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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1589. رعف18 1590. رعن15 1591. رعو7 1592. رعى8 1593. رغب16 1594. رغث101595. رغد16 1596. رغس11 1597. رغف16 1598. رغم19 1599. رغو9 1600. رف6 1601. رفأ14 1602. رفت15 1603. رفث17 1604. رفد18 1605. رفس14 1606. رفض17 1607. رفع19 1608. رفغ14 1609. رفق19 1610. رفل16 1611. رفه18 1612. رفو8 1613. رفى2 1614. رق6 1615. رقأ14 1616. رقب20 1617. رقح12 1618. رقد16 1619. رقش15 1620. رقص15 1621. رقط14 1622. رقع16 1623. رقل12 1624. رقم18 1625. رقو5 1626. رك4 1627. ركب18 1628. ركد17 1629. ركز19 1630. ركس20 1631. ركض19 1632. ركع16 1633. ركل12 1634. ركم14 1635. ركن19 1636. ركو9 1637. رم6 1638. رمث16 1639. رمح15 1640. رمد17 1641. رمز19 1642. رمس18 1643. رمص14 1644. رمض15 1645. رمق14 1646. رمك15 1647. رمل21 1648. رمن15 1649. رمو2 1650. رمى10 1651. رن5 1652. رنب12 1653. رنج12 1654. رنح14 1655. رند12 1656. رنز8 1657. رنق15 1658. رنم16 1659. رنو8 1660. رهب18 1661. رهج13 1662. رهدن8 1663. رهط17 1664. رهف15 1665. رهق20 1666. رهل11 1667. رهم13 1668. رهن17 1669. رهو11 1670. روأ11 1671. روب16 1672. روث16 1673. روج13 1674. روح22 1675. رود15 1676. روس10 1677. روض17 1678. روع19 1679. روغ19 1680. روف5 1681. روق18 1682. رول13 1683. روم18 1684. رون8 1685. روند1 1686. روى9 1687. رى1 1688. ريأ4 Prev. 100




1 رَغَثَهَا, (S, A, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. رَغَثٌ; (TK;) and ↓ ارتغثها; (K;) said of a kid, (S, A,) [and app. of a lamb, (see 4,) or of any young animal,] He sucked her; (S, A, K;) namely, his mother. (S, A.) b2: Hence, in a trad., ذَهَبَ رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَأَنْتُمْ تَرْغَثُونَهَا (assumed tropical:) [The Apostle of God (may God bless and save him) has departed from the world, and ye suck the sweets of it]; meaning the world; i. e. تَرْضَعُونَهَا. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] رَغَثَهُ النَّاسُ (assumed tropical:) The people, or men, asked, or begged, of him so much that all that he had passed away. (TA.) And رُغِثَ, (ElAhmar, JK, S, K,) inf. n. رِغَاثٌ, (JK,) (assumed tropical:) He (a man) was asked of, or begged of, so much that all that he had became exhausted. (El-Ahmar, JK, S, K.) A2: رُغِثَ, (K,) or رُغِثَتْ said of a woman, (TA,) He, (K,) or she, (TA,) had a complaint of, or a pain in, the رُغَثَآء. (K, TA.) b2: رَغَثَهُ He thrust, pierced, stuck, or stabbed, him time after time; and so ↓ ارغثهُ. (K. [See also the latter below.]) 4 ارغثتهُ, said of a ewe, (S,) [and app. of a she-goat also, (see 1,) or of any female,] She suckled him; (S, K;) namely, her young one. (S.) See also رَغُوثٌ.

A2: ارغثهُ He thrust, pierced, stuck, or stabbed, him in his رُغَثَآء. (K.) b2: See also 1, last signification.8 إِرْتَغَثَ see 1, first signification.

رَغْثَآءُ: see what next follows.

رُغَثَآءُ A certain duct (عِرْقٌ) in the breast, or mamma, (S, K,) that emits the milk: (S:) or a certain sinew, or tendon, (عَصَبَةٌ,) beneath the breast, or mamma: (ISk, T, S, K:) sometimes written ↓ رَغْثَآءُ: (Fr, T, TA:) or the رُغَثَاوَانِ [dual of رُغَثَآءُ] are the two sinews, or tendons, that are beneath the two breasts, or mammæ: or what are between the two shoulder-joints and the two breasts, next the arm-pit: (TA:) or two portions of flesh, (JK,) or two small portions of flesh, (TA,) between the ثُنْدُؤَة [q. v.], and the shoulderjoint, (JK, TA,) on either side of the chest: (TA:) or the blackness [app. meaning the areola] of each of the two breasts. (TA.) أَرْضٌ رُغَاثٌ Land that does not flow with water except (إِلَّا [but this word is omitted in the TA]) from much rain: (JK, K:) [i. e., that sucks in the rain-water, and does not cause it to flow upon its surface, except when it is copious.]

رَغُوثٌ Any female suckling; (JK, S, K;) as also ↓ مُرْغِثٌ: (K:) or one says شَاةٌ رَغُوثٌ and رَغُوثَةٌ, meaning particularly a ewe suckling: but [the inf. n.] ↓ إِرْغَاثٌ has been used in relation to the she-camel: or رَغُوثٌ applied to a شاة means only that has brought forth: (TA:) and one says بِرْذَوْنَةٌ رَغُوثٌ meaning [a hackney-mare] that is sucked, i. q. ↓ مَرْغُوثَةٌ; (S, TA;) and that scarcely ever raises her head from the manger: [whence] it is said in a prov., آكل الدَّوَابِّ بِرْذَوْنَةٌ رَغُوثٌ [The most voracious of beasts is a hackneymare that is sucked]: or, as J gives it [in the S, and Z in the A], thus, as verse: آكلُ مِنْ بِرْذَوْنَةٍ رَغُوثِ [More voracious than a hackney-mare that is sucked]: and ↓ مُرْغِثٌ is applied to a woman as meaning suckling: the pl. of رَغُوثٌ is رِغَاثٌ. (TA.) b2: Also A child, or young one, that is suckled; a suckling. (TA.) مُرْغِثٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Possessing much property. (JK.) مُرَغَّثٌ [written in the JK مَرْغَث, but said in the K to be like مُحَمَّدٌ,] The part, of the finger, which is the place of the signet-ring. (K.) مَرْغُوثٌ: see its fem. above, voce رَغُوثٌ. b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) A man asked of, or begged of, so much that all that he had is exhausted. (El-Ahmar, JK, S, A, K.) And (assumed tropical:) Possessing little property. (JK.) And أَمْوَالُهُ مَرْغُوثَةُ (tropical:) [His possessions are exhausted. (A.)
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