّانِ مَا بَيْنَ أَخِيكَ وَأَبِيكَ, because, in this case, شتّان [virtually] governs only one noun in the nom. case: but that one may say, شَتَّانِ أَخُوكَ وَأَبُوكَ, and شَتَّانِ مَا أَخُوكَ وَأَبُوكَ, using شَتَّانِ as the dual of شَتٌّ; though correctly شتّان is a verbal noun: MF, however, observes that the Expositors of the Fs seem to say that Fr makes شَتَّانِ to be the dual of شَتٌّ; but that he only mentions it as a dial. var. of شَتَّانَ: the following is adduced as an ex.
لَشَتَّانَ مَا أَنْوِى وَيَنْوِى بَنُو أَبِى
[Different, or widely different, &c., are that which I intend and that which the sons of my father intend]: in which شتّان is read with both fet-hah and kesreh: and it is said in the O that شَتَّانِ is a dial. var. of شَتَّانَ. (TA.) b3: IJ mentions ↓ شَتَّى as an accidental syn. of شتّان; and says that it is not the fem. of the latter: therefore the assertion of some, that it is used by poetical license in the following verse of Jemeel requires consideration: أُرِيدُ صِلَاحَهَا وَتُرِيدُ قَتْلِى
وَشَتَّى بَيْنَ قَتْلِى وَالصِّلَاحِ [I desire to make peace with her, but she desires to slay me: and different, or widely different, &c., are slaying me and making peace]. (TA.)