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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2259. شمع14 2260. شمعل7 2261. شمل17 2262. شن6 2263. شنأ16 2264. شنب152265. شنبث3 2266. شنبر5 2267. شنج14 2268. شنر13 2269. شنز7 2270. شنع17 2271. شنف16 2272. شنق20 2273. شنو3 2274. شهب19 2275. شهد17 2276. شهدانج2 2277. شهر17 2278. شهق18 2279. شهل16 2280. شهم14 2281. شهنز3 2282. شهو10 2283. شوأ4 2284. شوب17 2285. شوذ11 2286. شور21 2287. شوس15 2288. شوش9 2289. شوص14 2290. شوط16 2291. شوظ14 2292. شوف16 2293. شوق15 2294. شوك18 2295. شول16 2296. شوه19 2297. شوى12 2298. شى1 2299. شيأ12 2300. شيب17 2301. شيح13 2302. شيخ17 2303. شيد17 2304. شير7 2305. شيز13 2306. شيش7 2307. شيص13 2308. شيط17 2309. شيع18 2310. شيف5 2311. شيق8 2312. شيل5 2313. شيم16 2314. شين11 2315. شيه6 2316. ص6 2317. صأب9 2318. صأك6 2319. صأى3 2320. صب4 2321. صبأ12 2322. صبح20 2323. صبر21 2324. صبع15 2325. صبغ19 2326. صبن12 2327. صبو8 2328. صح3 2329. صحب15 2330. صحر16 2331. صحف20 2332. صحل9 2333. صحم7 2334. صحن15 2335. صحو11 2336. صخ4 2337. صخب12 2338. صخد11 2339. صخر13 2340. صخم4 2341. صد5 2342. صدأ14 2343. صدح12 2344. صدر22 2345. صدع20 2346. صدغ16 2347. صدف20 2348. صدق20 2349. صدل6 2350. صدم16 2351. صدن8 2352. صدو3 2353. صدى9 2354. صر6 2355. صرب14 2356. صرج11 2357. صرح19 2358. صرخ12 Prev. 100




1 شَنِبَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. شَنَبٌ, (TA,) He had the quality termed شَنَبٌ meaning as expl. below. (K.) b2: And It (a day) was, or became, cool, or cold. (A, K.) شَنَبٌ Lustre, and fineness, or delicacy, or thinness, and coolness, and sweetness, in the teeth: (A, K:) or lustre, and fineness, or delicacy, or thinness, in the fore teeth: (TA:) or these two qualities, together with coolness and sweetness, in the mouth, accord. to As, or in the teeth: (TA:) or coolness and sweetness in the teeth: or sharpness of the teeth: (S:) or sharpness of the canine teeth, like غَرْبٌ, so that they appear like a saw: (K:) or white specks in the teeth: (A, K:) or the state of the teeth when they appear somewhat tinged with blackness, like the appearance of blackness in hail; غُرُوبٌ signifying the “ lustre ” of the teeth; and ظَلْمٌ, their “ whiteness that is as though there were over it a blackness: ” (ISh, TA:) Abu-l-'Abbás says, It is variously expl., as a serrated state of the teeth: and their clearness and cleanness: and their being separate, or apart, one from another: and the sweetness of their odour: (TA:) El-Jarmee says, I heard As say that this word signifies coolness of the mouth and teeth; and I said, Our companions say that it is their sharpness when they come forth; by which is meant their new, or recent, and fresh state; for when they have undergone the lapse of years, they become abraded, or worn: but he said, It is nothing but their coolness: and the saying of Dhu-r-Rummeh, وَفِى اللِّثَاتِ وَفِى أَنْيَابِهَا شَنَبُ [which should be rendered And in the gums, and in her canine teeth, is coolness], corroborates the assertion of As; for there is no sharpness in the gum: (S, L, TA:) it is also related of As that he said, I asked Ru-beh respecting the meaning of شَنَبٌ, and he took a grain of pomegranate, and pointed to its lustre: (Mz, TA:) [and ↓ شُنْبَةٌ signifies the same:] a poet says, مُنَصَّبُهَا حَمْشٌ أَحَمُّ يَزِينُهُ عَوَارِضُ فِيهَا شُنْبَةٌ وَغُرُوبُ

[Her even set of front teeth are slender and white, side teeth in which are coolness and lustre adorning them]. (O, TA.) b2: [In the present day, it signifies The mustache.]

شَنِبٌ and ↓ شَانِبٌ, (A, K,) the former regular, the latter on the authority of usage, (TA,) A cool, or cold, day. (A, K.) شُنْبَةٌ Coolness, or coldness, of a day. (O, K.) b2: See also شَنَبٌ, near the end.

شَنِيبٌ: see أَشْنَبُ.

شَانِبٌ: see شَنِبٌ: b2: and what here follows.

أَشْنَبُ Having the quality termed شَنَبٌ meaning as expl. above; (A, O, K;) as also ↓ شَانِبٌ, (K,) which is irregular, (TA,) and ↓ شَنِيبٌ, (K,) [which is likewise irregular;] but the first of these three is the most common: (TA:) applied to a man, (O,) and to the ثَغْر [or front teeth], (A,) [and to the mouth, as in a verse cited voce زَرْنَبٌ:] fem. شَنْبَآءُ, (S, O, K,) applied to a woman, (S, O,) and also written شَمْبَآءُ, (K,) the ن being changed into م because of the following ب, and in like manner [the pl. شُنْبٌ is also written]

شُمْبٌ. (TA.) b2: شَنْبَآءُ also signifies A pomegranate (رُمَّانَةٌ) such as is termed إِمْلِيسِيَّةٌ, having no grains, but only juice within the rind, (A, K, TA,) in the form of grains without stones. (TA.) مِشْنَبٌ A young boy whose teeth are sharp and serrated by reason of his youthfulness. (IAar, O.) مَشَانِبُ Sweet mouths. (O, K.)
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