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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3855. لزورد2 3856. لس3 3857. لسب12 3858. لسد9 3859. لسن20 3860. لص43861. لصب9 3862. لصت6 3863. لصق12 3864. لط3 3865. لطأ10 3866. لطث7 3867. لطح12 3868. لطخ11 3869. لطس10 3870. لطف17 3871. لطم15 3872. لظ2 3873. لظأ3 3874. لعب17 3875. لعث3 3876. لعج11 3877. لعس14 3878. لعط9 3879. لعق15 3880. لعل9 3881. لعن18 3882. لعو7 3883. لغب16 3884. لغث7 3885. لغد12 3886. لغذ1 3887. لغز15 3888. لغط18 3889. لغم14 3890. لغن7 3891. لغو10 3892. لف5 3893. لفأ11 3894. لفت20 3895. لفث4 3896. لفج9 3897. لفح13 3898. لفط1 3899. لفظ17 3900. لفع15 3901. لفق14 3902. لفم9 3903. لفو7 3904. لق3 3905. لقب14 3906. لقث5 3907. لقح19 3908. لقس11 3909. لقط18 3910. لقف16 3911. لقم16 3912. لقن15 3913. لقى5 3914. لك3 3915. لكأ12 3916. لكب4 3917. لكث7 3918. لكد11 3919. لكز15 3920. لكم12 3921. لكن13 3922. للب1 3923. لم8 3924. لمأ7 3925. لمج10 3926. لمح16 3927. لمز13 3928. لمس19 3929. لمظ17 3930. لمع17 3931. لمق12 3932. لن10 3933. لنجر2 3934. لهب12 3935. لهت4 3936. لهث15 3937. لهج16 3938. لهد11 3939. لهذب3 3940. لهذم8 3941. لهزم13 3942. لهط9 3943. لهف14 3944. لهلأ4 3945. لهم12 3946. لهو11 3947. لو9 3948. لوأ4 3949. لوب16 3950. لوت6 3951. لوث17 3952. لوج7 3953. لوح19 3954. لوذ14 Prev. 100




1 لَصَّ, aor. ـِ He thieved, or stole: (A:) [see لُصُوصِيَّةٌ, and the other nouns mentioned therewith, some of which, if not all, are app. inf. ns. of this verb:] and ↓ تلصّص signifies the same; or he was thievish: (S, * Msb, * TA:) [or he practised theft:] or he thieved, or stole, repeatedly: (A, TA:) and he acted as a spy; syn. تَجَسَّسَ. (TA.) b2: لَصَّ الشَّىْءَ, aor. ـُ (Msb, TK,) inf. n. لَصٌّ, (A, Msb, K,) [in the CK لِصٌّ,] He stole the thing: (Msb:) [and] he did the thing secretly, or covertly. (A, K.) A2: لَصَّ بَابَهُ, (TA,) inf. n. لَصٌّ, (A, K,) He closed, or locked, his door; syn. أَغْلَقَهُ and أَطْبَقَهُ; (A, K, TA;) as also رَصَّهُ. (TA.) b2: لَصَّ, [app. in the sec. Pers\. لَصِصْتَ, and aor. ـَ and inf. n. لَصَصٌ,] His teeth (أَضْرَاس) were near together, so that no interstice was seen between them. (M, TA.) [This verb probably has all the significations indicated by the explanations of لَصَصٌ below.]2 لصّص بُنْيَانَهُ, (M,) inf. n. تَلْصِيصٌ, (S, K,) He made his building firm and compact; or firm and strong; i. q. رَصَّصَهُ; (S, M, K;) of which it is a dial. form. (S.) 5 تَلَصَّّ see 1.8 إِلْتَصَ3َ التصّ It stuck, or adhered, (Sgh, K,) بِهِ to him. (TK.) لِصٌّ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ لُصٌّ, (S, M, Msb, K,) the latter mentioned by As, (Msb,) but only the former known to Sb, (M,) and لَصٌّ, (IDrd, A, K,) A thief; a robber; (M, A, Msb, K;) as also لَصْتٌ, with ت substituted for the [second] ص, and the form of the word changed because of the substitution, or it is a dial. form of لِصٌّ, and is said by Lh to be of the dial. of Teiyi and of some of the Ansár, and also pronounced لِصْتٌ, (M,) and لُصْتٌ: (K, art. لصت:) fem. لِصَّةٌ, (M,) or لَصَّةٌ: (A, K:) pl. of لِصٌّ and لُصٌّ (IDrd, S, Msb, K) and لَصٌّ, (IDrd, K,) لُصُوصٌ, (IDrd, S, M, Msb, K,) and of the first, لِصَصَةٌ, (IDrd, TA,) and of the first (M, TA) and second, (M,) لِصَاصٌ, (M, TA,) or أَلْصَاصٌ: (K) [and in the TA said to be so in the T: but this is probably a mistake for لِصَاصٌ: for ISd says,] the word has no pl. of pauc.: (M:) and مَلَصَّةٌ is a quasi-pl. n.: (IJ, M:) the pl. of لِصَّةٌ, (M,) or لَصَّةٌ, (K,) is لِصَّاتٌ, (M,) and لَصَّاتٌ, (K,) and لَصَائِصُ, (M, K,) which last is extr. [with respect to rule]: (M:) and the pl. of لِصْتٌ is لُصُوتٌ. (M.) لَصٌّ and لُصٌّ: see لِصٌّ.

لَصَصٌ Nearness together of the أَضْرَاس [or teeth, or molar teeth, or all the teeth except the central incisors,] (S, M, A, K,) so that no interstice is seen between them; (M;) as also رَصَصٌ. (M, art. رص.) b2: And Nearness together of two legs of a quadruped, and of the two thighs: and nearness together of the upper parts of the two knees: (M:) or nearness together of the two shoulder-joints, (K,) or of the upper parts thereof, so that they nearly touch the ears: (M:) or nearness together of the two shoulder-blades: (M:) and a contraction of the elbows of the horse towards his [breast, or that part of it which is called the] زَوْر; (K;) and their cleaving to that part; which is a quality approved in a horse. (TA.) b3: Also, Nearness of the forehead to the eyebrow. (IKtt, TA.) A2: See also لُصُوصِيَّةٌ.

لَصَاصٌ: see what next follows.

لُصُوصٌ: see what next follows.

لُصُوصَةٌ: see what next follows.

لُصُوصِيَّةٌ (S, M, K [in the CK without tesh-deed]) and لَصُوصِيَّةٌ, (Ks, S, M, and in a copy of the K,) the latter of which is the more chaste, though the other is the regular form, (TA,) and ↓ لُصُوصَةٌ, (M, A, and so in the CK in the place of the form next preceding,) or ↓ لَصُوصَةٌ, (as in some copies of the K and in the TA) or ↓ لُصُوصٌ and ↓ لَصُوصٌ, (as in a copy of the Msb,) and ↓ لَصَاصٌ and ↓ لَصَصٌ, (K,) Thieving; or thievishness. (S, M, A, Msb, K.) أَلَصُّ, (S, M, K,) or أَلَصُّ الأَضْرَاسِ, (A,) A man (M, A) whose [teeth called] اضراس are near together (S, M, A, K) so that no interstice is seen between them: (M:) as also أَرَصُّ: (M, A, K, art. رص:) fem. لَصَّآءُ. (M.) b2: Also, the masc. (As, TA) and fem., (K,) or أَلَصُّ الفَخِذَيْنِ, (A,) One whose thighs cleave together, there being no space between them. (As, A, * K.) [See also أَرَصُّ.] Hence, (TA,) the Zenjee is said to be أَلَصُّ الأَلْيَتَيْنِ, (K,) i. e. Having the buttocks cleaving together. (TA.) And أَلَصُّ, (S,) or أَلَصُّ المَنْكِبَيْنِ, (A,) Having the two shoulderjoints near together, almost touching the ears. (S, A.) b3: Also the fem., applied to a woman, Impervia coëunti; (M;) as also رَصَّآءُ. (M, art. رص.) b4: And, applied to a forehead (جَبْهَة), Narrow. (K.) b5: And, applied to a sheep or goat, Having one of her horns extending forwards and the other backwards. (Z, Sgh, K.) مَلَصَّةٌ quasi-pl. n. of لِصٌّ. (IJ, M.) b2: أَرْضٌ مَلَصَّةٌ A land in which are thieves, or robbers: (S, M:) or in which are many thieves or robbers. (K.) غَلَقٌ مَلْصُوصٌ [A closed lock]. (TA.)
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