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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2139. شث5 2140. شج3 2141. شجب17 2142. شجر20 2143. شجع17 2144. شجن162145. شجو10 2146. شح5 2147. شحب11 2148. شحج11 2149. شحذ14 2150. شحط16 2151. شحم16 2152. شحن16 2153. شحو7 2154. شحى3 2155. شخب14 2156. شخت10 2157. شخر10 2158. شخس10 2159. شخص19 2160. شد6 2161. شدخ12 2162. شدق16 2163. شدن12 2164. شده11 2165. شدو9 2166. شذ5 2167. شذب15 2168. شذر15 2169. شذو8 2170. شر6 2171. شرب24 2172. شرج17 2173. شرح19 2174. شرخ14 2175. شرد16 2176. شردم4 2177. شرذم11 2178. شرس18 2179. شرسف8 2180. شرط19 2181. شرع20 2182. شرف19 2183. شرق18 2184. شرقرق3 2185. شرك16 2186. شرم17 2187. شرنف5 2188. شره13 2189. شرو4 2190. شرول2 2191. شرى13 2192. شزب10 2193. شزر16 2194. شسع17 2195. ششب1 2196. شصر10 2197. شط6 2198. شطأ13 2199. شطب16 2200. شطر22 2201. شطرنج4 2202. شطن16 2203. شظ5 2204. شظف14 2205. شظى5 2206. شع3 2207. شعب20 2208. شعبذ6 2209. شعث16 2210. شعذ8 2211. شعر24 2212. شعف18 2213. شعل18 2214. شعو7 2215. شغب16 2216. شغر18 2217. شغرب2 2218. شغزب10 2219. شغف19 2220. شغل17 2221. شغو5 2222. شف5 2223. شفر14 2224. شفرج4 2225. شفع19 2226. شفق16 2227. شفه15 2228. شفو8 2229. شق4 2230. شقأ7 2231. شقح13 2232. شقذ8 2233. شقر16 2234. شقرق6 2235. شقص15 2236. شقو7 2237. شقى2 2238. شك3 Prev. 100




1 شَجِنَ, (S, L, K,) aor. ـَ (K;) and شَجُنَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. [of the former] شَجَنٌ [in some copies of the K شَجْنٌ] and [of the latter, or of both,] شَجُونٌ; (L, K;) He grieved, mourned, or lamented; or was sorrowful, sad, or unhappy; (S, L, K;) and was anxious: and ↓ تشجّن signifies the same: (L:) or this last signifies, (K,) or, as Lth says, it seems to signify, (L,) he remembered; syn. تَذَكَّرَ. (L, K.) And شجنت الحَمَامَةُ, [app. both شَجِنَت and شَجُنَت,] inf. n. شُجُونٌ, The pigeon cooed in a wailing and plaintive manner. (L.) [See also شَجَنٌ below.]

A2: شَجَنَهُ, (S, L, K,) [aor. ـُ accord. to the usual rule of the K,] inf. n. شَجْنٌ and شُجُونٌ, (L, K,) signifies the same as ↓ اشجنهُ, (S, L, K,) i. e. He, (another person, S,) or it, (an affair, or an event, or a case, L, K,) caused him to grieve or mourn or lament, or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy. (S, L, K.) A3: شَجَنَتْنِى الحَاجَةُ, (S, L,) and شَجَنَتْهُ, (L, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. شَجْنٌ, (S, L,) Want, or the want, detained, or withheld, (S, L, K,) me, (S, L,) or him. (L, K.) And مَا شَجَنَكَ عَنَّا What detained, or withheld, thee from us? (L.) 4 اشجنهُ: see the preceding paragraph.

A2: اشجن الكَرْمُ The grape-vine had a branchlet of a bunch of which all the grapes came to maturity. (L, K. [See شِجْنَةٌ.]) 5 تَشَجَّنَ see 1, first sentence.

A2: تشجّن الشَّجَرُ The trees were, or became, tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense. (L, K.) شَجْنٌ (S, L, K [in the CK شَجَنٌ, but expressly said in the S to be بِالتَّسْكِينِ]) A road of a valley; (S, L;) or a road in a valley: or in the upper, or uppermost, part thereof: as also ↓ شَاجِنَةٌ: (K:) pl. of the former شُجُونٌ: (S, L, K:) and of ↓ شَوَاجِنُ: (K:) or ↓ شَاجِنَةٌ signifies a valley in which are many trees; (S, L;) or a place in which are شُجُون, which means tangled trees; (Ham pp. 761-2;) and شَوَاجِنُ is its pl.: (S, L, and Ham p. 762:) or ↓ شَاجِنَةٌ signifies a sort of valley producing good herbage: or, as some say, شَوَاجِنُ signifies the upper, or uppermost, parts of a valley; and its sing. is ↓ شَجَنٌ [thus written in the L in this instance], as ISd mentions on the authority of A'Obeyd, but adding that, as such, it is irregular, and that it is more properly to be regarded as pl. of ↓ شَاجِنَةٌ. (L.) b2: [Hence,] one says, الحَدِيثُ ذُو شُجُونٍ, (S, Meyd, L, K,) شُجُون being pl. of شَجْنٌ, with the ج quiescent; (Meyd;) a prov., (Meyd, L,) meaning (assumed tropical:) The story is involved, or intricate; (S, Meyd, L;) or has several ways [in which it may be understood]; (Meyd;) or has several modes, or manners; and objects of aim: (L, K:) applied to a story by which one calls to mind another: (A'Obeyd, Meyd, L:) the first who said it was Dabbeh Ibn-Udd Ibn-Tábikhah: he had two sons, named Saad and So'eyd: and some camels belonging to him ran away by night, so he sent his two sons to seek them; and they separated; and Saad found them and restored them; but So'eyd went on seeking them; and El-Hárith Ibn-Kaab met him; and there were upon the young man two [garments such as are called] burds (بُرْدَانِ), which El-Hárith asked him to give to him, but he refused to comply with his desire; whereupon he slew him, and took his two burds: and Dabbeh, when he saw a dark object in the night, used to say, أَسَعْدٌ أَمْ سُعَيْدٌ [“ Is it Saad or So'eyd? ” (see سَعْدٌ)]; and this saying of his became current as a prov.: some time after this, having gone on pilgrimage, he met El-Hárith Ibn-Kaab at 'Okádh, and saw upon him the two burds of his son So'eyd, and asked him respecting them; and he answered that he had met a young man wearing them, and slain him, and taken them: Dabbeh said, “With this thy sword? ” and he answered, “Yes: ” and he said, “ Give it me that I may look at it, for I think it to be sharp: ” and El-Hárith gave it him: and he took it, and shook it, and said, إِنَّ الحَدِيثَ ذُو شُجُونٍ; and slew him with it: whereupon it was said to him, “O Dabbeh, in the sacred month? ” and he said, سَبَقَ السَّيْفُ العَذْلَ [“ The sword preceded the censure ”): these three provs. he originated. (Meyd.) شُجْنٌ and شِجْنٌ: see the next paragraph.

شَجَنٌ Grief, mourning, lamentation, sorrow, sadness, or unhappiness; (S, L, K;) and anxiety: (L, K:) pl. أَشْجَانٌ (S, L, K) and شُجُونٌ; (L, K; [in the latter of which these pls. are mentioned after all the explanations of the sing.;]) the former a pl. of pauc., and the latter of mult. (Ham p. 404.) [See a verse cited voce عَرَضٌ, in which it means A cause of anxiety.] b2: And The soul's love, or its inclination, or its blamable inclination: (L:) [or] love that is followed by anxiety and grief. (Kull p. 165.) b3: And A want, (S, L, Msb, K,) as also ↓ شَجِينٌ, (L,) wherever it be: (S, L, K:) pl. شُجُونٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and أَشْجَانٌ; (L, Msb, K;) the latter being pl. of شَجِينٌ also. (L.) A rájiz says, لِى شَجَنَانِ شَجَنٌ بِنَجْدِ وَشَجَنٌ لِى بِبِلَادِ السِّنْدِ [I have two wants; a want in Nejd, and I have a want in the country of Es-Sind]. (S.) A2: Also An intricately-intermingling branch of a tree; (L, K;) and a شُعْبَة [i. e. branch, or branchlet, or the like,] of anything; (K;) like ↓ شِجْنَةٌ and ↓ شُجْنَةٌ and ↓ شَجْنَةٌ (L, K) in the former sense: (L: [accord. to the K, app., in the latter sense:]) or, accord. to IAar, one says ↓ شُجْنَةٌ and ↓ شُجْنٌ meaning a branch of a tree, [or the latter app. means branches, for it seems to be a coll. gen. n.,] and ↓ شِجْنَةٌ and ↓ شِجْنٌ, and [the pl. of ↓ شُجْنَةٌ is] شُجْنَاتٌ and شُجُنَاتٌ: (L:) or, accord. to J, (L,) ↓ شِجْنَةٌ and ↓ شُجْنَةٌ signify roots of trees intricately intermingling: (S, L:) [but] the primary signification of ↓ شِجْنَةٌ and ↓ شُجْنَةٌ is a branchlet (a شُعْبَة of a غُصْن) of a tree: (L:) or ↓ شِجْنَةٌ signifies tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees. (Msb.) b2: See also شِجْنَةٌ. b3: And see شَجْنٌ. b4: Also, (K,) or شجنة, (L, [thus written without any syll. signs, perhaps fem. of شَجَنٌ, i. e. شَجَنَةٌ, but it seems to be indicated by the context in the L that it is ↓ شُجْنَةٌ,]) A she-camel compact in make, of which the several parts are interknit, one with another, (L, K, *) like the parts of a tree. (L.) شَجْنَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

شُجْنَةٌ: see شَجَنٌ, in six places: and شِجْنَةٌ.

A2: Also, as some say, Leanness; or slenderness, and leanness; or leanness, and lankness in the belly. (L.) شِجْنَةٌ: see شَجَنٌ, in five places. b2: Also, i. e. with kesr, (K,) or ↓ شَجَنٌ and ↓ شَجَنَةٌ, (L,) A branchlet of a bunch of a grape-vine of which all the grapes come to maturity. (L, K.) b3: شِجْنَةٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:) Relationship closely, or intimately, connected. (L.) One says, بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَهُ شِجْنَةُ رَحِمٍ, and رَحِمٍ ↓ شُجْنَةُ, (assumed tropical:) Between me and him is a relationship closely, or intimately, connected. (S.) And it is said in a trad., الرَّحِمُ شِجْنَةٌ مِنَ اللّٰهِ i. e. (tropical:) الرَّحِمُ is derived from الرَّحْمٰن: (S, L: [see رَحِمٌ:]) or, accord. to AO, (L,) the meaning is, [الرَّحِم is] relationship, from God, closely, or intimately, connected, like the roots of trees. (S, L.) b4: Also A crack, or cleft, in a mountain. (Lh, L, K.) شَجَنَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

شَجُونُ ↓ شَاجِنَتِى is a saying of the Arabs like their saying عَابِلَتِى عَبُولُ [i. e., app., My withholder is death, or shall be death alone; for شَجَنَتْهُ شَجُونُ may be rendered Death withheld him, like as عَبَلَتْهُ عَبُولُ is rendered “ death separated him ”]. (L.) شَجِينٌ: see شَجَنٌ.

شَاجِنٌ Grieving, mourning, or lamenting; or sorrowful, sad, or unhappy; (S, L;) and anxious. (L.) A2: See also an ex. of its fem., with ة, voce شَجُونُ.

شَاجِنَةٌ [as a subst.]; pl. شَوَاجِنُ: see شَجْنٌ, in five places.
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