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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1205. خول16 1206. خوم10 1207. خون20 1208. خوى10 1209. خى1 1210. خيب111211. خيت5 1212. خير19 1213. خيش8 1214. خيط16 1215. خيف15 1216. خيل18 1217. خيم13 1218. خيو2 1219. د7 1220. دأ1 1221. دأب14 1222. دأل9 1223. دأو3 1224. دب5 1225. دبج14 1226. دبح13 1227. دبخ7 1228. دبر19 1229. دبس16 1230. دبغ15 1231. دبق16 1232. دبل15 1233. دبو1 1234. دث4 1235. دثر20 1236. دج3 1237. دجر14 1238. دجل18 1239. دجن17 1240. دجو7 1241. دجى1 1242. دحر14 1243. دحرج9 1244. دحض17 1245. دحق9 1246. دحل11 1247. دحو9 1248. دحى3 1249. دخدر4 1250. دخر14 1251. دخرص7 1252. دخل18 1253. دخن17 1254. دد5 1255. ددن7 1256. ددو2 1257. در5 1258. درأ14 1259. دراقن1 1260. درب19 1261. دربان1 1262. درج18 1263. درد13 1264. درز13 1265. درس21 1266. درع18 1267. درق14 1268. درك18 1269. درن16 1270. دره12 1271. درهره2 1272. درهم11 1273. درى10 1274. دس4 1275. دست7 1276. دستبند1 1277. دستور3 1278. دسر17 1279. دسع13 1280. دسكر8 1281. دسم19 1282. دشت7 1283. دع4 1284. دعب16 1285. دعج13 1286. دعر16 1287. دعك10 1288. دعم16 1289. دعمص9 1290. دعو9 1291. دعى2 1292. دغر15 1293. دغص11 1294. دغفل7 1295. دغل16 1296. دغم15 1297. دف3 1298. دفأ12 1299. دفتر9 1300. دفر14 1301. دفع17 1302. دفق17 1303. دفل11 1304. دفن14 Prev. 100




1 خَابَ, (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K) and يَخُوبُ, (TA,) inf. n. خَيْبَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He (a man, S) was disappointed of attaining what he desired or sought; was balked; was unsuccessful; failed of attaining his desire: (S, Msb, K:) he was denied, refused, prohibited from attaining, or debarred from, what he desired or sought. (A, K.) You say, مَنْ هَابَ خَابَ [He who fears will be disappointed]. (A, TA.) And خَابَ سَعْيُهُ وَأَمَلُهُ [His labour, and his hope, or expectation, resulted in disappointment; were disappointed, balked, or frustrated;] he attained not what he sought or desired. (A, TA.) [See also خَيْبَةٌ, below.] b2: Also He suffered loss. (K.) b3: And i. q. كَفَرَ [He disbelieved; or be came an unbeliever, or infidel; &c.]. (K.) 2 خيّبهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَخْيِيبٌ, (S,) He (God, A, Msb, K, or a man, S) disappointed him; or caused him to be disappointed of at taining what he desired or sought, to be balked, to be unsuccessful, or to fail of attaining his desire: (S, Msb:) he denied him, refused him, prohibited him from attaining, or debarred him from, that which he desired or sought. (A, K.) خَيْبَةٌ inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, Msb, K.) It is said in a prov., (S, Msb, K,) الهَيْبَةٌ خَيْبَةٌ [Fear is a cause of disappointment]. (S, A, Msb, K.) And one says, خَيْبَةً لِزَيْدٍ [May God send dis appointment to Zeyd], and خَيْبَةٌ لِزَيْدٍ [Disappointment be to, or befall, Zeyd]: (S, K:) خيبة in the former instance being in the accus. case as governed by a verb understood; and in the latter, in the nom. case as an inchoative: (S:) each being a form of imprecation. (K.) قَدْحٌ خَيَّابٌ (tropical:) [An endeavour to produce fire with a زَنْد] that does not produce fire (لَايُورِى). (A, K. * [In some copies of the K, for قَدْح, we find قِدْح. Golius explains خَيَّابٌ as meaning ignitabulum fallens, quod non excudit semina ignis: but I cannot anywhere find قَدْحٌ or قِدْحٌ in the sense which he assigns to one of these words, which is that of مِقْدَحَةٌ &c.]) b2: In the following verse, quoted by Th, اُسْكُتْ وَلَا تَنْطِقْ فَأَنْتَ خَيَّابْ كُلُّكَ ذُو عَيْبٍ وَأَنْتَ عَيَّابٌ حيّاب may be [an epithet] of the measure فَعَّال from الخَيْبَةُ; [so that the meaning may be (assumed tropical:) Be thou silent, and speak not, for thou art habitually unsuccessful; thou art altogether vitious, or faulty, and thou art a great imputer of vices, or faults, to others;] or the person there men tioned may be meant to be likened to the قدح above mentioned. (TA.) b3: One says also, سَعْيُهُ فِى خَيَّابِ بْنِ هَيَّابٍ (tropical:) His labour [has ended, or ends, or will end,] in loss. (A, K.) خَائِبٌ part. n. of 1. (Msb, TA.) A2: خَائِبِكَ and بِخَائِبِكَ: see خَآءَ بِكَ in art. خوأ.

قِدْحٌ أَخْيَبُ (assumed tropical:) An arrow of those employed in the game called المَيْسِر, to which no lot, or portion, pertains: for there are three such arrows; namely, the مَنِيح, the سَفِيح, and the وَغْد: occurring in a trad. of 'Alee. (TA.) وَقَعُوا فِى وَادِى تُخُيِّبَ, (Ks, S, A, K, but in the last وَقَعَ,) and تُخَيِّبَ, (A, K,) the last word being imperfectly decl. [in each of these instances], (Ks, S, A, K,) meaning فِى البَاطِلِ [i. e. They fell into that which was vain, unreal, nought, futile, or the like, and consequently, into disappointment], (Ks, S, K,) or فى بَاطِلٍ [into a state of things that was vain, &c.]. (A.)
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