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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2726. عدو12 2727. عذب17 2728. عذر23 2729. عذط8 2730. عذف9 2731. عذق142732. عذل16 2733. عذو7 2734. عذى2 2735. عر6 2736. عرب23 2737. عربد9 2738. عربن8 2739. عرتب4 2740. عرتن5 2741. عرج19 2742. عرجن13 2743. عرد13 2744. عرس22 2745. عرش22 2746. عرص15 2747. عرصف6 2748. عرض23 2749. عرضن4 2750. عرطب5 2751. عرف21 2752. عرفج10 2753. عرفط7 2754. عرق21 2755. عرقب14 2756. عرك13 2757. عرم21 2758. عرمض7 2759. عرن18 2760. عرو11 2761. عرى4 2762. عز8 2763. عزب19 2764. عزر20 2765. عزف18 2766. عزق14 2767. عزل20 2768. عزم18 2769. عزو11 2770. عزى3 2771. عس6 2772. عسب19 2773. عسج10 2774. عسجد7 2775. عسر20 2776. عسف19 2777. عسكر11 2778. عسل18 2779. عسلج8 2780. عسم15 2781. عسو8 2782. عسى4 2783. عش6 2784. عشب17 2785. عشر21 2786. عشرق7 2787. عشق13 2788. عشو11 2789. عص5 2790. عصب21 2791. عصد14 2792. عصر22 2793. عصف18 2794. عصفر14 2795. عصل13 2796. عصم19 2797. عصو9 2798. عصى3 2799. عض6 2800. عضب15 2801. عضد21 2802. عضرط8 2803. عضرفط5 2804. عضل20 2805. عضم8 2806. عضه18 2807. عضو9 2808. عط6 2809. عطب20 2810. عطد6 2811. عطر15 2812. عطرد8 2813. عطس16 2814. عطش17 2815. عطف20 2816. عطل20 2817. عطن17 2818. عطو11 2819. عظل13 2820. عظلم8 2821. عظم20 2822. عظو5 2823. عف6 2824. عفج10 2825. عفر21 Prev. 100




1 عَذَقَ الشَّاةَ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَذْقٌ, (S, O,) He appended to the sheep, or goat, a sign whereby the latter might be known, termed ↓ عَذْقَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ عِذْقَةٌ, (K,) being a flock of wool, (S, O,) differing in colour from the animal: (S, O, K:) some particularize the animal to which this is done as being a goat: (TA:) and ↓ اعذقها signifies the same. (S, K.) b2: Hence the saying, مَنْ عُذِقَتْ بِهِ الأَعْمَالُ أُعْلِقَتْ بِهِ الآمَالُ (assumed tropical:) [The person to whom offices of administration are assigned, to him hopes are made to cling]. (Har p. 489.) b3: Hence also, (O, TA,) عَذَقَ الرَّجُلَ, (S, O,) or عَذَقَهُ بِشَرٍّ or بِقَبِيحٍ, (K,) (tropical:) He reproached him, or upbraided him, with a thing that was bad, evil, abominable, or foul, (S, O, K, TA,) and stigmatized him with it, (S, O, TA,) so that he became known thereby. (TA.) b4: And عَذَقَهُ إِلَى كَذَا i. e. نَسَبَهُ إِلَيْهِ [commonly meaning نَسَبَ إِلَيْهِ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) He attributed, or imputed, to him such a thing]. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) A2: عَذَقْتُ النَّخْلَةَ I cut off the branches of the palm-tree: (S, O:) and [in like manner one says] ↓ عَذَّقْتُ, with teshdeed to denote muchness [of the action] or multiplicity [of the objects]. (S.) A3: عَذَقَ said of the [species of sweet rush called] إِذْخِر, It put forth its fruit; as also ↓ أَعْذَقَ: (S, O, K:) or the latter, accord. to IAth, it had عُذُوق [pl. of عِذْقٌ] and شُعَب [pl. of شُعْبَةٌ, i. e. bunches, or sprigs]: or, as some say, it blossomed. (TA.) And, said of the [species of tree, or plant, called] سَخْبَر, It grew tall. (IAar, O, TA.) A4: عَذَقَ الفَحْلُ عَنِ الإِبِلِ, (O, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَذْقٌ, (TA,) The stallion [camel] repelled from the [she-] camels, and drew them together. (O, K.) A5: And عَذَقَ البَعِيرُ The camel voided his dung in a thin state. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) 2 عَذَّقَ see the preceding paragraph.4 اعذق: see 1, first sentence.

A2: Also He (a man) had many عُذُوق, i. e. palm-trees, pl. of عَذْقٌ. (O.) b2: And اعذقت النَّخْلَةُ The palm-tree had many أَعْذَاق, i. e. racemes, or bunches of dates, pl. of عِذْقٌ. (O.) b3: See also 1, latter half.8 اعتذق بَكْرَةً مِنْ إِبِلِهِ He made a mark, or sign, upon a young female of his camels, for his riding her before she had been trained: (O, K: * [the K has لِيَقْبِضَهَا in the place of لِيَقْتَضِبَهَا, which latter is the reading in the O, and is evidently the right:]) the mark, or sign, is termed ↓ عَذْقَةٌ, as mentioned by Az. (TA.) b2: And اعتذقهُ بِكَذَا means اِخْتَصَّهُ بِهِ [i. e. He distinguished him particularly, peculiarly, or specially, by such a thing; or he particularized him, or particularly or peculiarly or specially characterized him, thereby]; (O, K;) namely, a man. (K.) b3: And اعتذق He made [the] two ends of his turban to hang down behind; (IAar, O, K;) like اعتذب. (TA.) عَذْقٌ A palm-tree with its fruit: (S, O, K:) so called by the people of El-Hijáz: (TA:) or [simply] a palm-tree: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْذُقٌ and [of mult.] عِذَاقٌ (K, TA) [the latter erroneously written in the CK عِذْقٌ] and عُذُوقٌ. (O: in which no other is mentioned.) [The dim. is ↓ عُذَيْقٌ:] hence the saying, أَنَا عُذَيْقُهَا المُرَجَّبُ [expl. in art. رجب]. (S, O.) b2: And Certain dates of El-Medeeneh. (CK.) It it is applied to several sorts of dates; of which are those called عَذْقُ ابْنِ الحُبَيْقِ, (Msb,) or عَذْقُ حُبَيْقٍ, (Mgh,) and عَذْقُ ابْنِ طَابٍ and عَذْقُ ابْنِ زَيْدٍ [mentioned in art. طوب]: so says AHát: (Msb:) or عَذْقُ ابْنِ طَابٍ is the name of a sort of palm-trees in El-Medeeneh. (K in art. طوب.) عِذْقٌ A raceme of a palm-tree, or of dates; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, TA;) i. e. the base thereof, (TA,) together with the fruit-stalks [and fruit]; (Msb, TA;) when ripe: (TA:) pl. أَعْذَاقٌ (O, Msb, K) and عُذُوقٌ. (K.) b2: Hence, (TA,) (tropical:) Might; or high, or elevated, rank or condition; syn. عِزٌّ. (O, K, TA.) So in the saying, فِى

بَنِى فُلَانٍ كَهْلٌ (tropical:) In the sons of such a one is might, &c., that has attained its utmost point; and so عذق يَانِعٌ. (O, TA.) b3: Also A bunch of grapes: (Lth, O, K:) or when what was upon it has been eaten. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b4: and A branching portion of a plant: (Lth, O:) and any branch having branchlets. (Lth, O, K.) عَذِقٌ, applied to a man, i. q. لَبِقٌ: (O, K:) so in the phrase عَذِقٌ بِالقُلُوبِ [app. meaning Congenial with hearts]. (O, TA.) b2: Applied to perfume, Fragrant. (O, K.) b3: نَعْجَةٌ عَذِقَةٌ A ewe having goodly wool: one should not say عَنْزٌ عَذِقَةٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) عَذْقَةٌ and عِذْقَةٌ: see 1, first sentence: and for the former, see also 8.

عَذَقَةٌ The fruit of the [species of tree, or plant, called] سَخْبَر. (IAar, O.) عُذَيْقٌ dim. of عَذْقٌ, q. v.

عَاذِقٌ One who undertakes the affairs of palmtrees, the fecundating of them, and the adjusting of their racemes of fruit, and disposing them properly for the cutting off. (TA.) هُوَ مَعْذُوقٌ بِالشَّرِّ (tropical:) He is stigmatized with evil. (TA.)
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