1 غَشْمٌ signifies The acting, or treating, wrongfully, unjustly, injuriously, or tyrannically: (S, K:) or the taking another's property wrongfully, &c., or by force: and the taking a course, in journeying [&c.], at random, without direction and without knowledge. (JK.) One says of a governor, غَشَمَ الرَّعِيَّةَ, aor. ـِ [accord. to the TK, the aor. of the verb in the sense here following is
غَشُمَ, but this I think a mistake,] inf. n. غَشْمٌ, He struck, or beat, with vehemence, the people under his government, wrongfully, unjustly, injuriously, or tyrannically, and took [from them] what he could. (TA.) And غَشَمَ النَّاسَ He asked whom he could of the people. (Z, TA.) And غَشَمَ الأُمُورَ He performed affairs, or the affairs, [in a random manner,] confusedly, without discrimination. (Ham p. 37: by implication.)
b2: And غَشَمَهُ, aor. ـِ He smeared him [i. e. a camel] with tar so that he left nothing [or no part of him] without
tar, pouring it upon what was sound thereof and what was diseased thereof: and ↓ غَشَمٌ [perhaps as an inf. n., but accord. to the TK it is a simple subst., and the inf. n. is غَشْمٌ,] signifies the act of so smearing. (K.)
b3: And غَشَمَ (tropical:) He collected firewood by night, cutting whatever he could get, without consideration, (K, TA,) or, as in the A, without discrimination. (TA.)
غَشَمٌ: see the preceding paragraph.
A2: Also Blackness [of night: app. a dial. var. of غَسَمٌ; or, perhaps, a mistranscription]. (Ham p. 163.)
غَشُومٌ A man who strikes, or beats, people vehemently, [and wrongfully, (see 1,)] and takes [from them] everything that he can get; as also ↓ غَشَّامٌ and ↓ غَاشِمٌ [except that the first and second are app. intensive epithets and the last is a simple part. n.]: and it is likewise applied to a fem., as, for ex., to a hand (يَدٌ): and to a striking, or beating, (ضَرْبٌ,) [app. as meaning wrongful,] as is also ↓ غَشَمْشَمٌ. (TA.) [One says,] الحَرْبُ غَشُومٌ
[War is wrongful], because it reaches other than the committer of a crime, or an offence deserving punishment. (S.)
b2: Also A she-camel that will not be turned back from her course, or way. (R, TA.)
غَشِيمٌ, meaning [Ignorant of affairs,] not knowing anything, is a word of the vulgar. (TA.)
غُشُومِيَّهٌ, meaning Ignorance of affairs, is a word of the vulgar, like that next preceding. (TA.)
غَشَّامٌ: see غَشُومٌ.
غَاشِمٌ: see غَشُومٌ.
غَشَمْشَمٌ: see مِغْشَمٌ. Accord. to some, it signifies One who acts with much wrongfulness, injustice, injuriousness, or tyranny. (Ham p. 104.)
b2: نَاقَةٌ غَشَمْشَمَةٌ A she-camel strong, resisting, or indomitable, in spirit. (IJ, TA.) And غَشَمْشَمٌ is applied to a he-camel as meaning هَائِجٌ [i. e.
Excited by lust]. (Meyd in explanation of the prov. here following.)
b3: غَشَمْشَمٌ يُغَشِّى الشَّجَرَ, i. e. This, or it or he, is a torrent [wild in its course,] that overwhelms the trees, so that it crushes them and uproots them, سَيْلٌ preceded by هٰذَا or هُوَ being meant to be supplied, is a prov.
applied to a man who cares not what wrong he does. (Meyd.)
b4: See also غَشُومٌ.
إِنَّهُ لَذُو غَشَمْشَمَةٍ and غَشَمْشَمِيَّةٍ Verily he is one who possesses boldness, or daringness, and penetrative energy. (K.)
أَغْشَمُ [More, and most, wrongful, unjust, injurious, or tyrannical: &c.: see 1]. أَغْشَمُ مِنَ
السَّيْلِ [More wild in course than the torrent] is a proverb. (Meyd.)
A2: IAar cites a verse in which it is applied to a plant as meaning Dry and old; but accord. to one relation of that verse, the word is أَعْشَم. (TA.)
مِغْشَمٌ One who goes at random, heedlessly, or in a headlong manner, without consideration, whom nothing will turn from that which he desires, (S, K,) by reason of his courage; (S;) as also ↓ غَشَمْشَمٌ: (S, K:) or, accord. to Aboo-Riyásh, one who performs affairs [in a random manner,] confusedly, without discrimination: or, as some say, one who, when the road is unapparent to him, goes at random, without direction and without knowledge. (Ham p. 37.)