1 هَرِجَ
aor. ??
inf. n. هَرْجٌ He did, acted, or occupied himself much (??) a thing (
ex. (??) (
L.) This is the original signification. (
b2: هَرج فِى
الحِدِيثِ, (aor, ??
inf. n. هَرْجٌ.
Msb.) He launched into, and expatiated in. or was diffuse in discourse tail or (??): (
K:) this is the signification in most frequent use: (
TA:) or he made a confusion, or confounded, therein. (
b3: هَرَج.
aor. ـِ and هَرُجَ,
inf. n. هَرْجٌ, Multum inivit (
L.) or [simply] inivit an cillam suam (
b4: هَرَجَ,
aor. ـِ (
inf. n. هَرْجٌ,
TA,) He (a horse) ran much (
L:) or ran quickly or swiftly: (
Msb:) or [simply] ran (
b5: هَرَجَ النَّاسُ
aor. ـِ (
inf. n. هَرْجٌ, (
S.) The people fell (??) a state of trial, or civil war or conflict and faction or discord, or discussion, (فِتْنَة,) and confusion, or disorder, (
K,) and slaughter. (
b6: هَرِجَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. هَرَجٌ,
S,) He (a camel) became perplexed in his sight, by reason of the vehemence of heat, and his being much smeared with pitch, (
K,) and being heavily laden. (
TA.) 2 هرّج البَعِيرَ,
inf. n. تَهْرِيجٌ, and ↓ اهرجهُ,
inf. n. إِهْرَاجٌ; He incited, or urged, the camel to journey on (during the hottest time of the day,
S) until he [the camel] became perplexed so his sight by reason of the vehemence of the beat. (
b2: هرّج بِالسَّبْعِ,
inf. n. تَهْرِيجٌ, He cried and to the lion or other beast of prey, and child him. (
A2: هرّج.
inf. n. تَهْرِيجٌ. It (beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ) affected, or took effect upon, a person. (
K.) 4 أَهْرَجَ see 2.
b2: أَهْرَجَ The heal reached has (a camel's) inside (
L.) 6 تهارجوا Iniverunt, ulii alias. (
TA.) 7 انهرچ He was, or became, affected by beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ. (
CK) هَرْجٌ Trial, or civil war, or conflict and faction, or discord, or dissension. (فِتَنْةٌ,) and confusion. or disorder: (
S:) vehement and much slaughter (
TA:) in a
trad. respecting the signs of the last day, conflict, and confusion, or disorder: (
TA:) or slaughter; as explained by Mohammad himself: (
S:) and so, accord to Aboo-Moosa. It signifies in the language of Abyssinia (
TA.) Ibn-Keys
Fr-Rukeiyát said in the days of the faction of Ibn-Ez-Zubayi.
لَيْت شِعْرِى أَأَوَّلُ الهَرْجِ هٰذَا
أَمٌ زَمَانٌ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ غَيْرِ هَرْجِ Would that I knew whether this be the first of the slaughter predicted as a (??) whether it be a (??) of trial, or civil war &c., other than the slaughter so predicted (
S) هَرَّاجٌ: see مهْرَجٌ.
هَرَّاجَةٌ An assembly, or a company, of men who launch into, and expatiate in, or are diffuse in, discourse, talk, or naration. (
K.) مُهْرِجٌ A man whose camels are affected with the scab, and have therefore been smeared with pitch, and to whose insides the the heat has penetrated (
TA.) مِهْرَجٌ and ↓ هَرَّاجٌ A horse that runs much: (
K:) and ↓ مِهْرَاجٌ a horse that runs vehemently (
TA.) مِهْراجٌ: see مِهْرجٌ.