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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1649. رمو2 1650. رمى10 1651. رن5 1652. رنب12 1653. رنج12 1654. رنح141655. رند12 1656. رنز8 1657. رنق15 1658. رنم16 1659. رنو8 1660. رهب18 1661. رهج13 1662. رهدن8 1663. رهط17 1664. رهف15 1665. رهق20 1666. رهل11 1667. رهم13 1668. رهن17 1669. رهو11 1670. روأ11 1671. روب16 1672. روث16 1673. روج13 1674. روح22 1675. رود15 1676. روس10 1677. روض17 1678. روع19 1679. روغ19 1680. روف5 1681. روق18 1682. رول13 1683. روم18 1684. رون8 1685. روند1 1686. روى9 1687. رى1 1688. ريأ4 1689. ريب19 1690. ريث16 1691. ريح9 1692. ريد9 1693. رير8 1694. ريس8 1695. ريش19 1696. ريط13 1697. ريع17 1698. ريغ8 1699. ريف13 1700. ريق13 1701. ريل8 1702. ريم15 1703. رين19 1704. ريه8 1705. ز5 1706. زأبر3 1707. زأبق6 1708. زأر13 1709. زأن8 1710. زا1 1711. زب4 1712. زبد19 1713. زبر20 1714. زبرج8 1715. زبرجد8 1716. زبردج3 1717. زبع12 1718. زبق12 1719. زبل18 1720. زبن17 1721. زبى5 1722. زتن7 1723. زج4 1724. زجر19 1725. زجل14 1726. زجو7 1727. زح2 1728. زحر13 1729. زحف21 1730. زحل14 1731. زحلف8 1732. زحلق8 1733. زحم13 1734. زخ3 1735. زخر14 1736. زخرف12 1737. زر5 1738. زرب17 1739. زرجن9 1740. زرد18 1741. زردم7 1742. زرط5 1743. زرع17 1744. زرف18 1745. زرفن7 1746. زرق16 1747. زرم13 1748. زرنب8 Prev. 100




2 رنّحهُ, [inf. n. as below,] said of wine (شَرَاب), It made him to incline from side to side. (A, TA.) [Also, as appears from what follows, It made him to incline and go round. It made him giddy in the head, and confused: it affected him with giddiness in the head like one in a swoon.] It deprived him of his strength by reason of its potency. (Ham p. 562.) [And, said of a beating, and app. of intoxication &c., It made him to swoon, or faint: for,] when you have beaten a person so that he swoons, or faints, you say, ضَرَبْتُهُ حَتَّى رَنَّحْتُهُ. (Ham ibid.) [Hence, رُنِّحَ He was made to incline from side to side: رَنَّحَ is expl. in the TA in a similar sense, as said of a man &c.; but it is app. a mistranscription for رُنِّحَ]: see 5. He was made to incline and go round. (L.) It is said, by Imra-el-Keys, of a dog gored by a wild bull. (S, * L.) He was giddy in the head, and confused: and رُنِّحَ بِهِ he was affected with giddiness in the head like one in a swoon. (L.) Also, (L,) and رُنِّحَ عَلَيْهِ inf. n. تَرْنِيحٌ, (S, L, K,) He swooned, or fainted; or was affected by a weakness of the bones, (S, L, K,) and of the body; by reason of beating or fright or intoxication, and sometimes by reason of anxiety, and grief, or sorrow; (L;) and inclined from side to side. (S, L, K.) b2: رَنَّحَتِ الرِّيحُ الغُصْنَ (tropical:) The wind made the branch to incline from side to side. (A.) 5 ترنّح He inclined from side to side, by reason of intoxication &c; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ ارتنح, (K,) and ↓ رَنَّحَ [app. a mistranscription for رُنِّحَ]. (TA.) He inclined, and went round. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) It (a branch) inclined from side to side, being blown by the wind. (A.) b3: ترنّح بَيْنَ أَمْرَيْنِ (tropical:) He wavered between two things. (A.) b4: ترنّح عَلَى فُلَانٍ (tropical:) He was, or became, inimical to such a one, domineering, and exalting himself. (A.) b5: And ترنّح He sipped wine (شَرَاب) by little and little. (AHn, K.) 8 إِرْتَنَحَ see 5, first signification.

رَنْحٌ Vertigo, or giddiness in the head; (K;) and confusion. (TA.) A2: Also A certain appertenance of the brain, separate, or distinct, therefrom, like, or of the size of, the عُصْفُور [q. v.]. (K.) مَرْنَحَةٌ The prow, or fore part, of a ship. (Az, K.) مُرْنَحٌ: see what follows.

مُرَنَّحٌ Swooning, or fainting; or affected by a weakness of the bones, (S, L, K,) and of the body; by reason of beating or fright or intoxication, and sometimes by reason of anxiety, and grief, or sorrow; (L;) and inclining from side to side. (S, L, K.) A2: Also, (A, K,) or ↓ مُرْنَحٌ, (so in the L,) (tropical:) Aloes-wood, (A, L, K,) of the best kind, (L, K,) used for fumigation. (A, L, K.)
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