1 زَوَاهُ, (
aor. ـْ (
inf. n. زَىٌّ and زُوِىٌّ, (
TA,) the latter [
accord. to the
CK زَوْىٌ, but it is correctly] like عُتِىٌّ, (
TA,) He put it aside, or away, or apart; or removed it from its place. (
K.) You say, زَوَىَ عَنْهُ كَذَا,
inf. n. زُوِىٌّ, He averted, diverted, or removed, from him such a thing; turned, put, or sent, it away, or back, from him. (
b2: And زَوَى سِرَّهُ عَنْهُ He concealed his secret from him. (
b3: Also (
K) زَوَاهُ, (
aor. as above,
inf. n. زَىٌّ, (
TA,) He drew it, collected it, or gathered it, together; contracted it, or grasped it. (
K.) It is said in a
trad., زُوِيَتْ لِىَ الأَرْضُ فَأْرِيتُ مَشَارِقَهَا وَمَغَارِبَهَا [The earth was collected together to me, and I was shown its eastern parts and its western parts]. (
TA.) And you say, زَوَى المَالَ, (
inf. n. زَىٌّ, (
S,) He drew, or collected, together, or he grasped, the property, (
Msb,) عَنْ وَارِثِهِ [from its inheritor]. (
S.) and زَوَى مَا بَيْنَ عَيْنَيْهِ (
TA) He (a man,
S) drew together, or contracted, the part between his eyes. (
TA.) And جَآءَنَا بِصَرْبَةٍ تَزْوِى الوَجْهَ [He brought us some very sour milk such as contracts the face, or makes it to wrinkle]. (
S in art. صرب.) And تَزْوِى الوُجُوهَ said of a cold north wind, It contracts [or wrinkles] the faces: a phrase used by Tarafeh Ibn-El-'Abd. (
Ham p. 632.) 2 زوّى,
inf. n. تَزْوِيَةٌ: see 5.
A2: زَيَّيْتُهُ, (
K,) which by rule should be زَوَّيْتُهُ, (
Msb,) but is made to accord with زِىٌّ in order to facilitate the pronunciation, (
inf. n. accord. to the
K تَزْيِيَةٌ, but correctly, as
Lth says, تَزِيَّةٌ, in measure like تَحِيَّةٌ, (
TA,) I invested him with, or made him to have, a زِىّ [i. e. garb, guise, &c.]; (
S, *
K, *
TA;) by means of, or with, such a thing: you say, زَيَّيْتُهُ بِكَذَا [which may be rendered I invested, decked, or adorned, him with such a thing; agreeably with what follows]. (
Accord. to
Fr, they say, زَيَّيْتُ الجَارِيَةَ, meaning I invested the girl, or young woman, with a garb, or guise, &c.; and decked, or adorned, her. (
b2: You say also, زوّى الكَلَامَ, meaning He prepared the speech in his mind; like زَوَّرَهُ. (
A3: زَيَّيْتُ زَايًا and زَوَّيْتُ زَايًا [mean I wrote, or uttered, a ز]: some [hold the ا in زاى to be originally ى, and therefore] say زَيَّيْتُ: others [hold it to be originally و, and therefore] say زَوَّيْتُ. (
IB, on the letter أَلِف.) Zeyd Ibn-
Thábit said, in relation to the expression in the
Kur [ii. 261] نُنْشِزُهَا, [
accord. to one reading, or reciting,] هِىَ زَاىٌ فَزَيِّهَا, meaning [It is زاى, therefore make thou it زاى in thy reading, or reciting; or] read thou it, or recite thou it, with the زاى. (
S.) 4 ازوى: see art. زو.
5 تزوّى He was, or became, [or placed himself,] in a زَاوِيَة, i. e. corner, of a house or chamber; as also ↓ زوّى, (
inf. n. تَزْوِيَةٌ; (
TA;) and ↓ انزوى. (
A2: تَزَيَّا, from الزِّىُّ; (
KL;) or تَزَيَّا بِزِىٍّ; (
MA;) He invested himself with a garb, guise, or dress; [or with an external appearance;] (
KL;) he decked, or adorned, himself. (
MA.) You say of a man, تزيّا بِزِىٍّ حَسَنٍ [He invested himself with a beautiful, or goodly, garb, &c.]. (
TA.) Hence the saying of El-Mutanebbee, وَقَدْ يَتَزَيَّا بِالهَوَى غَيْرُ أَهْلِهِ وَيَسْتَصْحِبُ الإِنْسَانُ مَنْ لَا يُلَائِمُهْ (
TA:) i. e. [And verily, or sometimes, or often, one who is not entitled to it] assumes the guise of love; and the man asks to be his companion him who is not suited to him: (
W p. 374:) his disciple Ibn-Jinnee, however, objected to him his saying يتزيّا, and expressed his opinion that the correct word is يَتَزَوَّى; and El-Mutanebbee admitted that he did not know the former word in any [classical] poetry, nor in any lexicological book, but asserted the verb in use to be only تَزَيَّا: (
TA:) in the
M it is said that
IJ held تَزَيَّا to be originally تَزَوْيَا, and the و to be changed into ى because quiescent, and incorporated into the ى preceded by it. (
TA.) 7 انزوى It was, or became, put aside, or away, or apart; or removed from its place. (
b2: اِنْزَوَتِ الجِلْدَةُ فِىالنَّارِ The piece of skin became contracted, or shrivelled, or shrunk, in the fire. (
S.) And انزوى مَا بَيْنَ عَيْنَيْهِ The part between his eyes became drawn together, or contracted. (
TA.) And انزوى القَوْمُ بَعْضُهُمْ إِلَى بَعْضٍ The people, or party, drew together, one portion of them to another portion. (
b3: See also 5, first sentence.
زَا and زًا and زَآءٌ and see زَاىٌ, below.
زَىْ and زَىٌّ: see زَاىٌ, below.
زِىٌّ, (
K, &c.,) originally زِوْىٌ, (
Msb,) Garb, guise, dress, habit, fashion of dress, and aspect, or outward appearance;
syn. لِبَاسٌ, (
TA,) and هَيْئَةٌ, (
TA,) and مَنْظَرٌ: (
pl. أَزْيَآءٌ. (
K.) [In the
Kur xix. 75,] some read أَحْسَنُ أَثَاثًا وَزِيًّا [Better in respect of household-goods and in respect of garb, &c.]: others read رِيًّا, with ر: (
TA:) and رِئْيًا: and رِيْئًا: and رِيًا. (
Bd.) زَاىٌ, (
K, &c.,) in which the ا,
accord. to
Lth, is originally ى, but
accord. to
Sb and
IJ it is و, (
TA,) A certain letter (i. e. ز); (
TA;) [in spelling, pronounced زَاىْ; and] also called ↓ زَآءٌ, (
K,) and ↓ زًا, and [in spelling (see the first sentence of art. ب)] ↓ زَا, (
K, but omitted in some copies of the
K,) this last being
indecl., (
TA,) and ↓ زَىٌّ (
K) and [in spelling]
↓ زَىْ: (
K:) of all which, the first is that which is held in [most] repute: (
TA:) and this and زَآءٌ may be meant by
J's saying, الزَّاىُ حَرْفٌ يُمَدُّ وَيُقْصَرُ وَلَا يُكْتَبُ إِلَّا بِيَآءٍ بَعْدَ الأَلِفِ; though the author of the
K asserts
J to have erred in saying this: (
TA:) the
pl. is أَزْوَآءٌ and أَزْيَآءٌ, (Kudot;,) the former or the latter
accord. to different opinions, (
TA,) and أَزْوٍ and أَزْىٍ, (
K,) each [originally] of the measure أَفْعُلٌ. (
TA.) One says, هٰذِهِ زَاىٌ حَسَنَةٌ [This is a beautiful; ز]: and كَتَبْتُ زَايًا صَغِيرَةً [I wrote a small; ز]: and the like. (
A2: زَاىْ is also said by the vulgar on an occasion of wonder, and of disapproval: but [
SM says,] I know not what is its origin. (
TA.) [It may be from the
Pers\. زَىْ, or زِهِى; which are likewise said on an occasion of wonder. إِزَّاىْ and إِزَّىّ and إِزَّىْ, and with أَ in the place of إِ, are also said by the vulgar in Egypt on an occasion of wonder, and of denial, meaning How? And زَىْ is used by them for the prefix كَ, meaning Like.]
زُوَيَّةٌ: see what next follows.
dim. of زَاىٌّ [
accord. to those who hold the ا in the latter to be originally ى, or ↓ زُوَيَّةٌ
accord. to those who hold that letter to be originally و; like أُيَيَّةٌ and أُوَيَّةٌ as dims. of آءٌ
accord. to different opinions: see art. ا, in the middle of the first column]. (
TA.) زَاوِيَةٌ A corner, or an angle, (رُكْن,) of a house or room or the like: (
K:) of the measure فَاعِلَةٌ from زَوَى signifying جَمَعَ; because of its em-bracing (لِأَنَّهَا جَمَعَتْ) a part, or portion, (قُطْرًا,) thereof: (
pl. زَوَايَا [which is
irreg.; for by rule it should be زَوَآءٍ, being originally of the measure فَوَاعِلُ, not فَعَائِلُ]. (
K.) They say, كَمْ فِى الزَّوَايَا مِنَ الخَبَايَا [How many hidden things are there in the corners!]. (
b2: [In geometry, An angle.
b3: And hence, زَاوِيَةُ العَوَّآءِ
The star γ of Virgo; العَوَّآءُ being composed of four stars, γ,δ,ε and η of Virgo, disposed nearly in the form of a capital
L, with ε, δ, γ from top to bottom and η to the right. ]
b4: In a saying cited
voce رَاوِيَةٌ, the
pl. زَوَايَا is used as meaning Houses, or tents. (
T in art. روى.)
b5: [And in the present day, the term زَاوِيَةٌ is also applied to A small mosque, or chapel: and in some instances, a building of this kind, thus called, serves as a hospice, or an asylum for poor Muslims, students and others; like رِبَاطٌ.]