1 عَشِقَ, aor. ـَ (S, O, Msb, K, [accord. to the TA, said in the Msb to be like ضَرَبَ, but in my copy of the Msb it is correctly said to be of the class of تَعِبَ,]) inf. n. عِشْقٌ and عَشَقٌ, (S, O, K,) the latter mentioned by Fr, and said by Ibn-EsSarráj to be thus by poetic license, and with two fet-hahs because two kesrehs are rare in nouns, (S, O,) or the former is a simple subst., and the latter is the inf. n., (Msb,) [and app. مَعْشَقٌ also,] He loved (another, S, O, K) excessively; (IF, S, O, Msb, K;) [or passionately; or with amorous desire; or, agreeably with explanations of عِشْقٌ below, admiringly; or with blindness to defects in the object of his love; or with a disease of the nature of melancholia;] and ↓ تعشّق as trans. is syn. with عَشِقَ as such. (TA.) [See also عَاشِقٌ.]b2: And عَشِقَتْ said of a she-camel, She was, or became, vehemently desirous of the stallion. (AA, TA.) b3: And عَشِقَ بِهِ He, or it, stuck to him, or it; (O, K;) as also عَسِقَ به. (O.) 2 عشّقهُ is used in the present day as meaning He made him to be affected with عِشْق; but is probably post-classical.]5 تعشّق He affected عِشْق: (S, O, K: * [in the K, تعشّقهُ, in which the pronoun app. refers to العِشْق, is erroneously put for تعشّق:]) or he showed, or exhibited, عِشْق. (KL.) And He was, or became, عَاشِق. (KL.) A2: See also 1.
عِشْقٌ (IF, S, O, Msb, K) [generally held to be an inf. n.] and ↓ مَعْشَقٌ [likewise app. an inf. n.] (O, K) Excessive love; (IF, S, O, Msb, K;) [or passionate love; or amorous desire:] or attackment to women: (IF, Msb:) or the lover's admiration (عَجَب [for عُجْبُ in the CK is a mistranscription for عَجَبُ]) of the beloved; and it may be in chasteness and in immorality; (K;) or عِشْقٌ may be in chasteness and حُبٌّ may be in immorality: (TA:) or blindness of the sense to the faults, or defects, of the beloved: or a disease of the nature of melancholia (مَرَضٌ وَسْوَاسِىٌّ), which one procures to himself by making his thought to exercise absolute power over the approval of certain forms: (K:) Th, being asked respecting الحُبّ and العِشْق, which of them is the more commendable, said, الحُبّ, because in العِشْق is excess: (TA:) [see also حُبٌّ:] Ibn-Seenà, [whom we commonly call Avicenna,] in a treatise on العِشْق, [regarding it as meaning natural propension,] says that it is not peculiar to the human species, but pervades all existing things of the celestial and the elemental and the vegetable and the mineral and the animal, and that its meaning is not perceived nor known, and is rendered more obscure by explanation thereof: (MF, TA:) it is said in the A that العِشْق is derived from العَشَقَةُ, which means the [plant commonly called] لَبْلَاب, because it twines upon trees, and cleaves to them. (TA.) عَشَقٌ The لَبْلَاب [a species of dolichos, the dolichos lablab of Linn.]; one of which is called عَشَقَةٌ: IDrd says, the [common] people assert that the عَشَقَة is the لَبْلَابَة: (O:) accord. to Zj, (TA,) عَشَقَةٌ signifies a certain tree [or plant] that becomes green, and then becomes slender and yellow: (K, TA:) and عَشَقٌ is its pl. [or rather the coll. gen. n.]: (K:) and Kr says that with the postclassical authors it is the لَبْلَات. (TA.) b2: Also The [tree called] أَرَاك. (TA.) عُشُقٌ, with two dammehs, A camel that keeps to the female which he covers and which desires none but him. (IAar, TA.) A2: And Men who trim, or dress, or put into a good or right state, the sets [so I render غُرُوس, as pl. accord. to general analogy of غَرْسٌ,] of sweet-smelling plants. (IAar, O, K.) عَشِيقٌ i. q. عَاشِقٌ, q. v. (TA.) b2: عَشِيقُ العُلَى is a metaphorical expression like خَدِينُ العُلَى
[meaning Excessive lover of eminence]. (TA in art. خدن.) A2: Also i. q. ↓ مَعْشُوقٌ [Loved excessively, &c.]. (TA.) عِشِّيقٌ Affected with much عِشْق; (ISk, S, O, K;) applied to a man. (ISk, S, O.) عَشِيقٌ Loving excessively; [or passionately;] &c.; (Msb, K;) [or an excessive, or a passionate, lover;] as also ↓ عَاشِقَةٌ: (TA:) the former applied to a man and to a woman, (Msb, K,) and عَاشِقَةٌ also is applied to a woman, (K:) they said اِمْرَأَةٌ عَاشِقٌ لِزَوْجِهَا [A woman excessively, or passionately, loving to her husband]; (Fr, S, O;) and sometimes they said عَاشِقَةٌ: (O:) pl. عُشَّاقٌ (TA) [and عُشَّقٌ, mentioned in the O as an epithet applied to eyes (عُيُون), by Ru-beh]: it is asserted that the عَاشِق is thus called from العَشَقَةُ meaning the لَبْلَابَة, because of his becoming dried up: (O, TA:) or from عَشِقَ بِهِ, because of his cleaving to the object of his love. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] عَاشِقُ الأَبْكَارِ an appellation of The insect called حُرْقُوص [q. v.]; because of its entering into the فَرْج of the virgin girl. (IB, TA voce حرقوص.) مَعْشَقٌ: see عِشْقٌ.
مَعْشُوقٌ: see عَشِيقٌ.