الذُّبَاب وَنَحْوه (كفر) دنينا صَوت وَطن وَفُلَان نغم وَلم يفهم مِنْهُ كَلَام
(دن) الرجل (كمل) دننا كَانَ بِهِ انحناء فِي الظّهْر فَهُوَ أدن وَهِي دناء (ج) دن وَالْبَيْت سقفه
الذُّبَاب وَنَحْوه (كفر) دنينا صَوت وَطن وَفُلَان نغم وَلم يفهم مِنْهُ كَلَام
(دن) الرجل (كمل) دننا كَانَ بِهِ انحناء فِي الظّهْر فَهُوَ أدن وَهِي دناء (ج) دن وَالْبَيْت سقفه
باب الدال والنون د ن، ن د يستعملان
دن: الدَّنُّ ما عَظُم من الرَّواقيد كهيئةِ الحُبِّ، إلاّ أنّه طويل مُستَوى الصَّنْعةِ في أسفله كهيئة قونس البيضة. والدَّنينُ والدَّنينةُ: أصوات النَّحْل والزَّنابير ونحوها [وأنشد:
لدَنْدَنة النخل في الخَشرَم]
والدَّنْدَنةُ من هَيْنَمةِ الكلام الذي لا يُفهَم. والدِّنْدِنْ: أصولُ الشَّجَر البالي، وجمعه دَنادِن .
ند: النِّدُّ: ما كانَ مثل الشيءِ يُضادُّه في أموره. والنَّديد والنِّدُّ سَواءٌ، وجمع النِّدِّ أنْدادٌ. ونَدَّ البعيرُ نُدوداً: انفرَدَ واستَعْصَى، وأَنَدْتُ البعيرَ فنَدَّ. ويَوْمَ التَّنادِ
: يومُ التَّناص أي يُنادي بعضُهم بعضاً، أصحابُ الجنةِ أصحابَ النارِ، وقُرِىءَ: يَوْمَ التَّنادِ
بتشديد الدال أي يَندِّون فيَنْفِرون، هكذا في بعض التفسير. والتَّنديد: أن تُنَدِّدَ بإنسانٍ أي تُسمعَ الناسَ بعًيوبه وتَشتِمَه. ويَنْدَد: اسم موضع، قال:
لو كنت بالشَّرْوَيْنِ شَرْوَى يَنْدَدِ
والنَّدُّ: ضَرْبٌ من الدُّخْنِة من غير فعل.
دن: الدَّنُّ ما عَظُم من الرَّواقيد كهيئةِ الحُبِّ، إلاّ أنّه طويل مُستَوى الصَّنْعةِ في أسفله كهيئة قونس البيضة. والدَّنينُ والدَّنينةُ: أصوات النَّحْل والزَّنابير ونحوها [وأنشد:
لدَنْدَنة النخل في الخَشرَم]
والدَّنْدَنةُ من هَيْنَمةِ الكلام الذي لا يُفهَم. والدِّنْدِنْ: أصولُ الشَّجَر البالي، وجمعه دَنادِن .
ند: النِّدُّ: ما كانَ مثل الشيءِ يُضادُّه في أموره. والنَّديد والنِّدُّ سَواءٌ، وجمع النِّدِّ أنْدادٌ. ونَدَّ البعيرُ نُدوداً: انفرَدَ واستَعْصَى، وأَنَدْتُ البعيرَ فنَدَّ. ويَوْمَ التَّنادِ
: يومُ التَّناص أي يُنادي بعضُهم بعضاً، أصحابُ الجنةِ أصحابَ النارِ، وقُرِىءَ: يَوْمَ التَّنادِ
بتشديد الدال أي يَندِّون فيَنْفِرون، هكذا في بعض التفسير. والتَّنديد: أن تُنَدِّدَ بإنسانٍ أي تُسمعَ الناسَ بعًيوبه وتَشتِمَه. ويَنْدَد: اسم موضع، قال:
لو كنت بالشَّرْوَيْنِ شَرْوَى يَنْدَدِ
والنَّدُّ: ضَرْبٌ من الدُّخْنِة من غير فعل.
1 دَنَّ: see R. Q. 1, in four places.A2: [دَنِنَ is mentioned by Golius and Freytag (by the former as from the S) as though it were the verb of which دَنَنٌ (q. v.) is the inf. n.; but I find no authority for it: and if دَنَنٌ have a verb, it should, accord. to rule, be دَنَّ, aor. يَدَنُّ.]2 دَنَّّ see R. Q. 1.4 ادنّ, (T, K,) inf. n. إِدْنَانٌ, (T, TA,) He (a man, T, TA) remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, (T, K, TA,) [as though set in the ground like a دَنّ,] بَالمَكَانِ in the place; like أَبَنَّ: (T, TA:) on the authority of Aboo-Turáb, (T,) or Ibn-ElFaraj. (TA.) R. Q. 1 دَنْدَنَ It buzzed, or made a buzzing sound; syn. صَوَّتَ, and طَنَّ, (K,) and طَنْطَنَ; (Sh, T, TA;) as also ↓ دَنَّ, and ↓ دنّن; said of the fly, (K,) [and of the bee, and of the hornet, and the like; for] دَنْدَنَةٌ [inf. n. of دَنْدَنَ] (Lth, T, M, K) and دَنِينٌ [inf. n. of ↓ دَنَّ] (Lth, T, M) and ↓ دِنْدِنٌ [a simple subst.] (M) signify the buzzing (صَوْت, Lth, T, M, K) of the fly, (M, K,) or the bee, (Lth, T,) and the hornet, (Lth, T, M, K,) and the like. (M.) b2: and [hence,] He (a man) spoke in a low, gentle, or soft, tone, so that his speech was not understood; (A'Obeyd, K, TA;) [as also ↓ دَنَّ; for] دَنْدَنَةٌ [inf. n. of the former] (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K) and دَنِينٌ [inf. n. of ↓ دَنَّ] and ↓ دِنْدِنٌ (M, K) signify the speaking in a low, gentle, or soft, tone, (A'Obeyd, T, S,) or in the manner termed هَيْنَمَةٌ, (M, K,) so that the speech is not understood: (A'Obeyd, T, S, M:) or دَنْدَنَةٌ signifies [merely] the speaking in a low, or faint, tone: (M:) accord. to IAth, it is a little above what is termed هَيْنَمَةٌ. (TA.) A poet says, نُدَنْدِنُ مَثْلَ دَنْدَنَةِ الذُّبَابِ [We buzz in our speech like the buzzing of the fly]. (Sh, T.) And it is said in a trad., حَوْلَهَا نُدَنْدِنُ, (S,) or حَوْلَهُمَا, (M, JM, TA,) which is thus explained: the Prophet asked an Arab of the desert, “What dost thou say in the تَشَهُّد? ” [see this word, which means the repetition of a form of words at the close of the ordinary prayers:] and he answered, “I ask of God Paradise, and seek protection of Him from the fire [of Hell]: but as to thy دَنْدَنَة and the دَنْدَنَة of Mo'ádh, I do not approve it: ” and the Prophet said, حَوْلَهُمَا نُدَنْدِنُ; (M, JM; *) i. e. [We speak with a low, or faint, voice] about those two things, namely, the seeking Paradise and the praying for protection from the fire [of Hell]; and on account of them: (JM:) accord. to some, it is from دَنْدَنَ حَوْلَ المَآءِ He went round about the water: [hence it may mean we utter our prayer respecting them with a low, or faint, sound, as though we were buzzing round about them like flies; seeking to enter the one, and to keep outside the other:] As says that it may be from the signification of the sound [of buzzing], or from that of going round about: (TA:) or, accord. to one relation, the Prophet said, عَنْهُمَا نُدَنْدِنُ [From a consideration of them we utter our prayer with a low, or faint, voice;] i. e. our دَنْدَنَةُ arises from them; and is because of them: and hence, (JM,) دَنْدَنَ means also He (a man, JM) went to and fro in one place. (JM, TA.) دَنٌّ A wine-jar: (MA:) a [jar of the kind called] حُبّ: (S:) or [a jar] in form like a حُبّ: (Msb:) or a large رَاقُود [or earthen jar, smeared inside with pitch, long in the lower part], (M, K,) in form like the حُبّ, (M,) but taller; (M; in the K, or taller than the حُبّ;) uniform in make, [tapering to the bottom,] having at the lower end what resembles the قَوْنَس [or tapering top] of a helmet: (M:) or smaller than the حُبّ, having a pointed lower extremity, [so I render عُسْعُسٌ, (agreeably with the TK,) regarding it as a dial. var., or perhaps a mistranscription, of عُصْعُصٌ, which properly signifies the “ os coccygis,”] (M, K,) so that (M) it will not sit [upright] without one's digging a hole for it: (M, K:) IDrd says that it is a genuine Arabic word: (M:) pl. [of mult.] دِنَانٌ (T, S, M, Msb) [and دِنَنَةٌ and (of pauc.) أَدْنُنٌ and أَدُنٌّ, as appears from the following saying of IAar, quoted by Az:] one says دَنٌّ and أَدْنُنٌ and أَدُنٌّ and دِنَانٌ and دِنَنَةٌ. (T.) [See an ex. in a verse of El-Aashà
cited voce اِرْتِسَامٌ.]
دَنَنٌ A bending, or curving, in the back [so that it resembles a دَنّ: see أَدَنُّ]: (M, K:) and a nearness [to the ground] in the neck and breast, (M, K,) and a stooping, (M,) and lowness, therein, (M, K,) by original natural constitution: it is in a man, (M,) and in a horse or the like, and any quadruped: (M, K:) or shortness, and lowness, or depression, of the neck: (R, TA:) or, in a horse, shortness of the fore legs: or, accord. to As, in any quadruped, nearness of the breast to the ground; which is one of the worst of faults: (S:) or, accord. to Az, in a camel, a leaning forward, with shortness of the fore legs: and, accord. to AHeyth, in a horse or similar beast, shortness of the fore legs, and a consequent nearness of the neck to the ground. (T.) دِنَّةٌ A certain insect resembling an ant: (K:) so called because of its shortness. (TA.) دِنِّيَّةٌ The [kind of cap called] قَلَنْسُوَة, of a Kádee; likened to a دَنّ; (K;) a قلنسوة worn by Kádees, as though so called in relation to the دَنّ, because high and round: (Har p. 109:) accord. to Esh-Shereeshee, originally دَنِينَةٌ; a قلنسوة pointed at the extremity, [in my original الاطراف is erroneously put for الطَّرَف,] worn by Kádees and great men: not a genuine Arabic word, but of the dial. of El-'Irák. (TA.) دِنْدِنٌ syn. with دَنْدَنَةٌ: see R. Q. 1, in two places.
A2: Also Herbage (S, M, K) and trees, (M, K,) or dry herbage, (As, T,) become black, (As, T, S, K,) or wasted and black, (M,) by reason of oldness: (As, T, S:) or what is broken in pieces of [the species of barley-grass called]
بُهْمَى, when it has become black and old: or the stems (أُصُول) of old and wasted trees: (M:) accord. to Lth, the stems (اصول) of trees: but the right explanation is that given above on the authority of As. (T.) دَنَادِنُ The ذَلَاذِل [or lower parts, that are next the ground,] of garments. (K.) أَدَنُّ One whose back resembles the دَنّ; (IAar, T;) [i. e.] having a bending, or curving, in the back; (S, M, K;) applied to a man; (S;) hump-backed: (Fr, TA in art. عجر:) and having the neck and breast near [to the ground], (M, K,) and stooping, (M,) and low, (M, K,) by original natural constitution: applied to a man, (M,) and to a horse or the like, and any quadruped: (M, K:) or, applied to a horse, short in the fore legs: (S:) or, applied to a camel, leaning forward, with shortness of the fore legs: (Az, T:) or, applied to a horse or the like, short in the fore legs, and consequently having his neck near to the ground: (AHeyth, T:) As said that no أَدَنّ ever outstripped except that of the Benoo-Yarbooa: (M:) fem. دَنَّآءُ. (M, K.) [See also دَنَنٌ.] b2: Also, applied to a house, or chamber, or tent, (بَيْت, [for which Golius appears to have read نَبْت,]) Low, or depressed, [app. in its roof.] (S, K.)