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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2282. شهو10 2283. شوأ4 2284. شوب17 2285. شوذ11 2286. شور21 2287. شوس152288. شوش9 2289. شوص14 2290. شوط16 2291. شوظ14 2292. شوف16 2293. شوق15 2294. شوك18 2295. شول16 2296. شوه19 2297. شوى12 2298. شى1 2299. شيأ12 2300. شيب17 2301. شيح13 2302. شيخ17 2303. شيد17 2304. شير7 2305. شيز13 2306. شيش7 2307. شيص13 2308. شيط17 2309. شيع18 2310. شيف5 2311. شيق8 2312. شيل5 2313. شيم16 2314. شين11 2315. شيه6 2316. ص6 2317. صأب9 2318. صأك6 2319. صأى3 2320. صب4 2321. صبأ12 2322. صبح20 2323. صبر21 2324. صبع15 2325. صبغ19 2326. صبن12 2327. صبو8 2328. صح3 2329. صحب15 2330. صحر16 2331. صحف20 2332. صحل9 2333. صحم7 2334. صحن15 2335. صحو11 2336. صخ4 2337. صخب12 2338. صخد11 2339. صخر13 2340. صخم4 2341. صد5 2342. صدأ14 2343. صدح12 2344. صدر22 2345. صدع20 2346. صدغ16 2347. صدف20 2348. صدق20 2349. صدل6 2350. صدم16 2351. صدن8 2352. صدو3 2353. صدى9 2354. صر6 2355. صرب14 2356. صرج11 2357. صرح19 2358. صرخ12 2359. صرد18 2360. صرط13 2361. صرع16 2362. صرف27 2363. صرم20 2364. صرى7 2365. صطب9 2366. صعب15 2367. صعتر6 2368. صعد21 2369. صعر18 2370. صعط5 2371. صعق17 2372. صعل11 2373. صعلك13 2374. صعو9 2375. صغر18 2376. صغو7 2377. صف5 2378. صفح19 2379. صفد15 2380. صفر21 2381. صفرد6 Prev. 100




1 شَوِسَ, (K,) aor. ـْ (TA,) inf. n. شَوَشٌ; (S, A, K, TA;) and شَاسَ, aor. ـَ (Lth, K, TA,) or ـُ (Ham p. 68;) He looked from the outer angle of his eye, by reason of pride, or of anger, or rage: (S, A, K:) or, as in the M, he looked with one of his eyes, inclining his face towards the side of that eye; doing so naturally, or by reason of pride and self-conceit and anger: or he raised his head in pride: (TA:) or he made the eye small, contracting the lids, to look: and ↓ تشاوس has the first of the meanings above mentioned; (A, K;) or the last: (A:) or one says, تشاوس فِى نَظَرِهِ, meaning he looked with the look of the haughty, or proud: (TA:) or تشاوس إِلَيْهِ he looked at him from the outer angle of his eye, inclining his face towards the side of the eye with which he looked: (AA, S, TA: [see also 3:]) or تشاوس signifies he looked towards the sky with one of his eyes: or it means he showed, or manifested, pride and self-conceit, and haughtiness; agreeably with the general analogy of verbs of this measure: and شَوَسٌ is in the natural disposition. (TA.) b2: Also He was such as is termed أَشْوَس meaning bold, or daring, to engage in fight, and strong. (TA.) A2: شَوْسٌ [inf. n. of شَاسَ] in relation to the سِوَاك [or toothstick] is a dial. var. of شَوْصٌ: (IAar, K, TA:) one says, شَاسَ فَاهُ بِالسِّوَاكِ, like شَاصَهُ [q. v.]. (Fr, TA.) 3 شَاوَسَهُ [He looked at him in the manner of him who is termed أَشْوَس; like تشاوس إِلَيْهِ: see مُشَاوِسٌ].6 تَشَاْوَسَ see the first paragraph.

أَشْوَسُ, applied to a man, (S, A,) Who looks in the manner expl. above, in the first sentence of this art.: (S, A, K:) or in whose look is known anger; or rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; and pride: (TA:) or raising his head by reason of pride: (AA, TA:) fem. شَوْسَآءُ: (A, TA:) and pl. شُوسٌ. (S, A, K.) [Hence the saying,] بُلِىَ فُلَانٌ بِشُوسِ الخُطُوبِ (tropical:) [Such a one was tried with terrifying, or severe, calamities or afflictions]. (A, TA.) b2: Also Bold, or daring, to engage in fight, and strong. (TA. [See also شُوشٌ: and see أَشْرَسُ.]) مُشَاوِسٌ (tropical:) Water hardly to be seen, by reason of its paucity, and the depth to which it has sunk; (A, * K;) as though it looked at him who came to it in the manner of him who is termed أَشْوَس (كَأَنَّهُ يُشَاوِسُ الوَارِدَ). (A, TA.)
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