كَلِيَ(n. ac. كَلىً [ ])
a. see VIII
إِكْتَلَيَa. Suffered from the kidneys.
كُلْيَة []
كُلْوَة [] (pl.
كُلىً [ 9 ] &
a. كُلْوَات ), Kidney.
b. The reins.
c. Lower part ( of a cloud ).
كِلَا ( fem.
a. كِلْتَا ), Both.
كُلىَ َلوَادِي
a. The sides of the valley.
كُلىَ الطَّيْر
a. Certain feathers of a bird.
مَكْلِيّ [ N. P.
a. I], Diseased in the kidneys.
غَنَم حَمْرآء الكُلَى
a. Lean sheep.