هو دنيء من الأدنياء وهو الرقيق الخلق الحقير. وأتى بالدنية وبالدنايا، وقد دنؤ دناءة. وتقول: أهل الدناءة، هم أهل الشناءة.
الدَّنِيءُ: الخَسيسُ من الرجال الدُّونُ. ودَنَأَ الرجل يَدنَأُ: صار دَنِيئأً لا خير فيه. وانَّه لَدانِيءٌ خبيثٌ. وما كان دَنِيئاً. ولقد دَنَأَ ودَنُؤَ أيضاً دُنُوءةً ودَنَاءةً: سَفُلَ في فعله ومَجَن. والدَّنِيئةُ: الننَّقيصة.
والدَّنَأُ: الحدبُ. والأدنَأُ: الأحدب.
ويقال: نفس فلانٍ تَتَدَنَّؤُهُ: أي تحمله على الدَّناءة.
والتركيب يدلُّ على القرب كالمُعتَل.
دنَأَ يَدنَأ، دَناءَةً ودُنُوءةً، فهو دانِئ
• دنََأ الشَّخصُ:
1 - لؤمَ فِعْلُه وخَبُثَ (وقد تُخفَّف الهمزة).
2 - كان ذليلاً خسيسًا.
دنُؤَ يَدنُؤ، دَناءَةً ودُنُوءًا ودُنُوءةً، فهو دَنِيء
• دنُؤ الشَّخصُ: دنَأ، لَؤُمَ فِعْلُه وخَبُث، صار دنيئًا "رَجُل دَنِيء: خسيسٌ دُون".
تدنَّأَ يتدنّأ، تَدَنُّؤًا، فهو مُتَدَنِّئ
• تدنَّأ الشَّخصُ: دنَأ؛ لَؤُمَ فِعْلُه وخبُثَ "حُبّ المال جعله يتدنَّأ ويُسفُّ".
دَنَاءَة [مفرد]: مصدر دنَأَ ودنُؤَ.
دُنُوء [مفرد]: مصدر دنُؤَ.
دُنُوءَة [مفرد]: مصدر دنَأَ ودنُؤَ.
دَنِيء [مفرد]: ج أدْناء وأَدْنِياء ودُنئاءُ ودنيئون (للعاقل)، مؤ دنيئة، ج مؤ دنيئات (للعاقل) ودَنايا: صفة مشبَّهة تدلّ على الثبوت من دنُؤَ: خسيس دُون لا خير فيه (وتسهَّل همزتُه، فيقال: دَنيّ).
دَنِيئَة [مفرد]: ج دَنايا ودنيئات (للعاقل):
1 - مؤنَّث دَنِيء.
2 - نقيصَة (وتسهل الهمزة وتدغم في الياء فيقال: دَنِيَّة) "المؤمن يبتعد عن الدَّنايا- هذه دنيئة لا تليق برجل يحترم كرامتَه" ° المنيَّة ولا الدَّنيَّة: دعوة إلى عزّة النفس والتحذير من الخِسّة.
أ1 دَنَأَ, aor. ـَ and دَنُؤَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. دَنَآءَةٌ, (Az, Lh, T, S, M, Msb, K,) of the former verb, and of the latter also, (Az, Lh, T, M,) and دُنُوْءٌ, of the former, (Fr, T,) or of the latter, (Az, T,) and [of the latter] دُنُوْءَةٌ; (S, K;) He (a man) was, or became, low, ignoble, or mean, in his actions; and cared not for what he did, nor for what was said to him: (ISk and T in explanation of the former verb, and S in explanation of both verbs:) or the former verb, (Az, T,) or each, (Lh, T, M, K,) he was, or became, bad, corrupt, or foul, in respect of the belly and the genital member [i. e. in respect of appetite for food and for sexual enjoyment]; not caring for what he did, nor for what was said to him: (Az, Lh, T, M, K:) and the former verb, (S) or each, (M, K,) [accord. to some,] he was, or became, such as is termed دَنِىْءٌ, i. e. خَسِيسٌ [app. as meaning contemptible]; (S, M, K;) like دَنَا, aor. ـْ inf. n. دَنَاوَةٌ; (Msb;) and destitute of good: (S:) but some make a distinction between the verbs with ء and the verb without ء; saying that the meaning “ he was, or became, خسيس ” is that of دنا, without ء; (T, Msb;) and the truth is, that the verbs with ء have the meanings assigned to them by Az and Lh; (T;) or signify he was, or became, low, ignoble, or mean: (Msb:) or these two verbs also signify, (K,) or signify as some say, (M,) he was one in whom was little or no good; contemned or contemptible, mean, paltry, or of no weight or worth. (M, K.) A2: دَنِئَ, (M, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. دَنَأْ, (S, M,) He was, or became, hump-backed. (S, M, K. *) 4 ادنأ He committed an action such as is termed دَنِىْءَ. (M, K. *) 5 تدنّأهُ He, or it, incited him to دَنَآءَة [i. e. low, ignoble, or mean, conduct; &c.: see دَنَأَ and دَنُؤَ, of which دَنَآءَة is an inf. n.]. (K.) دَنِىْءٌ (Az, Lh, T, S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ دَانِئٌ, (Lh, T, S, * M, K,) applied to a man, Low, ignoble, or mean, in his actions; not caring for what he does, nor for what is said to him: (S:) or bad, corrupt, or foul, in respect of the belly and the genital member [i. e. in respect of appetite for food and for sexual enjoyment]; not caring for what he does, nor for what is said to him: (Az, Lh, T, M, K:) and [accord. to some,] i. q. خَسِيسٌ [app. as meaning contemptible]; (S, M, K;) like دَنِىٌّ, without ء; (Msb;) and destitute of good: (S:) but some make a distinction between دَنِىْءٌ and دَنِىٌّ; saying that the latter means خسيس; (T, Msb;) and the former, as explained by Az and Lh; and this is the truth; (T;) or that دَنِىْءٌ means لَئِيمٌ [i. e. low, ignoble, or mean, as contr. of كَرِيمٌ]: (Msb:) دَنِىْءٌ is also applied to an action: (M, K: * [see 4:]) and signifies likewise, (K,) or as some say, and so ↓ دَانِئٌ, (M,) one in whom is little or no good; contemned or contemptible, mean, paltry, or of no weight or worth: (M, K:) the pl. of دَنِىْءٌ is أَدْنِيَآءُ, (Az, T, M,) or أَدْنِئَآءُ, (Lh, T, TA,) or أَدْنَآءٌ, (K, TA,) like أَشْرَافٌ pl. of شَرِيفٌ, (TA,) and دُنَآءٌ, (K,) which is anomalous, (TA,) or دُنَأءُ. (M.) دَنِيْئَةٌ A low, or base, quality, property, natural disposition, habit, practice, or action; syn. نَقِيصَةٌ; (S, K;) or such as is blamed; also pronounced دَنِيَّةٌ. (TA in art. دنو, q. v.) دَانِئٌ: see دَنِىْءٌ, in two places.أَدْنَأُ [More, and most, low, ignoble, or mean, in his actions; &c.]. You say, هُوَ أَدْنَأُ مِنْهُ [He is more low, &c., than he]. (Zj, T.) Fr says that أَدْنَى in the Kur ii. 58 is [for أَدْنَأُ,] derived from دَنَآءَةٌ: accord. to one reading, it is أَدْنَأُ. (TA.) A2: Applied to a man, (M,) Hump-backed: (S, M, K: *) fem. دَنْأَى. (K, * TA.)