(صرى) النَّاقة صراها
الرجل صريا مَنعه مَا يُرِيد والناقة حبس لَبنهَا فِي الضَّرع وَيُقَال صرى المَاء وَاللَّبن والدمع حَبسه فِي مستقره والناقة عُنُقهَا رفعته من ثقل الوقر
الرجل صريا مَنعه مَا يُرِيد والناقة حبس لَبنهَا فِي الضَّرع وَيُقَال صرى المَاء وَاللَّبن والدمع حَبسه فِي مستقره والناقة عُنُقهَا رفعته من ثقل الوقر
صرى وَقَالَ أَبُو عبيد: فِي حَدِيث النَّبِي عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام: إِن آخر من يدْخل الْجنَّة لرجل يمشي على الصِّرَاط فينكّب مرّة وَيَمْشي مرّة وتسفعه النَّار مرّة فَإِذا جَاوز الصِّرَاط ترفع لَهُ شَجَرَة فَيَقُول: يَا رب أدْنِني من هَذِه [الشَّجَرَة -] أستظل ّبها ثمَّ ترفع لَهُ أُخْرَى فَيَقُول مثل ذَلِك ثمَّ يسْأَله الْجنَّة فَيَقُول اللَّه جلّ ثَنَاؤُهُ: مَا يَصريك مني أَي عَبدِي أيرضيك أَن أُعْطِيك الدُّنْيَا وَمثلهَا مَعهَا قَوْله: يصريك يقطع مسألتك مني وكل شَيْء قطعته ومنعته فقد صريته [و -] قَالَ الشَّاعِر [هُوَ ذُو الرمة -] : [الطَّوِيل]
[فودَّعْنَ مشتاقا أصبن فُؤَاده -]
هواهُنّ إِن لم يَصرِهِ اللَّه قاتلهْ
يَقُول: إِن لم يقطع اللَّه هَوَاهُ لَهُنَّ ويمنعه اللَّه من ذَلِك قَتله.
[فودَّعْنَ مشتاقا أصبن فُؤَاده -]
هواهُنّ إِن لم يَصرِهِ اللَّه قاتلهْ
يَقُول: إِن لم يقطع اللَّه هَوَاهُ لَهُنَّ ويمنعه اللَّه من ذَلِك قَتله.
[صرى] الفراء: يقال هو الصَرى والصَري، للماء يطول استنقاعه. وقال أبو عمرو: إذا طال مكثه وتغير. وقد صرى الماء بالكسر، وهذه نطفة صَراةٌ. وصَرى الماءَ في ظهره، زمانا، أي احتبسه. قال الراجز رب غلام قد صرى في فقرته ماء الشباب عنفوان سنبته وصرى بَوْلَهُ صَرْياً، إذا قطعه. وصَرى الله عنه شرَّه، أي دفَع. وصَرَيْتُهُ، أي منعته. قال ذو الرمة: وَوَدَّعْنَ مشتاقاً أَصَبْنَ فُؤادَهُ * هَواهُنَّ إنْ لم يَصْرِهِ اللهُ قاتِلُهْ وصَرَيْتُ الماء، إذا استقيته ثم قطعته. وقال: صَرَتْ نظرةً لو صادفت جوز دارع * غداو العواصى من دم الجوف تنعر وصَرَّيْتُ الشاة تَصْرِيَةً، إذا لم تحلبْها أياماً حتَّى يجتمع اللبن في ضَرْعها، والشاةُ مُصَرَّاةٌ. وصَرَيْتُ ما بينهم صَرْياً، أي فصلت. يقال: اختصمْنا إلى الحاكم فصَرى ما بيننا، أي قطع ما بيننا وفَصَل. وصَرِيَ فلانٌ في يدِ فلان، إذا بقي في يده رهنا محبوسا. والصراة: نهر بالعراق، وهى العظمى والصغرى. (*) والصراء ممدود: الحنظل إذا اصفر، الواحدة صراية. ويروى قول امرئ القيس:
مَداكَ عَروسٍ أو صَرَايَةَ حَنْظَلٍ * والصاري: الملاح، والجمع صراء، مثل قار وقراء، وكافر وكفار. وأما الصرارى فقد ذكرناه في باب الراء.
مَداكَ عَروسٍ أو صَرَايَةَ حَنْظَلٍ * والصاري: الملاح، والجمع صراء، مثل قار وقراء، وكافر وكفار. وأما الصرارى فقد ذكرناه في باب الراء.
صرى حفل وَقَالَ أَبُو عبيد: فِي حَدِيث النَّبِي عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام: لَا تَصُروا الْإِبِل وَالْغنم فَمن اشْترى مُصَرّاة فَهُوَ بِأحد النظرين إِن شَاءَ ردّها وردّ مَعهَا صَاعا من تمر. قَوْله: مصراة يَعْنِي النَّاقة أَو الْبَقَرَة أَو الشَّاة الَّتِي قد صَرَى بهَا اللَّبن فِي ضرْعهَا يَعْنِي حُقن فِيهِ وَجمع أَيَّامًا فَلم تحلب أَيَّامًا وأصل التصرية حبس المَاء وَجمعه يُقَال مِنْهُ: صَرّيت المَاء وصريته قَالَ الْأَغْلَب:
رَأَتْ غُلَاما قد صرى فِي فِقْرته ... مَاء الشبابِ عنفوانُ شِرّته
وَيُقَال: هَذَا مَاء صرى مَقْصُور قَالَ عبيد [بن الأبرص -] : [الْبَسِيط] يَا رُب ماءٍ صرى وردته ... سَبيله خَائِف جديبُ
وَيُقَال مِنْهُ: سميت الْمُصراة كَأَنَّهَا مياه اجْتمعت وَكَأن بعض النَّاس يتأوّل من الْمُصراة أَنه من صِرار الْإِبِل وَلَيْسَ هَذَا من ذَلِك فِي شَيْء لَو كَانَ من ذَاك لقَالَ: مَصْرُورة وَمَا جَازَ أَن يُقَال ذَلِك فِي الْبَقر وَالْغنم لِأَن الصرار لَا يكون إِلَّا لِلْإِبِلِ. وَفِي حَدِيث آخر أَنه نهى عَن بيع المحفّلة وَقَالَ: إِنَّهَا خلابة. فالمحفّلة هِيَ الْمُصراة بِعَينهَا. وعَن ابْن مَسْعُود قَالَ: من اشْترى محفّلة فردّها فليردّ مَعهَا صَاعا.
رَأَتْ غُلَاما قد صرى فِي فِقْرته ... مَاء الشبابِ عنفوانُ شِرّته
وَيُقَال: هَذَا مَاء صرى مَقْصُور قَالَ عبيد [بن الأبرص -] : [الْبَسِيط] يَا رُب ماءٍ صرى وردته ... سَبيله خَائِف جديبُ
وَيُقَال مِنْهُ: سميت الْمُصراة كَأَنَّهَا مياه اجْتمعت وَكَأن بعض النَّاس يتأوّل من الْمُصراة أَنه من صِرار الْإِبِل وَلَيْسَ هَذَا من ذَلِك فِي شَيْء لَو كَانَ من ذَاك لقَالَ: مَصْرُورة وَمَا جَازَ أَن يُقَال ذَلِك فِي الْبَقر وَالْغنم لِأَن الصرار لَا يكون إِلَّا لِلْإِبِلِ. وَفِي حَدِيث آخر أَنه نهى عَن بيع المحفّلة وَقَالَ: إِنَّهَا خلابة. فالمحفّلة هِيَ الْمُصراة بِعَينهَا. وعَن ابْن مَسْعُود قَالَ: من اشْترى محفّلة فردّها فليردّ مَعهَا صَاعا.
ى1 صَرِىَ, (S, M, Msb,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. صَرًى, (M, Msb,) said of water, It remained, or stagnated, long: or it remained long, and became altered [for the worse]: (S, Msb:) or, said of water and of milk, it remained so that its flavour became altered [for the worse]: (M:) or, said of milk, it remained undrawn from the udder, so that its flavour became bad, or corrupt. (TA.) And صَرِىَ الدَّمْعُ The tears collected [in the eye] and did not run. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] صَرِيَتِ النَّاقَةُ, (Fr, M, Msb, TA,) aor. as above, (Msb,) and so the inf. n.; (M, Msb, TA;) but Ibn-Buzurj says صَرَت, aor. ـِ (TA;) The she-camel's milk became collected in her udder; (M, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ أَصْرَت. (M, TA.) b3: And صَرِىَ فِى يَدِهِ, (S, M, IKtt, TA,) with kesr; (S, TA;) or صَرَى فِىيَدِهِ;) (thus accord. to the K;) He (a man) remained in his hand, as a pledge, (S, M, K, TA,) held in custody. (S, K, TA.) b4: And صِرىِ [thus written without any syll. sign, app. صرِى,] i. q. اِنْقَطَعَ [It, or he, became cut off, cut short, or stopped; &c.: quasi-pass. of صَرَاهُ in one of the senses of the latter]: from IAar. (TA.) A2: صَرَاهُ, (IKtt, Msb, TA,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. صَرْىٌ, (IKtt, Msb, TA,) He confined it, namely, water, in a resting-place or a vessel; and in like manner, milk, and tears: (IKtt, TA:) or he collected it, namely, water, and it remained long and became altered [for the worse], or remained or stagnated long; and in like manner, but in an intensive sense, ↓ صرّاهُ. (Msb.) One says also of cows [and the like], تَصْرِى اللَّبَنَ فِى ضُرُوعِهِنَّ They confine and collect the milk in their udders. (TA.) And [of a man] one says, صَرَى المَآءَ فِى ظَهْرِهِ زَمَانًا He retained the ماء [i. e. sperma] in his back a long time, (S, M, K, *) by abstaining from sexual intercourse. (M, K.) b2: [Hence,] صَرَيْتُهَا, (M, Msb,) aor. ـِ inf. n. صَرْىٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ صَرَّيْتُهَا, (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. تَصْرِيَةٌ, (S, Msb,) but the latter verb has an intensive meaning; (Msb;) and ↓ أَصْرَيْتُهَا; (M;) namely, a ewe or she-goat, (S,) or a she-camel, (M, Msb,) and any other milch animal, (M,) I caused the milk to collect in her udder, (S, M, Msb,) by abstaining from milking her for some days. (S, M.) A3: Also, i. e. صَرَاهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. صَرْىٌ, (M,) i. q. قَطَعَهُ [He cut it off, cut it short, or stopped it; &c.]; (M, K;) namely, a thing. (M.) You say, صَرَى بَوْلَهُ, inf. n. as above, meaning قَطَعَهُ [He, or it, cut short, or stopped, his urine]. (S.) And صَرَيْتُ المَآءَ [app. I cut short, or stopped, the drawing of the water; for it is expl. as said] إِذَا اسْتَقَيْتَ ثُمَّ قَطَعْتَ. (S.) and مَا يَصْرِيكَ مِنِّى أَىْ عَبْدِى, occurring in a trad., means What cuts short (يَقْطَعُ) thine asking of Me [O my servant]? (TA.) b2: And i. q. دَفَعَهُ [He repelled it]. (M, K.) One says, صَرَى اللّٰهُ عَنْهُ شَرَّهُ i. e. دَفَعَ [God repelled, or may God repel, from him his, or its, evil, or mischief]. (S.) b3: And i. q. مَنَعَهُ [He prevented it, &c.]. (S, M, K.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, وَوَدَّعْنَ مُشْتَاقًا أَصَبْنَ فُؤَادَهُ هَوَاهُنَّ إِنْ لَمْ يَصْرِهِ اللّٰهُ قَاتِلُهْ [And they bade farewell to one affected with desire, whose heart they had smitten; the love of them, if God had not prevented it, had been his slayer]. (S. [But this verse may be well rendered as an ex. of صَرَاهُ in the sense next following, which is also a meaning of مَنَعَهُ: in the M, it is cited as an ex. of صَرَاهُ in the sense of دَفَعَهُ.]) b4: Said of God, (M,) He protected, defended, guarded, or preserved, him: (M, K:) or (M) He saved him (M, K) from destruction, or perdition: (K:) or (M) He sufficed him: (M, K:) or He aided him. (TA.) b5: صَرَى بَيْنَهُمْ, (K,) or صَرَى
مَا بَيْنَهُمْ, (S, M,) He decided [between them, or the case between them]; (S, K;) namely, persons who had applied to him as a judge: (S:) or he rectified, or adjusted, the case between them. (M.) A4: صَرَى also signifies عَطَفَ [He bent, or inclined]: (K, TA:) [app. intrans., or trans. by means of بِ, for] a poet uses the phrase صَرَيْنَ بِالأَعْنَاقِ [They bent, or inclined, with the necks]. (TA.) [But it is said in the TK that صَرَاهُ meansعَطَفَهُ He bent, or inclined, it.] Accord. to Ibn-Buzurj, صَرَتِ النَّاقَةُ عُنُقَهَا means The she-camel raised her neck by reason of the heaviness of the burden. (TA.) A5: Also He preceded, or went before; syn. تَقَدَّمَ. (IAar, K.) [Accord. to the TK, one says صَرَى القَوْمَ, meaning تَقَدَّمَهُمْ He preceded, or went before, the people, or party.]
b2: And [the contr., i. e.] He receded, or retreated; or became, or remained, or lagged, behind; syn. تَأَخَّرَ. (IAar, K.) [Accord. to the TK, one says صَرَى عَنْهُمْ, meaning He receded, or retreated, from them; &c.]. b3: Also He, or it, was, or became, high; syn. عَلَا. (IAar, K.) b4: And the contr., i. e. He, or it, was, or became, low; syn. سَفُلَ. (IAar, K.) 2 صَرَّىَ see 1, former half, in two places.4 أَصْرَىَ see 1, former half, in two places. b2: اصرى also signifies He sold a ewe or she-goat, (K, TA,) or a she-camel, (TA,) whose milk had been caused to collect in her udder in consequence of her not having been milked for some days; such as is termed مُصَرَّاةٌ. (K, TA.) 8 اِصْدَرَاهُ i. q. اِزْدَرَاهُ [the د in each being substituted for ت]: see the latter, in art. زرى.
صَرًى, (S, M, Msb, K,) an inf. n. used as an epithet, (Msb,) and ↓ صِرًى, (S, M, K,) [and Freytag adds ↓ صُرًى, as from the K, in which I do not find it,] Water remaining, or stagnating, long, accord. to Fr; (S;) or that has remained, or stagnated, long: (Msb:) or water remaining long, (K,) or that has remained long, and become altered [for the worse], (S, M, Msb,) accord. to AA. (S.) And the first, (M, K,) an inf. n. used as an epithet, (TA,) Milk that has remained (M, K) long (K) so that its flavour has become altered [for the worse]; (M, K;) as also ↓ صَرٍ, which is in like manner applied to water: (M:) or milk left [long] in the udder of the camel, not drawn, so that it becomes salt and windy: (IAar, TA:) or milk drawn in the night from a camel abounding therewith, having a bad and burning flavour. (Az, TA.) And, (M, K,) some say, (M,) [used as a subst.,] A portion remaining (M, K) of milk (M) in the udder, (Ham p. 661,) and of water. (TA.) And Tears (دَمْعٌ) that have become collected: and the sing. [or epithet applied to a single tear (دَمْعَةٌ)] is صَرَاةٌ. (M.) And نُطْفَةٌ صَرَاةٌ [Sperma of a man] altered [ for the worse]: and long retained by him in his back. (M. [This is also mentioned in the S, app. in the latter of these senses; the meaning being there only indicated by the context.]) b2: For the fem., صَرَاةٌ, see also مُصَرَّاةٌ.
صُرًى: see صَرًى, first sentence: b2: and see also مُصَرَّاةٌ.
صرًى: see صَرًى, first sentence. b2: In relation to a she-camel it is Her being pregnant twelve months, and bringing forth, and then yielding her biestings, or having her biestings milked: mentioned by Az. (TA. [But what is meant by this is, to me, doubtful; for sometimes an inf. n., and sometimes and epithet, and sometimes a subst., is expl. in this manner.]) صَرٍِ [part. n. of صَرِىَ]: see صَرًى. b2: Also A she-camel whose milk has collected in her udder. (Msb.) [See also مُصَرَّاةٌ.]
صَرْيَةٌ Milk collected [in the udder]: a poet says, وَكُلُّ ذِى صَرْيَةٍ لَا بُدَّ مَحْلُوبُ [And whatever udder has milk must be milked]. (TA.) صَرْيَآءُ: see مُصَرَّاةٌ.
صَرْيَانُ, applied to a man and to a beast, Whose مَآء [i. e. sperma] has collected in his back. (TA.) A2: Also The [bird called] يَمَامَة [n. un. of يَمَامٌ, q. v.]: and the [bird called] سَمَامَة [n. un. of سَمَامٌ, q. v.]. (TA.) صَرَآءٌ Colocynths (S, M, K, in the CK [erroneously] صِراءٌ [expressly said in the TA to be with fet-h and medd,]) when they become yellow; (S, M;) as also صَرَايَاتٌ: (so in one of my copies of the S [in which it is shown to be correct by an ex. in a verse of Suleyk there cited: in the M and TA صَرَايَا, which I think a mistranscription]: in the other of my copies of the S omitted:) one thereof is termed ↓ صَرَايَةٌ. (S, M, K. *) [In the M and K, صَرَآءٌ is termed pl. of صَرَايَةٌ; but it is properly speaking a coll. gen. n., originally صَرَاىٌ.]
b2: ↓ صَرَايَةٌ also signifies The water in which colocynths have been steeped. (M, K.) صَرِىٌّ One who acts with boldness towards the wife of his father: (K, TA:) such was Ibn-Mukbil. (TA.) صَرَايَةٌ: see صَرَآءٌ, in two places.
صُرَّى: see مُصَرَّاةٌ, below.
صَارٍ [act. part. n. of صَرَى: as such signifying] Guarding or preserving [&c.], or a guarder or preserver [&c.]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] A sailor: (S, M, K:) because he guards, or preserves, the ship: (TA:) pl. صُرَّآءٌ (S, M, K) and (M, K) pl. pl. (M) صَرَارِىُّ and صَرَارِيُّونَ. (M, K. [But see صَرَارِىٌّ in art. صر.]) b3: Also [said to signify] The transverse piece of wood in the middle of the ship: (M, K:) [but] IAth says that it is the دَقَل [i. e. mast] of the ship, which is set up in the middle thereof, and upon which is the شِرَاع [or sail: it is now commonly called ↓ صَارِيَةٌ and سَارِيَةٌ: both of which are also sometimes applied to a column]: pl. صَوَارٍ. (TA.) صَارِيَةٌ A well (رَكِيَّةٌ) of which the water is old, altered for the worse, and overspread with [the green substance termed] عَرْمَض: (K, * TA:) mentioned by Az. (TA.) A2: See also صَارٍ, last sentence.
مُصَرَّاةٌ A ewe, or she-goat, whose milk has been caused to collect in her udder by her not having been milked for some days; (S, K;) as also ↓ صُرَّى, like رُبَّى; (so in copies of the K; [but this, if correct, should be mentioned in art. صر, in which the former is also mentioned; accord. to the TA, however, it seems to be ↓ صُرًى, without teshdeed, for it is there said to be like رُبى;]) both likewise applied to a she-camel, and to a cow; (TA;) and ↓ صَرَاةٌ signifies the same, (K,) applied to a she-camel and to a ewe or she-goat; (TA;) and so, applied to a she-camel, ↓ صَرْيَآءُ, of which the pl. is صَرَايَا, (M, K,) an irreg. pl. (M.) [See also صَرٍ.] b2: Aboo-'Alee, in the Bári', makes it syn. with مَصْرُورَةٌ; and so says the Imám EshSháfi'ee; as though originally مُصَرَّرَةٌ: but Suh, in the R, disallows this. (TA.)