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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4244. نجد20 4245. نجذ13 4246. نجر17 4247. نجز17 4248. نجس17 4249. نجش174250. نجص1 4251. نجع17 4252. نجف14 4253. نجل17 4254. نجم20 4255. نجو10 4256. نح3 4257. نحب19 4258. نحث4 4259. نحر19 4260. نحز12 4261. نحس21 4262. نحف15 4263. نحل17 4264. نحم14 4265. نحو9 4266. نخ4 4267. نخب14 4268. نخت7 4269. نخج8 4270. نخر19 4271. نخرب8 4272. نخس14 4273. نخع15 4274. نخف7 4275. نخل15 4276. نخو9 4277. ند4 4278. ندأ8 4279. ندب16 4280. ندح19 4281. ندر16 4282. ندس14 4283. ندف13 4284. ندل14 4285. ندم18 4286. ندى3 4287. نذر19 4288. نذل14 4289. نرب8 4290. نرج8 4291. نرجس11 4292. نرد9 4293. نرز8 4294. نرسن3 4295. نز4 4296. نزأ8 4297. نزب8 4298. نزح16 4299. نزر16 4300. نزع17 4301. نزف17 4302. نزق13 4303. نزك13 4304. نزل21 4305. نزه17 4306. نزو9 4307. نس5 4308. نسأ18 4309. نسب17 4310. نسج16 4311. نسح9 4312. نسخ17 4313. نسر17 4314. نسع11 4315. نسغ9 4316. نسف17 4317. نسك16 4318. نسل17 4319. نسم18 4320. نش4 4321. نشأ15 4322. نشب15 4323. نشج13 4324. نشد13 4325. نشر20 4326. نشز18 4327. نشط19 4328. نشف17 4329. نشق14 4330. نص5 4331. نصأ7 4332. نصب20 4333. نصح16 4334. نصر15 4335. نصع13 4336. نصف22 4337. نصل18 4338. نصم3 4339. نصى2 4340. نض4 4341. نضب16 4342. نضج16 4343. نضح17 Prev. 100




1 نَجَشَ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. نَجْشٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He concealed himself. (Msb.) A2: [And hence, He pursued game, or objects of the chase: (see نَاجِشٌ:) or] he roused game, or objects of the chase, (S, Mgh, K,) and scared them from place to place. (TA.) You say also, نَجَشُوا عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْدَ, meaning, They scared the chase, or game, towards him, and drove and collected it to him. (TA.) b2: He searched after a thing, and roused it. (Sh, A'Obeyd, K.) This, accord. to Sh, is the primary signification: [but accord. to Fei, the primary signification is the first given above:] and hence the saying in a trad., لَا تَطْلُعُ الشَّمْسُ حَتَّى تَنْجُسُهَا ثَلٰثُمِائَةٍ وَسِتُّونَ مَلَكًا The sun does not rise until three hundred and sixty angels rouse it. (TA.) b3: He drew forth, educed, or elicited. (K.) b4: He collected together (S, K) camels [&c.] after a state of dispersion. (S.) b5: He drove vehemently. (TA.) A3: نَجَشَ, aor. ـُ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. نَجْشٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and نَجَشٌ, [which is the form generally used by the professors of practical law,] (ISh, Mgh, Sgh, TA,) or this is a simple subst., (Msb,) He demanded the sale of an article of merchandise for more than its price, (A, Mgh, Msb,) not meaning to purchase it, (Mgh, Msb,) in order that another might see him and fall into the snare thus laid for him: and in like manner it is used with respect to marriage, [i. e., with respect to dowers,] and other things: (A, Mgh, Msb:) and the doing thus is forbidden: (Mgh:) it is from نَجَشَ signifying

“ he roused ” game: (Mgh:) or from the same verb signifying “ he concealed himself; ” because he who does so conceals his intention: (Msb:) or he augmented the price of an article of merchandise, not desiring to purchase it, but in order that another might hear him and augment in the same manner: (A'Obeyd, L:) or he outbade in a sale, in order that another might fall into a snare, he himself not wanting the thing: (S:) or he augmented the price of an article of merchandise, or praised it, in order that another might see that, and be deceived by him: (Ibráheem El-Harbee:) or he praised an article of merchandise belonging to another in order that he might sell it, or dispraised it in order that it might not be easy for him to sell it: (ISh:) or he concurred with a man desiring to sell a thing, by praising him: (Abu-l-Khattáb, K:) or he bargained with a man desiring to sell a thing, offering him a large price, in order that another might see him and fall into a snare: or he scared people from one thing to another: (K:) also, he praised a thing; or praised it exceedingly, or for that which was not in it, or excessively and falsely; syn. مَدَحَ شَيْئًا and أَطْرَاهُ: and he invented, or forged, a lie. (TA.) It is said in a trad., (S,) ↓ لَا تَنَاجَشُوا, (S, Mgh, Msb,) i. e., Ye shall not practise نَجْش, or نَجَش: (Mgh, Msb:) or ↓ تَنَاجُشٌ signifies the bidding one against another, successively increasing their offers, in a sale, or other case; (K;) for it sometimes signifies the doing so in the case of a dowry, in order that the doing so may be heard, and the amount may consequently be augmented: (TA:) and Sh mentions, with respect to ↓ تَنَاجُشٌ, on the authority of Aboo-Sa'eed, another thing, which is allowable, namely, [that it signifies the conspiring to promote the marriage of] the woman who has been married and divorced time after time; and [the sale of] the article of merchandise that has been bought time after time and then sold. (TA.) 6 تَنَاْجَشَ see 1, last part.

نَجَشٌ, said to be a subst. from نَجَشَ: see 1.

نَجُوشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ.

نَجِيشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ.

نَجَاشِىٌّ and نِجَاشِىٌّ: see نَاجِشٌ.

A2: النَّجَاشِى, (S, Mgh, K,) the form preferred by El-Fárábee, (Mgh,) and النَّجَاشِىُّ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) which is the more common, (Msb,) but the former is the more chaste, (Sgh, K,) and [النِّجَاشِى and النِّجَاشِىُّ] with kesr to the ن, which is said to be the more chaste, (K,) and is preferred by Th, (TA,) but teshdeed of the ج is a mistake, (Mgh, MF,) The name of the King of the Abyssinians; (IDrd, S;) like as one says كِسْرَى and قَيْصَرٌ; and Abyssinian word: (IDrd:) or a certain King of the Abyssinians, whose name was أَصْحَمَةُ; (Mgh, Msb, K;) [as is commonly said; but authors differ respecting his name;] and IKt says, that النجاشى is in Coptic اصحمة, meaning “ a gift: ” (TA:) or originally the proper name of an individual, and afterwards a common title. (MF.) نَجَّاشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ, in four places.

نَجَّاشِىٌّ: see نَاجِشٌ, in two places.

نَاجِشٌ A pursuer, or capturer, or insnarer, of game, or objects of the chase; (Msb;) as also ↓ نَجِيشٌ and ↓ نَجَّاشٌ; (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) because he conceals himself: (Msb:) or [نَاجِشٌ and]

↓ نَجَّاشٌ and ↓ نَجُوشٌ signify one who rouses the game, or objects of the chase; (Az, TA;) and so ↓ مِنْجَشٌ and ↓ مِنْجَاشٌ: (L:) or نَاجِشٌ and ↓ نَجَاشِىٌّ (Akh, K) [and ↓ نِجَاشِىٌّ accord. to some copies of the K] and ↓ مِنْجَاشٌ (Az, K) one who rouses them in order that they may pass by the pursuer, or capturer, or insnarer, thereof: (Akh, Az, K:) or نَاجِشٌ signifies one who scares them towards him, and drives and collects them to him: (S, A, TA:) and ↓ نَجَّاشٌ one who drives vehemently; (TA;) or one who urges camels; (A;) or who collects them after a state of dispersion: (S:) and ↓ نَجَّاشِىٌّ [with teshdeed to the ج as well as to the ى,] one who drives, or urges, travelling-camels and other beasts of carriage, in the market-place, to elicit their qualities of pace: (AA, TA:) and this last also signifies [absolutely] one who draws forth, or elicits, a thing. (A'Obeyd, TA.) A2: Also, One who practises نَجْش, or نَجَش, in an affair of buying and selling: (Msb, TA: *) [see 1:] and ↓ نَجَّاشٌ one who does so much, or often. (Msb.) مِنْجَشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ; the latter, in two places.

مِنْجَاشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ; the latter, in two places.

قَوْلٌ مَنْجُوشٌ A saying drawn forth, or elicited: (TA:) and a forged saying, in which is falsehood. (IAar, TA.)
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