1 عَصَدَهُ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـِ (O, K,) inf. n. عَصْدٌ, (S, O,) He twisted it; turned, or wreathed, it round or about; contorted it; wound it; or bent it; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ اعصده. (K.) b2: [Hence,] عَصَدَ العَصِيدَةَ, aor. ـِ (S, O, L, Msb,) inf. n. as above; (Msb;) and ↓ اعصدها; (O, L, Msb;) He stirred about and turned over the عصيدة with a مِعْصَد, or مِعْصَدَة; (O, * L, Msb; *) he made, or prepared, the عصيدة. (L.) b3: and عَصَدَ عُنُقَهُ, [and app. عَصَدَ alone, (see عَاصِدٌ,)] aor. ـِ inf. n. عُصُودٌ, He (a camel) bent his neck towards his withers in dying. (TA.) b4: عَصَدْتُهُ عَلَى الأَمْرِ, (O, K, *) inf. n. عَصْدٌ, (O,) I made him to do the thing against his will. (O, K. *) b5: عَصَدَتْهُمُ العَصَاوِيدُ Clamours such as are raised in trial, or affliction, assailed them. (Lth, L.) A2: عَصَدَ said of an arrow, It wound, or turned, in its course, not going directly towards the butt. (L.) b2: And عَصَدَ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـُ (K,) inf. n. عُصُودٌ; (S, O, K;) as also عَصِدَ, aor. ـَ (K;) said of a man, (TA,) He died. (S, O, K.) 4 أَعْصَدَ see above, first and second sentences. Q. Q. 1 عَصْوَدُوا, (O, K.) inf. n. عَصْوَدَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓ تَعَصْوَدُوا; (O, K;) They cried out, (O, K,) and fought one another: (K:) and ↓ the latter, they raised a clamour, and became in a state of confusion. (TA.) Q. Q. 2 تَعَصْوَدُوا: see Q. Q. 1, in two places.عَصِيدٌ Twisted; turned, or wreathed, round or about; contorted; wound; or beat; as also ↓ مَعْصُودٌ. (TA.) عَصِيدَةٌ is well known; (K;) [as being A sort of thick gruel, consisting of] wheat-flour moistened and stirred about with clarified butter, and cooked: (L;) one stirs it about, and turns it over, with a مِسْوَاط, [i. e. stick, or the like,] (also called ↓ مِعْصَدٌ and ↓ مِعْصَدَةٌ, L,) so that no part of it that has not been turned over remains in the vessel; (IF, S, O, Msb; *) and hence it is thus called; (IF, Msb:) [it is also commonly made with boiling water, flour, clarified butter, and honey:] accord. to El-Mufaddal, it is properly thus called when it is so thick that it may be chewed. (TA (??) وَطِيْئَةٌ [q. v.: see also حَرِيرَةٌ.]
عَصَوَّدٌ A long day: (IAar, K:) and so عَطَوَّدٌ and عَطَرَّدٌ. (L in arts. عطد and عطرد.) b2: and all signify A high mountain. (L in arts. عطد and عطرد.) عُصْوَادٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.
عِصْوَادٌ Evil, or mischief, arising from slaughter; or mutual reviling; or clamour; so in the phrase, تَرَكْتُهُمْ فِى عِصْوَادٍ [I left them in a state of evil, &c.]: (TA:) or clamour and confusion in war or altercation; as also ↓ عَصْوَادٌ: (M, TA:) or clamour in trial or affliction: (Lth, TA:) or a formidable, or terrible, case; (S, K;) so in the phrase, وَقَعُوا فِى عِصْوَادٍ [They fell into a formidable, or terrible, case]: (S:) and هُمْ فِى
عِصْوَادٍ [They are in a formidable, or terrible, case]: (K:) or you say, هُمْ فِى عِصْوَادٍ بَيْنَهُمْ They are in trials, or afflictions, and altercations. (TA.) b2: Also, and ↓ عُصْوَادٌ, A man, and a woman, difficult, or stubborn, hard, and evil, or mischievous: (O, K:) applied to a woman, evil, or mischievous; (O;) or very evil or mischievous. (TA.) [Pl. عَصَاوِيدُ.] You say, قَوْمٌ عَصَاوِيدُ فِى الحَرْبِ A people who cleave to their adversaries in war, (O, K,) and will not quit them. (O.) b3: And عَصَاوِيدُ الكَلَامِ Distorted language; (O, K;) [as though] heaped together, one part upon another. (TA.) And عَصَاوِيدُ الظَّلَامِ Confused (O, * TA) and dense darkness. (O, * K, TA.) And in like manner عِصاويد is used in relation to camels: (K:) one says, جَآءَت الإِبِلُ عَصَاوِيدَ The camels came pressing, or crowding, one upon another: (S, O:) and accord. to Ibn-'Abbád, came in a state of dis-persion. (O.) b4: عَصَاوِيدُ signifies also Thirsty, (ISh, O, K,) applied to camels. (ISh, O.) b5: And عِصْوَادٌ signifies A fatiguing approach, (O, K,) or night-journey, (O,) to water. (O, K.) عَاصِدٌ A camel bending his neck towards his withers in dying. (S, O, K.) مِعْصَدٌ and مِعْصَدَةٌ: see عَصِيدَةٌ.
مَعْصُودٌ: see عَصِيدٌ.