1 سَدِمَ, (
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. سَدَمٌ, (
K,) He repented and grieved: (
S:) or he was, or became, affected with anxiety: or with anxiety together with repentance: or with wrath, or rage, together with grief. (
K.) [Hence,] one says, مَا لَهُ هَمٌّ وَلَا سَدَمٌ إِلَّا ذَاكَ [He has no object of anxiety nor of repentance and grief except that: or this saying may be from what next follows]. (
b2: سَدِمَ بِالشَّىْءِ,
aor. and
inf. n. as above, He desired the thing vehemently, eagerly, greedily, very greedily, or excessively; hankered after it, or coveted it; and he was, or became, devoted, addicted, or attached, to it: (
TK:) [but these meanings of the verb are perhaps only inferred from the saying that] السَّدَمُ is
syn. with الحِرْصُ: and اللَّهَجُ بِالشَّىْءِ, (
K, [in the
CK اللَّهْجُ,]) and الوُلُوعُ. (
TA.) Hence the
trad., مَنْ كَانَتِ الدُّنْيَا هَمَّهُ وَسَدَمَهُ جَعَلَ اللّٰهُ فَقْرَهُ بَيْنَ عَيْنَيْهِ [To whomsoever the present state of existence is the object of his anxiety and of his eager desire &c., God places his poverty before his eyes]. (
A2: And سدم, [i. e. سَدِمَ, as is indicated by the form of the part.
n. سَدِمٌ, and by سَدَمٌ as an
inf. n. used in the sense of that part.
n.,] said of water, It became altered [for the worse] by reason of long standing, and overspread with [the green substance termed] طُحْلُب, and choked with dust and other things that had fallen into it. (
A3: [And سَدِمَ said of a stallion, He was withheld from covering: so in the Deewán of Jereer,
accord. to Freytag: it is said of a stallion-camel: see سَدِمٌ.]
A4: سَدَمَ المَآءَ طُولُ العَهْدِ بِالشَّارِبَةِ [The length of time that had elapsed since the coming thereto of the drinkers] altered the water [for the worse]. (
b2: and سَدَمَ البَابَ He shut, or closed, the door;
syn. رَدَّهُ; (
TA;) in the
K, erroneously, رَدَمَهُ: and so سَطَمَهُ. (
A5: See also سَدِيمٌ.
2 تَسْدِيمٌ [
inf. n. of سدّم] The binding, or closing, the mouth of a camel [with a muzzle; i. e. the muzzling of a camel: see the
pass. part. n., below]. (
KL.) 4 أُسْدِمَ, said of water, It was prevented from flowing by dust and wind: so in the Deewán of Jereer,
accord. to Freytag.]
7 انسدم دَبَرُ البَعِيرِ The galls, or sores, on the back of the camel became healed. (
TA.) سُدْمٌ, as a
sing. epithet: see سَدِمٌ, last sentence. It is also a
pl. of سَدُومٌ. (
TA.) سَدَمٌ
inf. n. of سَدِمَ. (
K. [See 1, first four sentences.])
b2: See also سَدِمٌ, in two places.
سَدُمٌ: see the latter half of the next paragraph.
سَدِمٌ [is a part.
n. of سَدِمَ: and is also
app. used as an
imitative sequent to نَدِمٌ]. You say [سَدِمٌ and] ↓ سَادِمٌ and ↓ سَدْمَانُ (
TA) meaning Repenting and grieving: (
TA:) or affected with anxiety: or with anxiety together with repentance: or with wrath, or rage, together with grief: (
TA:) and سَدِمٌ نَدِمٌ, in which one is used as an
imitative sequent to the other; and نَادِمٌ ↓ سَادِمٌ, and نَدْمَانُ ↓ سَدْمَانُ, [
app. in like manner,] السَّدَمُ being seldom used without النَّدَمُ: (
TA:) or [نَدِمٌ سَدِمٌ, and] ↓ نَادِمٌ سَادِمٌ, and ↓ نَدْمَانُ سَدْمَانُ; in which one is said to be an
imitative sequent to the other: (
S:) or,
accord. to
IAmb, ↓سَادِمٌ in the phrase رَجُلٌ سَادِمٌ نَادِمٌ means, as some say, altered [for the worse] in intellect in consequence of grief; from مَآءٌ سُدُمٌ, i. e. “ water that has become altered [for the worse]: ” or, as others say, grieving, not able to go nor to come. (
TA.) You say also رَجُلٌ سَدِمٌ A man affected with wrath, or rage. (
b2: And عَاشِقٌ سَدِمٌ Affected with amorous, or passionate, desire, in a vehement degree. (
b3: And in like manner, (
TA,) فَحْلٌ سَدِمٌ (
K) and ↓ سَدَمٌ [which is an
inf. n. used as an
epithet] and ↓ مَسْدُومٌ and ↓ مُسَدَّمٌ (
K) A stallion [camel] excited by lust for the female: (
K:) or one that is sent among the she-camels, and that brays amidst them, and, when they have become excited by lust, is taken forth from them, because what he begets is disesteemed; (
TA;) therefore, when he is excited by lust, he is shackled, and pastures around the dwelling; and if he attacks the she-camels, he is muzzled: (
TA:) or one that is in any manner debarred from covering; (
K;) or the last two epithets have this last signification. (
b4: and نَاقَةٌ سَدِمَةٌ An old and weak she-camel. (
AO, (
A2: مَآءٌ سَدِمٌ and ↓ سَدَمٌ and ↓ سُدُمٌ (
K) and ↓ سَدُمٌ (
K) and ↓ سَدُومٌ (
TA) and ↓ سُدُومٌ and ↓ سَدِيمٌ (
i. q. مُنْدَفِنٌ [i. e. Water filled up, stopped up, or choked up, with earth or dust; or into which the dust has been swept by the wind]: (
M: [in the
K and
TA, erroneously, مُنْدَفِقٌ:])
pl. أَسْدَامٌ [a
pl. of pauc.] and سِدَامٌ [a
pl. of mult.]; or the
sing. and
pl. are alike; (
K;) [i. e.] you say مَآءٌ أَسْدَامٌ and سِدَامٌ, applying
pl. epithets to a
sing. noun; (
TA;) as well as مِيَاهٌ أَسْدَامٌ (
TA, and
Ham p. 102) and سِدَامٌ (
TA) meaning waters altered [ for the worse] (
TA, and
Ham ubi suprà) in consequence of long standing, and so سُدُمٌ: (
Ham:) this last is
pl. of ↓ سَدُومٌ, as also سُدْمٌ: (
TA:) [and each of these two is also used as a
sing.; i. e.] you say also ↓ رَكِيَّةٌ سُدْمٌ and ↓ سُدُمٌ meaning a well filled up, stopped up, or choked up, with earth or dust; or into which the dust has been swept by the wind: (
TA: [in the
CK, مُنْدَفِقَةٌ is erroneously put for مُنْدَفِنَةٌ:]) or into which varieties of small rubbish, and dust, or small pebbles, whirled round by the wind, have fallen, so that it is nearly choked up: (
TA:) and ↓ مَآءٌ سُدُمٌ is
expl. as meaning water that has become altered [for the worse]: (
TA:) ↓ مُسَدَّمٌ, also, applied to water, signifies the same as سَدِمٌ; (
K;) and so does ↓ مَسْدُومٌ: (
TA:) [or ↓ the former of these, so applied, prevented from flowing by dust and wind. (Freytag, from the Deewán of Jereer.)]
سُدُمٌ, as a
sing. epithet: see the latter half of the next preceding paragraph, in three places. It is also a
pl. of سَدُومٌ. (
TA.) سَدْمَانُ: see سَدِمٌ, second sentence, in three places.
سَدُومٌ and سُدُومٌ: see سَدِمٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph; the former word, in two places.
سَدِيمٌ: see سَدِمٌ, in the latter half of the para-graph.
A2: Also Mist;
syn. ضَبَابٌ: or such as is thin. (
A3: And
i. q. كَثِيرُ الذِّكْرِ (
K) [
app. as meaning Remembering God, or celebrating Him, much, or frequently: for
SM adds], hence the saying, لَا يَذْكُرُونَ اللّٰهَ إِلَّا سَدْمَا [
app. They remember not, or celebrate not, God, otherwise than doing so much, or frequently: from which it seems that one says, اللّٰهَ ↓ سَدَمَ,
inf. n. سَدْمٌ, meaning He remembered, or celebrated, God, &c.]. (
A4: And
i. q. تَعَبٌ [Fatigue: but I incline to think that this explanation is a mistranscription]. (
TA.) سَادِمٌ: see سَدِمٌ, second sentence, in four places.
مُسَدَّمٌ: see سَدِمٌ, in the former half of the paragraph.
b2: Also A camel left to pasture by itself (
TA) around the dwelling. (
b3: And A [camel of generous race, such as is termed]
فَنِيق having a muzzle put upon his mouth. (
b4: And A camel having galls, or sores, upon his back, and therefore exempted from the saddle until his galls, or sores, have become healed. (
A2: See also سَدِمٌ, last sentence, in two places.
مَسْدُومٌ: see سَدِمٌ, in the former half of the paragraph:
A2: and again in the last sentence.
b2: Also A door shut, or closed. (