a. Struck with the sword.
b. Flickered; crackled.
كَلْحَبَةa. Flicker; crackling.
Q. 1 كَلْحَبَهُ He struck him with a sword. (K.) كَلْحَبَةٌ: of this word, Az says, It is not known what it is: but it is related, on the authority of IAar, that it signifies The sound, and flame, of fire; or its sounding, and flaming: (as explained in the K:) or, accord. to the RA, it signifies its sound, or sounding, in what is slender, or small, as a lamp and the like. (TA.) [See also حَدْمٌ.]كلحب: كَلْحَبه بالسيف: ضربه.
وكَلْحَبةُ والكَلْحَبةُ: من أَسماءِ الرجال. والكَلْحَبةُ اليَرْبُوعيُّ: اسم هُبَيرة بن عبدمَنافٍ. قال الأَزهري: ولا يُدْرَى ما هو. وقد
رُوِيَ عن ابن الأَعرابي: الكَلْحَبةُ صوتُ النار ولهِـيبُها، يقال: سمعت حَدَمةَ النار وكَلْحَبَتَها.