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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3773. كوى8 3774. كيأ5 3775. كيت10 3776. كيد16 3777. كير13 3778. كيس163779. كيص6 3780. كيف16 3781. كيل20 3782. كين10 3783. كيه5 3784. ل9 3785. لأ1 3786. لأت1 3787. لأك5 3788. لأل1 3789. لألأ9 3790. لأم13 3791. لأى4 3792. لب9 3793. لبأ13 3794. لبت6 3795. لبث16 3796. لبج12 3797. لبخ9 3798. لبد19 3799. لبس19 3800. لبع3 3801. لبق16 3802. لبك13 3803. لبلب5 3804. لبن20 3805. لبى5 3806. لت3 3807. لتأ8 3808. لتب7 3809. لتح8 3810. لث5 3811. لثأ5 3812. لثف1 3813. لثم17 3814. لثو1 3815. لج5 3816. لجأ15 3817. لجب11 3818. لجح6 3819. لجف14 3820. لجم14 3821. لجن12 3822. لح2 3823. لحب10 3824. لحت8 3825. لحج12 3826. لحد17 3827. لحس17 3828. لحص12 3829. لحظ15 3830. لحف20 3831. لحق17 3832. لحم17 3833. لحن21 3834. لحى8 3835. لخ3 3836. لخب6 3837. لخت3 3838. لخص12 3839. لخق4 3840. لخى3 3841. لد3 3842. لدب1 3843. لدم16 3844. لدن18 3845. لذ3 3846. لذب6 3847. لذع14 3848. لز3 3849. لزأ7 3850. لزب16 3851. لزج14 3852. لزق15 3853. لزم16 3854. لزن10 3855. لزورد2 3856. لس3 3857. لسب12 3858. لسد9 3859. لسن20 3860. لص4 3861. لصب9 3862. لصت6 3863. لصق12 3864. لط3 3865. لطأ10 3866. لطث7 3867. لطح12 3868. لطخ11 3869. لطس10 3870. لطف17 3871. لطم15 3872. لظ2 Prev. 100




كَيَِّسٌ Intelligent; ingenious, clever. (S, Msb, K.) [Plur. كُوسَى:] also أَكْيَاسٌ. (Msb.) أُمُّ كَيْسَانَ a metonymical name of The knee, in the dial. of El-Azd. (TA, art. ركب)


1 كَاسَ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, TA,) inf. n. كَيْسٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and كِيَاسَةٌ (S, A, K) and كُوسَى, with و put in the place of ى, [originally كُيْسَى,] (Seer [mentioned by him as syn. with كَيْسٌ]) He (a boy, S [but often said of a man also,]) was, or became, acute, or sharp, or quick, in intellect; shrewd; clever; ingenious; skilful; knowing; intelligent: كَيْسٌ being the contr. of حُمْقٌ; (S, A, K;) and i. q. ظَرْفٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) and خِقَّةٌ, and تَوَقُّدٌ, (TA,) and فِطْنَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) and فِقْهٌ, (TA,) and عَقْلٌ. (IAar, A, Msb, K.) b2: كَاسَ فِى الأَمْرِ, aor. ـِ (A, TA,) inf. n. كَيْسٌ; (Mgh, TA;) and ↓ تكيّس; and ↓ تكايس; (A, TA;) He acted gently, (TA,) or with good gentleness or moderation or calmness, (Mgh,) in the affair. (Mgh, TA.) A2: كَاسَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, * K,) inf. n. كَيْسٌ, (A, TA,) He overcame him, or surpassed him, (S, A, K,) in كِيَاسَة (A, K) or كَيْس (A, Nh) [i. e. acuteness or sharpness or quickness of intellect; &c.: see above]. So in the following words of a trad., (K,) said by the prophet to Jábir Ibn-'Abd-Allah El-Ansáree, (TA,) أَتَرَانِى

إِنَّمَا كِسْتُكَ لِآخُذَ جَمَلَكَ لَكَ الثَّمَنُ وَلَكَ الجَمَلُ [Dost thou think me to have only overcome thee in acuteness or sharpness or quickness of intellect, &c., in order that I might take thy camel? Thine be the price, and thine be the camel]: (K, * TA:) or, according to another relation, خُذْ جَمَلَكَ وَمَالَكَ [Take thou thy camel and thy property]: and accord. to another, إِنَّمَا مَا كَسْتُكَ [that I have only acted in a niggardly manner with thee], from المِكَاسُ. (TA.) b2: كَيِسَ, [aor. ـْ inf. n. كَيَسٌ, is also mentioned by IKtt as a dial. form of كَاسَ in the sense of He overcame or surpassed [in acuteness &c.] (TA.) 2 كيّسهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَكْيِيسٌ, (TA,) He (God, TK) made him acute or sharp or quick in intellect; shrewd; clever, ingenious, skilful, knowing, or intelligent; (K, TA;) and well educated, or well bred. (TA.) 3 كايسهُ, (S, A, K,) inf. n. مُكَايَسَةٌ, (TA), He vied, or contended, with him in كَيْس [i. e. acuteness or sharpness or quickness of intellect; &c.: see 1]. (K.) You say, كَايَسْتُهُ فَكِسْتُهُ [I vied, or contended, with him in acuteness, &c., and] I overcame, or surpassed, him (S, A) [therein, i. e.] in كَيْس. (A.) And كَايَسَهُ فِى

البَيْعِ (S, A) [He vied, or contended, with him in acuteness, &c., in selling; as seems to be indicated in the S: or] he jested, or joked, with him (لَاغَاهُ) in selling. (A, TA.) 4 أَكْيَسَ and أَكَاسَ He (a man, S) had born to him children acute or sharp or quick in intellect; shrewd; clever, ingenious, skilful, knowing, or intelligent: (S, K:) or he begot a child acute &c. (IKtt.) And أَكْيَسَتْ and أَكَاسَتْ She brought forth children acute &c. (A.) A poet says, فَلَوْ كُنْتُمْ لِمِكْيَسَةٍ أَكَاسَتْ وَكَيْسُ الأُمِّ يُعْرَفُ فِى البَنِينَا [But if ye belonged to one who most generally brought forth children acute in intellect, she had brought forth such children; for the acuteness of intellect of the mother is known in the sons]. (S.) 5 تكيّس He affected acuteness or sharpness or quickness of intellect, shrewdness, cleverness, ingeniousness, skilfulness, knowledge, or intelligence: [see تَعَقَّلَ:] or did so, not having it: syn. تَظَرَّفَ: (S, K, TA:) he feigned, or made a show of, كَيْس [i. e. acuteness or sharpness or quickness of intellect; &c.]. (TA.) b2: See also 1.6 تَكَاْيَسَ see 1.

كَيْسٌ: see 1: A2: and see also كَيِّسٌ.

كِيسٌ [A purse;] a well known receptacle; (TA;) a thing made of pieces of rag sewed together; (Msb;) for money, (S, K, TA,) and for pearls and sapphires: (TA:) [so called] because it comprises them: (K, TA:) [a remark that seems to indicate a signification of كَاسَ or some other word from the same root which I do not find elsewhere pointed out: but the more probable derivation is from the Persian كِيسَهْ:] that which is tied up, of leather, and of pieces of rag, is not called thus, but is called خَرِيطَةٌ: (Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَكْيَاسٌ (S, Msb, K) and كِيَسَةٌ. (K.) b2: Hence, (TA,) (tropical:) The membrane that encloses a child in the womb; syn. مَشِيمَةٌ. (K, TA.) b3: [Hence also, (assumed tropical:) The scrotum.]

كَيِّسٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ كَيْسٌ, (TA,) [like هِيِّنٌ and هَيْنٌ, &c.,] Acute, or sharp, or quick, in intellect; clever; ingenious; skilful; knowing; intelligent: (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) fem. كَيِّسَةٌ: (S, A:) and ↓ كِيسَى, applied to a woman, is syn with كَيِّسَةٌ, and is, as also كُوسَى, [each originally كُيْسَى,] fem. of أَكْيَسُ: (S:) [whence it appears that this last word is accord. to J syn. with كَيِّسٌ; i. e., a simple epithet, like its contr. أَحْمَقُ: but it has another signification, for which see below:] or, accord. to Kr, كِيسَى and كُوسَى are pls. of كَيِّسَةٌ; and there are no similar instances except ضِيقَى and ضُوقَى, pls. of ضَيِّقَةٌ, and طُوبَى, pl. of طَيِّبَةٌ: but ISd holds them to be fems. of the measure أَفْعَلُ: (TA: [see ضُوقَى in art. ضيق:]) the pl. of كَيِّسٌ is أَكْيَاسٌ (A, Mgh, Msb, TA) and كَيْسَىِ, (A, K, TA [in the CK, erroneously, كِيسى,]) like حَمْقَى, (A,) having this latter form in order that it may resemble its contr., حَمْقَى: (TA:) and كِيَاسٌ is pl. of كَيِّسَةٌ, (A, TA,) [and أَكَايِيسُ is app. pl. of كِيَاسٌ: see an ex. voce طِشَّةٌ.] You also say, ↓ رَجُلٌ كَيِّسٌ مُكَيَّسٌ, meaning, A man acute or sharp or quick in intellect, &c.: (S:) or [acute &c., and] described as being so; or having the attribute of كَيْس ascribed to him: (A:) or ↓ رَجُلٌ مُكَيَّسٌ signifies, as also كَيِّسٌ, a man known as possessing كَيْس [or acuteness &c.]. (TA.) And إِمْرَأَةٌ كَيِّسَةٌ A woman well educated, or well bred. (TA.) and رَجُلٌ كَيِّسُ الفِعْل A man good in action or conduct. (TA.) And بَنَى دَارًا كَيِّسَةً (A) (tropical:) He built an elegant house; syn. ظَرِيفَةً. (TA.) [The dim. كُوَيِّسٌ, more properly كُيَيِّسٌ or كِيَيِّسٌ, is much used in the present day as signifying (tropical:) Elegant, pretty, or beautiful.]

كُوسَى: see أَكْيَسُ: and كَيِّسٌ, in two places.

كِيسَى: see أَكْيَسُ: and كَيِّسٌ, in two places.

كَيْسَانُ (tropical:) a proper name for Perfidy; (IAar, S, A, K;) as also أَبُو كَيْسَانَ: (IAar:) of the dial. of Teiyi: and derived from كَيْسٌ. (Kr.) You say, رَكِبَ كَيْسَانَ (tropical:) He acted perfidiously. (A.) أَكْيَسٌ [More, and most, acute or sharp or quick in intellect; more, and most, shrewd, clever, ingenious, skilful, knowing, or intelligent]: (Lth, ISd, A:) fem. كِيسَى (ISd) and كُوسَى: (Lth, ISd:) [in the CK, and in a MS. copy of the K, and in the text of the K as given in the TA, كِيسَى and كُوسَى, each of which is originally كُيْسَى, are said to be fems. of أَكْوَسُ; but this is evidently a mistake for أَكْيَسُ:] pl. كُوسٌ, [originally كُيْسٌ,] which is applied to women, [as well as men,] and كُوسَيَاتٌ, which is applied to women only. (Lth.) You say, هٰذَا الأَكْيَسُ [This is the more, or most, acute &c.]. (Lth.) And أَىُّ المُؤْمِنِينَ أَكْيَسُ Which of the believers is the most intelligent? (TA.) And it is said in a proverb, أَكْيَسُ مِنْ قِشَّةٍ (A) [(tropical:) More acute &c. than] a little female ape or monkey. (TA, art. قش.) And in a trad., أَكْيَسُ الكَيْسِ التُّقَى

وَأَحْمَقُ الحُمْقِ الفُجُورُ (tropical:) [The most acute of acuteness is piety, and the most foolish of foolishness, or the most stupid of stupidness, is vice]. (A.) b2: See also كَيِّسٌ.

مُكِيسَةٌ A woman who brings forth children acute or sharp or quick in intellect; shrewd, clever, ingenious, skilful, knowing, or intelligent: (TA:) and ↓ مِكْيَاسٌ, who does so usually; contr. of مِحْمَاقٌ: (A:) [and ↓ مِكْيَسَةٌ, who does so most generally: see an ex. of this under 4.]

مِكْيَسَةٌ: see مُكِيسَةٌ and 4.

مُكَيَّسٌ: see كَيِّسٌ.

مِكْيَاسٌ: see مُكِيسَةٌ.
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