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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1108. خسو4 1109. خسى1 1110. خش6 1111. خشب19 1112. خشر15 1113. خشع161114. خشف16 1115. خشم18 1116. خشن17 1117. خشو4 1118. خشى5 1119. خص8 1120. خصب15 1121. خصر18 1122. خصف20 1123. خصل15 1124. خصم16 1125. خصو4 1126. خصى4 1127. خض5 1128. خضب16 1129. خضد17 1130. خضر21 1131. خضرم11 1132. خضع15 1133. خضل15 1134. خضم14 1135. خط6 1136. خطأ14 1137. خطب20 1138. خطر17 1139. خطف18 1140. خطل14 1141. خطم12 1142. خطو12 1143. خظو5 1144. خظى2 1145. خف6 1146. خفت17 1147. خفر14 1148. خفش14 1149. خفض15 1150. خفق17 1151. خفو5 1152. خفى6 1153. خل7 1154. خلأ5 1155. خلب20 1156. خلج15 1157. خلد16 1158. خلس16 1159. خلص18 1160. خلط20 1161. خلع18 1162. خلف23 1163. خلق22 1164. خلنج3 1165. خلو10 1166. خلى7 1167. خم7 1168. خمد16 1169. خمر22 1170. خمس19 1171. خمش12 1172. خمص17 1173. خمط16 1174. خمع9 1175. خمل16 1176. خمن14 1177. خن5 1178. خنث16 1179. خنجر10 1180. خندرس3 1181. خندق5 1182. خنر6 1183. خنز15 1184. خنزر7 1185. خنس20 1186. خنسر5 1187. خنص6 1188. خنصر6 1189. خنع10 1190. خنفس9 1191. خنق15 1192. خنو5 1193. خنى3 1194. خو2 1195. خوأ2 1196. خوب10 1197. خوت13 1198. خوخ11 1199. خود11 1200. خور15 1201. خوص15 1202. خوض17 1203. خوف17 1204. خوق10 1205. خول16 1206. خوم10 1207. خون20 Prev. 100




1 خَشَعَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. خُشُوعٌ, He was, or became, lowly, humble, or submissive; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اختشع (S, K) and ↓ تخشّع; (Abu-lFet-h, Ham pp. 24 and 127;) خُشُوعٌ being syn. with خُضُوعٌ: (S, Msb, K:) or خشوع is nearly the same as خضوع: (Lth, K:) or the former is mostly used as meaning in the voice; and the latter, in the necks: (Msb:) or the latter is in the body; and the former is in the voice and in the eyes: (K:) or, as we read in the 'Eyn, the former is nearly the same as the latter, except that the latter is in the body, and signifies the acknowledging of humility and submission, and the former is in the voice and in the eyes; and the like is said in the Nh [and in the Msb in art. خضع]. (TA.) You say, خَشَعَتِ الأَصْوَاتُ The voices were [or shall be (as in the Kur xx. 107]) still and low: (Msb:) or low: or, as some say, still. (TA.) And خَشَعَ بِبَصَرِهِ He lowered his eye. (S.) And ↓ اختشع and ↓ تخشّع He cast his eye towards the ground, and lowered his voice. (TA.) Lth says that you say, فُلَانٌ ↓ اختشع, but not اختشع بِبَصَرِهِ. (TA.) And خَشَعَ بَصَرُهُ His eye became contracted. (TA.) And خَشَعَتْ دُونَهُ الأَبْصَارُ (tropical:) [meaning The eyes were cast down before him, or it]. (TA.) خُشُوعٌ also signifies The being, or becoming, still: and the abasing oneself; or lowering oneself. (K, TA.) And ↓ اختشع, He lowered, or stooped, or bent down, his breast. (TA.) b2: Also, inf. n. as above, He feared; for instance, in prayer: (TA:) or خَشَعَ فِى صَلَاتِهِ and فِى دُعَائِهِ signifies He applied himself with his heart to [or in] his prayer, and his supplication. (Msb.) b3: خَشَعَتِ الكَوَاكِبُ, (Aboo-'Adnán,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (tropical:) The stars approached to the place of setting; (Aboo-'Adnán;) or approached to setting: (K:) or sank, and nearly disappeared in their setting-place. (Aboo-Sálih El-Kilábee.) [The corresponding phrase in Hebrew, occurring in Gen. xxxvii. 9, probably has the same meaning.] b4: خَشَعَتِ الشَّمْسُ (tropical:) The sun became eclipsed. (TA.) b5: خَشَعَ السَّنَامُ (tropical:) The hump for the most part went away; (O, K;) i. e. the hump of the camel: (TA:) or became lean; its fat going away, and its height becoming lowered. (L.) b6: فُلَانٌ جِذْلٌ حِكَاكٌ خَشَعَتِ عَنْهُ الأُبَنُ is a saying of the Arabs, explained in art. حك. (TA in that art.) b7: خَشَعَ الوَرَقُ (tropical:) The leaves withered. (TA.) b8: خَشَعَتِ الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The earth, or land, dried up, not being rained upon. (TA.) A2: خَشَعَ فُلَانٌ خَرَاشِىٌّ صَدْرِهِ Such a one ejected the viscous saliva [or phlegm of his chest]. (O, K.) b2: And خَشَعَتْ خَرَاشِىٌّ صَرِهِ The viscous saliva [or phlegm of his chest] became ejected. (O, K.) The verb is thus intrans., as well as trans. (O.) 5 تخشّع He lowered, humbled, or abased, himself: (Lth, K:) or he constrained himself to be, or to become, lowly, humble, or submissive; or to be so, or to become so, in voice, or in the eyes. (S.) See also 1, in two places.6 تخاشع [He feigned lowliness, humility, or submissiveness, in demeanour, or in voice, or in the eyes]. (TA in art. موت; &c.) 8 إِخْتَشَعَ see 1, in four places.

خُشْعَةٌ A low hill: (S:) or a hill cleaving to the ground: (IAar, K:) and a piece of rugged ground: (IDrd, K:) or [elevated ground such as is termed] قُفّ that is for the most part soft, i. e. neither stone nor clay: (Lth:) and a rock growing in the sea: (TA:) pl. خُشَعٌ. (K.) It is said in a trad., كَانَتِ الأَرْضُ خُشْعَةً عَلَى المَآءِ ثُمَّ دُحِيَتْ [The earth was a low hill, &c., upon the water: then it was spread out]: (S:) but this trad. is variously related. (TA.) خَاشِعٌ Lowly, humble, or submissive, (K, TA,) and still: (TA:) [or so in the voice and in the eyes: (see 1:)] pl. خَاشِعُونَ and خُشَّعٌ; the latter also signifying men lowering, humbling, or abasing, themselves: or constraining themselves to be, or to become, lowly, humble, or submissive; or to be so, or to become so, in voice, or in the eyes: or casting their eyes towards the ground, and lowering their voices. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur [lxviii. 43, and lxx. 44], accord. to different readings, خَاشِعَةً أَبْصَارُهُمْ and خَاشِعًا أَبْصَارُهُمْ [Having their eyes cast down]: the accus. case being used as denotative of state. (Zj, TA.) b2: Bowing; or bending down the head and body. (K.) b3: Fearing. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) A camel's foot (خُفٌّ) cleaving to the ground. (TA.) b5: (tropical:) A wall that has cracked, and given notice of its falling, and [then] become even with the ground. (TA.) b6: (tropical:) A herb dried up, and falling down upon the ground. (TA.) b7: Applied to a place, (S, K,) and, with ة, to a بَلْدَة [or portion of country], (S,) (tropical:) Overspread with dust, [in the CK المُعَنْبَرُ is erroneously put for المُغَبَّرُ,] and having in it no place of alighting, or of abiding: (S, K:) and to land (أَرْضٌ), meaning of which the wind raises the surface, by reason of its softness, so as to efface its traces, or tracks: (L:) or in this case it is with ة, as in the Kur xli. 39, and means altered (مُتَغَيِّرَة [probably a mistranscription for مُتَغَبِّرَة overspread with dust]), and having its herbage broken in pieces: (Zj, * TA:) or dried up, and containing no herbage: (Jel:) or containing no green herbage: or low, or depressed, and still: (TA:) and, without ة, applied to a place, to which one finds not his way: (Sgh, K:) pl. خُشَّعٌ. (TA.)
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