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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1597. رغف16 1598. رغم19 1599. رغو9 1600. رف6 1601. رفأ14 1602. رفت151603. رفث17 1604. رفد18 1605. رفس14 1606. رفض17 1607. رفع19 1608. رفغ14 1609. رفق19 1610. رفل16 1611. رفه18 1612. رفو8 1613. رفى2 1614. رق6 1615. رقأ14 1616. رقب20 1617. رقح12 1618. رقد16 1619. رقش15 1620. رقص15 1621. رقط14 1622. رقع16 1623. رقل12 1624. رقم18 1625. رقو5 1626. رك4 1627. ركب18 1628. ركد17 1629. ركز19 1630. ركس20 1631. ركض19 1632. ركع16 1633. ركل12 1634. ركم14 1635. ركن19 1636. ركو9 1637. رم6 1638. رمث16 1639. رمح15 1640. رمد17 1641. رمز19 1642. رمس18 1643. رمص14 1644. رمض15 1645. رمق14 1646. رمك15 1647. رمل21 1648. رمن15 1649. رمو2 1650. رمى10 1651. رن5 1652. رنب12 1653. رنج12 1654. رنح14 1655. رند12 1656. رنز8 1657. رنق15 1658. رنم16 1659. رنو8 1660. رهب18 1661. رهج13 1662. رهدن8 1663. رهط17 1664. رهف15 1665. رهق20 1666. رهل11 1667. رهم13 1668. رهن17 1669. رهو11 1670. روأ11 1671. روب16 1672. روث16 1673. روج13 1674. روح22 1675. رود15 1676. روس10 1677. روض17 1678. روع19 1679. روغ19 1680. روف5 1681. روق18 1682. رول13 1683. روم18 1684. رون8 1685. روند1 1686. روى9 1687. رى1 1688. ريأ4 1689. ريب19 1690. ريث16 1691. ريح9 1692. ريد9 1693. رير8 1694. ريس8 1695. ريش19 1696. ريط13 Prev. 100




1 رَفَتَهُ, (T, M, A, K,) aor. ـِ and رَفُتَ, (M, K,) inf. n. رَفْتٌ, (M,) He broke it; (T, M, K;) or broke it in pieces: (T:) he crushed, bruised, brayed, or pounded, it: (M, K:) he crumbled it, or broke it into small pieces, with his hand, like as is done with lumps of dry clay, and old and decayed bones. (A.) And رُفِتَ It was broken; or broken in pieces; [&c.] (Akh, S.) You say, رَفَتَ عُنُقَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. as above, He broke, or crushed, his neck. (Lh, M.) And رَفَتَ عِظَامَ الجَزُورِ He broke the bones of the slaughtered camel, in order to cook them and to extract their grease. (T.) and one says of him who does that from which he finds it difficult to liberate himself, الضَّبُعُ تَرْقُتُ العِظَامَ وَلَا تَعْرِفُ قَدْرَ اسْتِهَا تَأْكُلُهَا ثُمَّ يَعْسُرُ عَلَيْهَا خُرُوجُهَا [The hyena breaks in pieces the bones, but knows not the size of its anus: it eats them; then their exit becomes difficult to it]. (A.) b2: [Hence,] رَفَتَ العَطَشَ (assumed tropical:) It (water) broke the vehemence of thirst. (Z, TA in art. فرت.) A2: (See also 9.) 2 رفّتهُ, inf. n. تَرْفِيتٌ, He broke it [app. much, or into many pieces]: b2: and hence, (assumed tropical:) He dishonoured, despised, or condemned, him; تَرْفِيتٌ being syn. with تَحْقِيرٌ, and contr. of تَرْفِيلٌ and تَعْظِيمٌ. (Er-Rághib, TA. *) 9 ارفتّ, as also ↓ رَفَتَ, (M, K,) the latter being intrans. as well as trans., (K, * TA,) It was, or became, broken, broken in pieces, crushed, bruised, brayed, or pounded: (M, K:) said of a bone; i. e., it became what is termed رُفَاتٌ. (M.) and It became cut or broken, cut off or broken off; it broke, or broke off: (K, TA:) the former is said, in this sense, of a rope. (A, TA.) رُفَتٌ i. q. تِبْنٌ [i. e. Straw; or straw that has been trodden, or thrashed, and cut: also written رُفَّةٌ, and رُفَةٌ, and رُفَةٌ]. (IAar, T, K.) It is said in a prov., أَنَا أَغْنَى عَنْكَ مِنَ التُّفَهِ عَنِ الرُّفَتِ, (TA,) or إِلَى الرُّفَتِ (T,) [I am more free from the want of thee than the badger is from the want of straw, or cut straw]: the تفه is what is called عَنَاقُ الأَرْضِ, which has a canine tooth, and does not procure for itself straw nor herbage; and the word is written with ه; but الرفت is with ت: (T:) or, accord. to ISk, the two words are correctly without teshdeed, and with the radical ه. (TA in art. تفه.) [See also رُفَهٌ.]

A2: Also One who breaks, breaks in pieces, crushes, bruises, brays, pounds, or crumbles, anything, or everything. (K, * TA.) رِفْتَةٌ A mode, or manner, of breaking, breaking in pieces, crushing, &c. (Lh, M.) رُفَاتٌ A thing, (M,) an old and decayed bone, (A, TA,) or anything, (L, TA,) broken, broken in pieces, crushed, bruised, brayed, or pounded; (M, L, TA;) or crumbled, or broken into small pieces with the hand; (A, TA;) or a thing that has become old and worn out, and crumbled, or broken into small pieces: ('Ináyeh, TA: [see مَرْفُوتٌ:]) or broken, or crumbled, particles; fragments, or crumbs; of a thing that is dry, (T, S, A, K, TA,) of any kind; (T;) [as, for instance,] of musk. (A, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [xvii. 52 and 100], أَئِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا وَرُفَاتًا When we shall have become bones and broken particles? (S, M, TA.) [Hence also the phrase] لَا بِرْفَاتِكَ, meaning No, by thy ancestors who have become broken and crumbled bones in the dust. (Har p. 634.) And [hence one says,] هُوَ الَّذِى أَعَادَ المَكَارِمَ وَأَحْيَا رُفَاتَهَا وَأَنْشَرَ أَمْوَاتَهَا (tropical:) [He is the person who has restored generous qualities or actions, and revived such of them as had decayed, and brought to life again such of them as had become dead]. (A, TA.) مَرْفُوتٌ Broken, broken in pieces, &c. (Akh, S. [See رُفَاتٌ.])
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