صَخَمَ(n. ac. صَخْم)
a. Burned, scorched (sun).
1 صَخَمَتْهُ الشَّمْسُ The sun smote, or hurt, or burned, him, or his face. (K.) 8 اصطخم, (S, K,) and اصطحم, (K,) He stood erect, (S, K, TA,) and El-'Abbás adds, silent, as though he were angry. (TA.) [See also the part. n., below.]صَخْمَآءُ A [stony tract such as is termed] حَرَّة in which the plain is intermixed with the rugged. (K.) مُصْطَخِمٌ part. n. of 8. (S.) Applied to a chameleon, Standing erect, towards the sun; [app. on a branch;] as also مُصْطَخِدٌ. (L in art. صخد.)