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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1749. زرنق9 1750. زرنيخ1 1751. زرى8 1752. ززم3 1753. زع2 1754. زعب131755. زعج15 1756. زعر16 1757. زعف12 1758. زعفر10 1759. زعق13 1760. زعل11 1761. زعم18 1762. زغب16 1763. زغبر7 1764. زغرد6 1765. زغل11 1766. زف5 1767. زفت17 1768. زفر15 1769. زفل9 1770. زفن15 1771. زق3 1772. زقب9 1773. زقم15 1774. زكأ8 1775. زكر13 1776. زكم16 1777. زكو11 1778. زكى3 1779. زل5 1780. زلج12 1781. زلخ10 1782. زلعب4 1783. زلغب5 1784. زلف24 1785. زلق18 1786. زلقم4 1787. زلم18 1788. زلى2 1789. زم4 1790. زماورد1 1791. زمت13 1792. زمخ8 1793. زمر18 1794. زمرد4 1795. زمرذ7 1796. زمع18 1797. زمك10 1798. زمل20 1799. زملق5 1800. زمن15 1801. زمهر11 1802. زن4 1803. زنأ13 1804. زنبر9 1805. زنبق6 1806. زنبل5 1807. زنج12 1808. زنجبيل4 1809. زنجر9 1810. زنجفر2 1811. زنخ9 1812. زند17 1813. زندق12 1814. زنر11 1815. زنق15 1816. زنم20 1817. زنو4 1818. زنى5 1819. زهد19 1820. زهر18 1821. زهق18 1822. زهم13 1823. زهو11 1824. زو1 1825. زوج18 1826. زود14 1827. زور21 1828. زوغ10 1829. زوق16 1830. زول16 1831. زون13 1832. زوى6 1833. زى1 1834. زيب9 1835. زيت16 1836. زيج6 1837. زيح11 1838. زيد18 1839. زير11 1840. زيزفون2 1841. زيغ16 1842. زيف16 1843. زيق9 1844. زيل16 1845. زين16 1846. س7 1847. سأب6 1848. سأد6 Prev. 100




1 زَعَبْتُهُ عَنِّى, [aor. ـَ inf. n. زَعْبٌ, I pushed, thrust, drove away, or repelled, him, or it, from me. (S, TA.) b2: [Hence,] زَعَبَ said of a torrent, aor. and inf. n. as above, It was impelled in its several parts, or portions, by the impetus of one part, or portion, acting upon another; in a valley: (S, TA:) [it was, or became, copious, and drove along, one portion impelling another; like

↓ اِزْلَعَبَّ:] it ran. (TA.) b3: If you say رَعَبَ with the unpointed ر, (S, TA.) or thus and also زَعَبَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) you mean It filled the valley. (S, TA.) And the latter, It filled everything: said of rain. (TA.) And He filled a vessel. (K, TA.) b4: [Hence,] زَعَبَ المَرْأَةَ, (K, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, is a tropical phrase, meaning جَامَعَهَا فَمَلَأَ فَرْجَهَا بِفَرْجِهِ: (TA:) or جَامَعَهَا فَمَلَأَ فَرْجَهَا مَنِيًّا: (K, * TA:) [neither of which explanations needs translation:] but, accord. to some, this is said only of one that is large, or bulky. (TA.) b5: زَعَبَ القِرْبَةَ He took up and carried the water-skin, it being full: (K, TA:) he carried it filled; as also زَأَبَهَا: (TA:) and both signify he carried it in his bosom: (TA in art. زأب: [see also 8:]) the former also signifies he was impelled onwards (تدافع) by it, carrying it, by reason of its weight. (TA in the present art.) b6: زَعَبَ بِحِمْلِهِ, said of a camel, (K, TA,) i. q. اِسْتَقَامَ [app. meaning He went right on, straight on, or undeviatingly, with his load]: (TA:) or, as also بِهِ ↓ ازدعب, he went along with his load oppressed by its weight: or he was impelled onwards (تَدَافَعَ) by it: (K, TA:) or مَرَّ يَزْعَبُ بِهِ he went along quickly with it: or he went along easily with it; namely, his load. (TA.) b7: زَعَبَ الوَادِى

The valley became filled, (K, TA,) so that the several parts, or portions, of the torrent impelled one another. (TA.) b8: زَعَبَ فِى قَيْئِهِ He vomited much, so that one portion [of the vomit] impelled on another. (TA.) b9: زَعَبَتِ القِرْبَةُ i. q. دفعت مَآءَهَا [The water-skin propelled its water: or the right reading is probably دَفَقَتْ مَآءَهَا, i. e., poured forth its water; or poured it forth with vehemence]. (TA.) b10: زَعَبَ also signifies He cut off, or divided off; and so ↓ ازدعب. (K, TA.) Yousay, زَعَبَ لَهُ مِنَ المَالِ, and ↓ ازدعب, as also ازدهب, He cut off, or divided off, for him [a portion] of the property, or wealth. (TA.) And زَعَبْتُ لَهُ زُعْبَةً مِنَ المَالِ, and زَعْبَةً, (S, K, *) and زِعْبًا, (K,) I gave to him a part, or portion, of the property, or wealth: (S, K:) or a full, or an ample, or abundant, portion thereof. (TA.) b11: زَعَبَ الشَّرَابَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He drank all the wine, or beverage. (TA.) 5 تزعّب He was brisk, lively, or sprightly; (K, TA;) and quick. (TA.) b2: He was, or became, angered, or enraged. (K.) b3: تزعّب فِى

أَكْلِهِ وَشُرْبِهِ He was immoderate in his eating and his drinking; he ate and drank much. (K.) A2: تزعّب القَوْمُ المَالَ The people, or party, divided among themselves the property, or wealth; (K;) divided it into parts, or portions. (TA.) 8 اِزْدَعَبْتُ الشَّىْءَ I carried the thing; took it up and carried it; or carried it off or away; syn. حَمَلْتُهُ: you say, مَرَّ بِهِ فَازْدَعَبَهُ [He passed by it and carried it off or away]. (S.) [See also ازدغب.] b2: See also 1, in three places. Q. Q. 4 اِزْلَعَبَّ: see 1, second sentence; and see also art. زلعب.

زَعْبٌ Muchness, copiousness, abundance, or a large quantity or number. (TA.) زِعْبٌ: see what next follows.

زَعْبَةٌ: see what next follows.

زُعْبَةٌ and ↓ زَعْبَةٌ A part, or portion, that is given, of property, or wealth; (S, K; *) as also ↓ زِعْبٌ: (K:) or a full, or an ample, or abundant, portion, that is given, thereof; and so زُهْبَةٌ. (TA.) [See 1, last sentence but one.]

زَعُوبٌ: see what next follows, in two places.

زَاعِبٌ A torrent driving along, one portion of it impelling another; (A, TA;) as also ↓ زَعُوبٌ [but app. in an intensive sense; and ↓ مُزْلَعِبٌّ, also, has the same, or a similar, meaning]: or the first and ↓ second signify a torrent filling the valley: and the first is also applied to rain, as meaning filling everything. (TA.) b2: Also A guide of the way, one who is a frequent traveller. (S, K.) زُمْحٌ زَاعِبِىٌّ, (A,) and رِمَاحٌ زَاعِبِيَّةٌ, (A, K,) A spear, (A,) and spears, (A, K,) so called in relation to a certain man named Zá'ib (زَاعِبٌ), (A, K,) of El-Khazraj, who made spear-heads: (A:) so says Mbr: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) the spears thus termed are such as quiver much (عَسَّالَةٌ), which, when shaken, have a motion like the torrent termed زَاعِبٌ, of which one portion impels another: the ى being that of the rel. n.; to give intensiveness to the signification, as in أَحْمَرِىٌّ: (A:) or (tropical:) such that, when they are shaken, their كُعُوب [i. e. knots, or joints, or their internodal portions,] are as though they ran one into another, (K, TA,) by reason of its pliancy: so says As: and this meaning is tropical; for it is from the phrase مَرَّ يَزْعَبُ بِحِمْلِهِ meaning “ he went along [impelled by his load, or] easily with his load: ”

accord. to another explanation, زاعبىّ applied to a spear means such that, when it is shaken, the whole of it is [in appearance] impelled in its several parts by the impetus of one part acting upon another, as though its hind part ran into its fore part: (TA:) or زَاعِبِيَّةٌ signifies spears, (S, TA,) universally. (TA.) You say also سِنَانٌ زَاعِبِىٌّ (S, TA) A spear-head of Zá'ib. (TA.) مُزْلَعِبٌّ: see زَاعِبٌ; and see also art. زلعب.
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