2 شنّر عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. تَشْنِيرٌ, He blamed him; found fault with him; attributed or imputed to him, or accused him of, a vice, or fault: (K:) or the same, (K,) or شنّر بِهِ, (O,) or شنّرهُ, (TA,) he rendered him infamous; exposed his vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions; disgraced him; or put him to shame. (O, K, TA.) شَنْرَةٌ The gait, or manner of walking, of a righteous man. (O, K.) [See also شِمْرَةٌ.]شَنَارٌ A vice, or fault: (S, O:) or the foulest vice or fault: (K:) and a disgrace, or shame, or thing that occasions one's being reviled: (S, O, K:) or a disgraceful vice or fault: seldom used unless conjointly with عَارٌ: (TA:) accord. to Sh, (O,) a thing, or an affair, notorious for badness or foulness: (O, K:) pl. شَنَائِرُ. (TA.) شُنَارَى one of the names of The cat. (O, K. *) شُنَّارٌ A certain white bird, found in water: of the dial. of Syria. (TA.) شِنِّيرٌ and ↓ شِنِّيرَةٌ, (O, K,) [the latter having an intensive meaning,] applied to a man, (O,) Abounding in evil or mischief, and in vices, or faults; bad in disposition. (O, K.) شِنِّيرَةٌ: see what next precedes.
مَشْنُورَةٌ A liberal, bountiful, or generous, woman: as also مَنْشُورَةٌ. (IAar, T in art. نشر, TA.)