Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1631. ركض19 1632. ركع16 1633. ركل12 1634. ركم14 1635. ركن19 1636. ركو91637. رم6 1638. رمث16 1639. رمح15 1640. رمد17 1641. رمز19 1642. رمس18 1643. رمص14 1644. رمض15 1645. رمق14 1646. رمك15 1647. رمل21 1648. رمن15 1649. رمو2 1650. رمى10 1651. رن5 1652. رنب12 1653. رنج12 1654. رنح14 1655. رند12 1656. رنز8 1657. رنق15 1658. رنم16 1659. رنو8 1660. رهب18 1661. رهج13 1662. رهدن8 1663. رهط17 1664. رهف15 1665. رهق20 1666. رهل11 1667. رهم13 1668. رهن17 1669. رهو11 1670. روأ11 1671. روب16 1672. روث16 1673. روج13 1674. روح22 1675. رود15 1676. روس10 1677. روض17 1678. روع19 1679. روغ19 1680. روف5 1681. روق18 1682. رول13 1683. روم18 1684. رون8 1685. روند1 1686. روى9 1687. رى1 1688. ريأ4 1689. ريب19 1690. ريث16 1691. ريح9 1692. ريد9 1693. رير8 1694. ريس8 1695. ريش19 1696. ريط13 1697. ريع17 1698. ريغ8 1699. ريف13 1700. ريق13 1701. ريل8 1702. ريم15 1703. رين19 1704. ريه8 1705. ز5 1706. زأبر3 1707. زأبق6 1708. زأر13 1709. زأن8 1710. زا1 1711. زب4 1712. زبد19 1713. زبر20 1714. زبرج8 1715. زبرجد8 1716. زبردج3 1717. زبع12 1718. زبق12 1719. زبل18 1720. زبن17 1721. زبى5 1722. زتن7 1723. زج4 1724. زجر19 1725. زجل14 1726. زجو7 1727. زح2 1728. زحر13 1729. زحف21 1730. زحل14 Prev. 100




1 رَكَا (ISd, K,) [aor. ـْ inf. n. رَكْوٌ, (ISd, TA,) He dug, or excavated, (ISd, K, TA,) the ground, forming an oblong hollow. (ISd, TA.) b2: He made, formed, or fashioned, in a suitable manner, a small watering-trough such as is termed مَرْكُوّ, (Az, TA,) or a watering-trough [in an absolute sense]; as also ↓ اركى. (TA.) 4 أَرْكَوَ see what next precedes.

رَكْوَةٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.) and رِكْوَةٌ and رُكْوَةٌ, (K,) all well known, but the first is the most chaste, (MF,) A certain thing for water: (S:) it is [a small drinking-vessel] like a تَوْر, of leather; (ISd, TA;) a small drinking-vessel of skin: (Nh, TA:) or a small دَلْو [or bucket, generally of leather], (Mgh, Msb,) well known: (Msb:) all of these explanations have been strangely neglected by the author of the K: (TA:) pl. رِكَآءٌ (S, Mgh, Msb) and رَكَوَاتٌ; (S,) Msb;) the latter allowable. (Msb.) The prov. (S) صَارَتِ القَوْسُ رَكْوَةً [lit. The bow became a ركوة, app. meaning the bow became exchanged for a vessel such as is called ركوة, but see what follows,] is applied in relation to the retiring of good fortune, and reverse in the state of affairs. (S, K.) b2: A small زَوْرَق [or skiff]. (ISd, K.) b3: A رُقْعَة [or piece of cloth, or rag,] beneath the عَوَاصِر, (K,) which means three stones [with which grapes are pressed so as to force out the juice,] placed one above another: so in the M. (TA.) [Hence, accord. to the TK, the prov. above mentioned: but I see not why.] b4: (assumed tropical:) The فَلْهَم of a woman; i. e. her فَرْج [or vulva]: so in the copies of the K: but in the T, her قُلْفَة [i. e. the prepuce of the clitoris], on the authority of IAar; as being likened to the ركوة of water: (TA:) the pl. [app. in all its senses] is رِكَآءٌ and رَكَوَاتٌ [as above], (K,) or in the last sense رُكًى. (TA.) رَكِىٌّ: see what next follows, in two places.

رَكِيَّةٌ A well: (S, Msb, K:) or a well containing water; (MA;) otherwise a well is not thus called: (Durrat el-Ghowwás, in De Sacy's Chrest. Ar. ii. 332:) or a well not made neat; or not constructed [or cased] with bricks [&c.]: (MA:) pl. رَكَايَا (S, Msb, K) and ↓ رَكِىٌّ, (S, and so in some copies of the K,) or the former is the pl. and ↓ the latter is [properly speaking] a gen. n., [i. e. a coll. gen. n.,] and often occurs as a sing. and as a pl., (Nh, TA,) or the pl. is also رُكِىٌّ: (so in some copies of the K and in the TA:) accord. to ISd, it is from رَكَا in the first of the senses assigned to this verb above. (TA.) مَرْكُوٌّ [pass. part. n. of 1: b2: and hence, as a subst.,] A large watering-trough or tank: (AA, T, S, K:) [in the S and K is added, وَالجُرْمُوزُ الصَّغِيرُ, which may mean either that the small watering-trough is called جرموز, and such is the case, or that مَرْكُوٌّ also signifies a small جرموز, agreeably with what here follows, and with an explanation of this word in the TA voce حَوِىٌّ:] Az, after mentioning AA's explanation given above, says, but what I have heard from the Arabs is, that the مركوّ is a small watering-trough or tank, which a man makes, or forms, or fashions, in a suitable manner, with his hands, at the head of the well, when he has not, and cannot procure, a vessel in which to give water to a camel or to two camels: and that which is large is not thus called. (TA.) [But see an ex. voce سَلْسٌ.]
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