طقا صَوت أَو سمع لَهُ صَوت (طق)
طقا صَوت أَو سمع لَهُ صَوت (طق)
(طق) حِكَايَة صَوت حجر وَنَحْوه وَقع على آخر وَإِن ضوعف قيل طقطق أَو طق طق
(طق) حِكَايَة صَوت أَو صَوت الضفدع يثب من حَاشِيَة النَّهر وَنَحْوه وَيُقَال لَا يُسَاوِي طق لَا يُسَاوِي شَيْئا
(طق) حِكَايَة صَوت أَو صَوت الضفدع يثب من حَاشِيَة النَّهر وَنَحْوه وَيُقَال لَا يُسَاوِي طق لَا يُسَاوِي شَيْئا
(ط ق) و (ط ق ط ق)
طق: حِكَايَة صَوت الْحجر والحافر.
والطقطقة: فعله.
وطق: صَوت الضفدع إِذا وثب من حَاشِيَة النَّهر، يُقَال: لَا يُسَاوِي طق.
طق: حِكَايَة صَوت الْحجر والحافر.
والطقطقة: فعله.
وطق: صَوت الضفدع إِذا وثب من حَاشِيَة النَّهر، يُقَال: لَا يُسَاوِي طق.
R. Q. 1 طَقْطَقَ [He caused a thing to make a sound such as is termed طَقْطَقَةٌ]. (K voce كَرَبَ.) طَقْ a word imitative of a sound; and sometimes they said ↓ طَقْطَقَةٌ: (IDrd, O, TA:) or the former is a word imitative of The sound of stones; and ↓ the latter is its noun: (K:) one says, الحِجَارَةِ ↓ سَمِعْتُ طَقْطَقَةَ I heard [the sound of] the falling of the stones, one upon another, when they rolled down from a mountain: (IDrd, O:) or طَقْ is a word imitative of the sound of the stone and of the solid hoof; and ↓ طَقْطَقَةٌ signifies the action thereof: (M, TA:) or this latter is a word imitative of the sound of the successive falling of stones, one upon another: (IDrd, O:) or this word signifies the sound of the legs of horses upon the hard ground; (IAar, TA;) [or] sometimes it signifies also the sound of the solid hoofs upon the ground; (IDrd, O;) or the sounds of the hoofs of horses or similar beasts [with quick reiteration]; like دَقْدَقَةٌ; and sometimes they said ↓ حَبَطِقْطِقْ, of which El-Mázinee cites an ex.; (S, O;) but [J says] I have not seen this except in his book: (S:) another ex. of it, however, is cited by Lth. (TA.) طِقْ The sound of a frog leaping from the margin of a river or rivulet. (M, K.) One says, لَا يُسَاوِى طِقْ [It is not, or will not be, equal to the sound of a frog &c.]. (M.) طَقْطَقَةٌ: see طَقْ, in four places. b2: In the language of the common people, it means Lightness, or promptness, in speech. (TA.) b3: and (assumed tropical:) The death that results from the jinn's piercing or thrusting [i. e. from the طَاعُون]. (TA.) طُقْطُوقٌ and ↓ مُطَقْطِقٌ in the language of the common people, Light in person; and light, or prompt, in speech. (TA.) مُطَقْطِقٌ: see what next precedes.
حَبَطِقْطِقْ: see طَقْ.