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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2822. عظو5 2823. عف6 2824. عفج10 2825. عفر21 2826. عفص16 2827. عفل122828. عفن16 2829. عفو11 2830. عفى2 2831. عق5 2832. عقب27 2833. عقد21 2834. عقر21 2835. عقرب12 2836. عقص17 2837. عقف14 2838. عقفر7 2839. عقل25 2840. عقم20 2841. عقو7 2842. عك7 2843. عكب11 2844. عكد12 2845. عكر18 2846. عكز15 2847. عكس16 2848. عكف19 2849. عكم15 2850. عكن12 2851. عل8 2852. علب17 2853. علث14 2854. علج17 2855. علد8 2856. علس12 2857. علط11 2858. علف19 2859. علق22 2860. علقم10 2861. علك14 2862. علم22 2863. علن17 2864. علند4 2865. علو11 2866. على4 2867. عم5 2868. عمت6 2869. عمج9 2870. عمد19 2871. عمر24 2872. عمرد4 2873. عمش14 2874. عمق16 2875. عمل17 2876. عملق11 2877. عمن9 2878. عمه12 2879. عمى9 2880. عن9 2881. عنب13 2882. عنبر11 2883. عنبس6 2884. عنت20 2885. عنج11 2886. عنجف3 2887. عند17 2888. عندلب7 2889. عندم4 2890. عنز15 2891. عنس18 2892. عنف19 2893. عنفق9 2894. عنق18 2895. عنكب7 2896. عنم13 2897. عنو10 2898. عنى2 2899. عه3 2900. عهج8 2901. عهد24 2902. عهر14 2903. عهل9 2904. عهن16 2905. عو2 2906. عوج16 2907. عود22 2908. عوذ18 2909. عور17 2910. عوز16 2911. عوش2 2912. عوص14 2913. عوض14 2914. عوط8 2915. عوف13 2916. عوق17 2917. عول19 2918. عوم17 2919. عون16 2920. عوه14 2921. عوى7 Prev. 100




1 عَفِلَتْ, aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. عَفَلٌ, (Msb,) said of a woman, (Msb, K,) and of a she-camel, (K,) or of any female, (Msb,) She had a certain thing, (Msb, K,) called عَفَلٌ and عَفَلَةٌ, (K.) come forth in her vulva, resembling the أُدْرَة [or scrotal hernia] of a man. (Msb, K.) A2: عَفَلَهُ He felt his (i. e. a ram's) عَفْل [q. v.] in order to see what was his state of fatness. (TA.) 2 عَفَّلْتُهَا, (O,) inf. n. تَعْفِيلٌ, (O, K,) I attributed to her the having what is termed عَفَلٌ. (O, K. *) b2: And تَعْفِيلٌ signifies also The curing what is termed عَفَلٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) One says, عفّل المَرْأَةَ He cured the woman's [عَفَل or] عَفَلَة. (TK.) عَفْلٌ [in the CK (erroneously) عَفَل] The part of a sheep or goat, (Ks, S, O,) or of a ram, (K,) which is the place where it is felt, (Ks, S, O,) between its hind legs, (Ks, S,) to know whether it be fat or lean. (Ks, S, O, K. *) b2: And The fat of the testicles of a ram, with what is around it. (IF, K.) b3: And Abundance of the fat of what is between the hind legs of the he-goat and of the bull; seldom or never used except in relation to the gelded (K, TA) of these two; and not used in relation to the female. (TA.) b4: And The perinæum; or line between the anus and the penis. (K.) عَفَلٌ A certain thing that comes forth in the vulva of a woman and of a camel, resembling the أُدْرَة [or scrotal hernia (in the TA the أُدْرَة in the خُصْيَة)] of men; as also ↓ عَفَلَةٌ: (S, O, K: [the latter word is said in the Msb to be the subst. from عَفِلَتْ, q. v.:]) accord. to IAar, a certain excrescence of flesh in the vulva of a woman; also called قَرْن: [but see this word;] (Az, Msb, TA;) they say that it is not in the virgin, but only in the woman after childbirth: (Msb:) so says Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee: (TA:) and it is said to be a swelling between the مسْلَكَانِ [or vagina and rectum] of a woman, by reason whereof her vulva is contracted so as to prevent initus: (Msb:) accord. to IDrd. it is, in men, a thickness that arises in the anus; and in women, a thickness in the رَحِم [here meaning vulva], and so in beasts. (TA.) عَفَلَةٌ: see عَفَلٌ. b2: Also The بُظَارَة [q. v.] of a woman: so accord. to IAar. (TA.) عَفَالِ, [indeed.] like قَطَامِ, an expression of reproach, (O, K,) addressed to a woman: K:) one says to a female slave, يَا عَفَال [as though meaning O thou that hast what is termed عَفَلٌ or عَفَلَةٌ]. (O.) عَافِلٌ One who wears short clothes over such as are long. (IAar, O, K.) أَعْفَلُ A ram having much fat of the خُصْيَة [i. e. testicle, or scrotum], by reason of plumpness. (TA.) b2: And [the fem.] عَفْلآءُ A woman having what is termed عَفَلَةٌ (S, O, Msb, K) or عَفَلٌ. (S, O, K.) It is said in a trad of I'Ab that the selling, and giving in marriage, of such is not allowable. (TA.) b3: And شَفَةٌ عَفْلَآءُ [in the CK (erroneously) عَفْلاة] A lip that becomes inverted on the occasion of laughing. (O, K.)
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