الْفرس رححا اتَّسع حَافره وَهُوَ مَحْمُود فِيهِ والوعل انبسط ظلفه وَالرجل لم يكن أَخْمص الْقَدَمَيْنِ فَهُوَ أرح وَهِي رحاء (ج) رح
الْفرس رححا اتَّسع حَافره وَهُوَ مَحْمُود فِيهِ والوعل انبسط ظلفه وَالرجل لم يكن أَخْمص الْقَدَمَيْنِ فَهُوَ أرح وَهِي رحاء (ج) رح
1 رَحَّ [sec. Pers\. رَحِحْتَ,] aor. ـَ [inf. n., app., رَحَحٌ,] It (a solid hoof, &c.,) had the quality termed رَحَحٌ meaning as expl. below. (TA.) R. Q. 1 رَحْرَحَ He (a man, TA) did not exceed the usual bounds so as to reach the bottom, or utmost depth, of the object of his desire; (K, TA;) as, for instance, of a vessel: (TA:) [IbrD thinks that it signifies he sought, by his speech, the expression of a meaning which he failed to attain.] b2: رحرح بِالكَلَامِ He spoke, or expressed himself, obliquely, ambiguously, or equivocally; not plainly. (K, TA.) b3: رحرح عِنْ فُلَانٍ i. q. سَتَرَدُونَهُ [He protected such a one by intervening, or by interposing something]. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَرَحْرَحَتْ She (a mare) straddled, in order to stale. (S, A, K.) رَحَّةٌ [or حَيَّةٌ رَحَّةٌ] A serpent being, or becoming, like a طَوْق, or neck-ring, (مُتَطَوِّقَةٌ, K, [see 5 in art. طوق,]) when folding itself: (TA:) originally رَحْيَةٌ; (K;) the ى being changed into ح. (TA.) رَحَحٌ Width in a solid hoof: such is approved; (S, K;) being the contr. of that which is termed مُصْطَرٌّ: but when it spreads out much, it is a fault: (S:) or a spreading therein: (A:) or a spreading thereof; and width of a human foot: (Lth, TA:) or a spreading of a solid hoof, with thinness: or width of a human foot, with thinness: and in a solid hoof, which is a fault: or excessive width in a solid hoof. (TA.) رَحْرَحٌ and ↓ رَحْرَاحٌ and ↓ رَحْرَحَانٌ A thing wide and spreading, (K, TA,) not deep, like a طسْت and any similar vessel; as also رَهْرَهٌ and رَهْرَهَانٌ: (TA:) [or ↓ the third of these epithets signifies very wide &c.; as will be seen from what follows: and] ↓ the second signifies a thing wide and thin. (S.) You say إِنَآءٌ رَحْرَحٌ A wide and low vessel; as also رَهْرَهٌ. (TA.) And قَدَحٌ رَحْرَحٌ and ↓ رَحْرَاحٌ A wide bowl. (A.) And قَصْعَةٌ رَحْرَحٌ and ↓ رَحْرَحَانِيَّةٌ A bowl spreading widely [and very widely]. (AA, TA.) And it is said in a trad., بُحْبُوحُةُ الجَنَّةِ↓ رَحْرَحَانِيَّةٌ The middle of Paradise is [very] wide, or ample: the ا and ن are added to give intensiveness to the signification. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] عَيْشٌ رَحْرَحٌ (A) and ↓ رَحْرَاحٌ (S, A) (tropical:) An ample and easy state of life. (S, TA.) رَحْرَحَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, throughout.
رَحْرَحَانِيَّةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, throughout.
رَحْرَاحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, throughout.
أَرَحُّ Spreading, (Lth, TA,) or widely expanded; (TA;) applied to a solid hoof, (Lth, TA,) and to a foot such as is termed خُفّ: (TA:) and wide; applied to anything: thus قَدَمٌ رَحَّآءُ a wide human foot: (Lth, TA:) and a human foot having the middle of the sole even with the fore part; (L, TA;) flat-soled; i. e. having, in the sole, no hollow part that does not touch the ground: (S:) and كِرْكِرّةٌ رَحَّآءُ a wide callous protuberance upon the breast of a camel: (TA:) and جَفْنَةٌ رَحَّآءُ a wide [bowl such as is termed] جِفنة; like رَوْحَآءُ; wide and not deep: (TA:) and جِفَانٌ رُحُحٌ wide جفان [pl. of جَفْنَةٌ]. (IAar, K.) Having a spreading hoof; (S, A, K;) applied to a horse, (A,) and to a mountain-goat: (S, A, K:) also, applied to a man, having a wide foot; (A;) or having, in the sole of his foot, no hollow part that does not touch the ground, (S, K,) as is the case in the feet of the Zinj; (S;) having the sole of the foot flat, so that all of it touches the ground: fem. رَحَّآءُ: you say اِمْرَأَةٌ رَحَّآءُ القَدَمَيْنِ: a high hollow to the sole of the foot is approved in a man and in a woman. (T, TA.) Also, applied to a camel, Having one foot cleaving to another. (TA.)