نثت: نَثِتَ اللحمُ: تغير، وكذلك الجُرْحُ. ولِثةٌ نَثِتةٌ:
مُسْتَرْخِية دامية، وكذلك الشَّفَةُ.
نَثِتَ, aor. ـَ [inf. n. نَثَتٌ,] It (flesh-meat) became changed, or altered, and stank: formed by transposition from ثَنِتَ: (K:) and so a wound. (TA.) لِثَةٌ نَثِتَةٌ A gum that is flabby and bleeding: and in like manner شَفَةٌ, a lip: (TA:) [as also ثَنِتَةٌ].
[ن ث ت] نُثِتَ اللَّحْمُ: تَغَيَّرَ، وكذلك الجُرْجُ. ولِثَةٌ نَثِتَةٌ: مُسْتَرخِيَةٌ دامِيَةٌ، وكذلك الشَّفَةُ.