(a. n. ac
خَفْض), Was low, soft, gentle (voice).
b. Was tranquil, at ease.
خَفَّضَa. see I (a)b. Calmed, quieted.
تَخَفَّضَa. Was or became easy.
b. see VII
إِنْخَفَضَإِخْتَفَضَa. Was lowered; became depressed; fell (
prices ).
خَفْضa. Abatement &c.
b. Ease, repose.
c. Kasra ( خَفِضَ)
خَفْضَةa. Kasra ( vowel-point governing the genetive).
خَاْفِضa. Lowering &c.
b. Particle.
a. [art.], The Abaser (God).
خَفِيْضa. Abased, humbled.
b. Low.
c. Easy, tranquil (life).