1 خَتَنَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K) and خَتُنَ, (K, TA, but omitted in the CK,) inf. n. خَتْنٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He circumcised (K, TA) a boy, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and a girl also: or, as some say, خَتْنٌ relates to men [or boys], and خَفْضٌ to women [or girls]. (TA.) خُتِنَ: see 8. b2: And ↓ خِتَانٌ [which see below, app. as an inf. n. of which the verb is as above,] signifies The making a feast, or banquet, to which people are invited, on account of a wedding, and of a circumcision also. (KL.) b3: [And accord. to Golius, as on the authority of a gloss. in the KL, خَتَنَ also signifies He diminished; he rendered imperfect: and he acted unjustly.]A2: خَتَنَهُ is also syn. with خَتَلَهُ [He deceived, deluded, beguiled, circumvented, or outwitted, him, unawares]: and ↓ مُخَاتَنَةٌ is syn. with مُخَاتَلَةٌ [which signifies in like manner the act of deceiving, deluding, &c.; or practising mutual deceit, &c.; or striving, endeavouring, or desiring, to deceive, &c.]. (TA.) 3 خاتنهُ He allied himself to him by marriage; syn. تَزَوَّجَ إِلَيْهِ. (K.) مُخَاتَنَةٌ is syn. with مُصَاهَرَةٌ [The becoming that kind of relation that is termed صِهْر]: (ISh, Mgh:) as some say, مصاهرة on the side of the wife, and on the side of the husband: so that one says خَاتَنْتُهُمْ as meaning صَاهَرْتُهُمْ [I became a relation to them on the side of the wife, and on the side of the husband]. (Msb.) A2: See also 1, last sentence.8 اختتن He (a boy) was circumcised; (TA;) syn. ↓ خُتِنَ: or he circumcised himself; syn. خَتَنَ نَفْسَهُ. (Mgh.) خَتَنٌ i. q. صِهْرٌ, (Lth, Mgh, K, &c.,) as meaning A man married among a people: (Lth, Mgh:) [such a man is said to be that people's خَتَن:] or any relation on the side of the wife; (S, IAar, Mgh, Msb, K;) such as a man's wife's father, (Lth, IAar, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and wife's mother, (Lth, Mgh,) and wife's brother, (IAar, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and the like; (K;) so it signifies with the Arabs: (S, Mgh, Msb:) thus Aboo-Bekr was the Prophet's ختن, and so was 'Omar: (Mgh, TA:) and [it is said that] with the vulgar it signifies a man's daughter's husband: (S, Mgh, Msb:) but it is used in this sense by a rájiz; and, in a trad., 'Alee is called the Prophet's ختن: (TA:) accord. to Az, it signifies a man's wife's father: (Msb:) and خَتَنَةٌ is applied to the female; and means a man's wife's mother: (Az, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) the pl. is أَخْتَانٌ: (Az, S, Mgh, Msb, K:) accord. to As, (Mgh,) the أَخْتَان are [the relations] on the side of the wife; and the أَحْمَآء, on the side of the husband; and the أَصْهَار, on either side: (Mgh, Msb:) or a man's اختان are his wife's relations; and a woman's اختان are her husband's relations: and a man's اختان are also said to be his daughters' husbands and sisters' husbands and paternal aunts' husbands and maternal aunts' husbands, and the husbands of any women whom, by reason of relationship, it is unlawful for him to marry, and any relations on the side of these husbands to whom marriage is unlawful, of men and of women. (Mgh.) خِتَانٌ Circumcision, of a boy, (S, * Mgh, * Msb, * K, TA,) and of a girl; (TA;) a subst. from 1 in the first of the senses explained above; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ خِتَانَةٌ. (S, Msb, K.) You say, ↓ أُطْحِرَتْ خِتَانَتُهُ His circumcision was made to be extirpative. (S, TA.) b2: And A feast, or banquet, to which people are invited on account of a circumcision. (JK, S, TA.) Yousay, كُنْتُ فِى خِتَانِ فُلَانٍ I was at the feast, or banquet, &c., of such a one. (TA.) b3: See also 1, third sentence. b4: Also The part, of the male, which is the place of circumcision; (T, S, Mgh, K;) and of the female likewise; (T, Mgh, TA;) the part, of the فَرْج, which is the place of circumcision. (Msb.) Hence, in a trad., إِذَا الْتَقَى
الخِتَانَانِ [When the two places of circumcision meet together]: (S, * Msb, * TA:) اِلْتِقَآءُ الخِتَانَيْنِ is a euphemism, metonymically denoting the disappearing, or causing to disappear, of the part of the penis that is above, or beyond, the place of circumcision (Mgh, * Msb, TA) in the vulva of the woman. (Mgh, * TA.) خُتُونٌ: see خُتُونَةٌ.
خَتِينٌ Circumcised, applied to a boy, (Msb, K, TA,) as also ↓ مَخْتُونٌ (JK, Msb, K) and ↓ مُخْتَتِنٌ; (TA;) and to a girl likewise, (Msb, TA,) as also ↓ مَخْتُونَةٌ. (Msb.) خِتَانَةٌ: see خِتَانٌ, in two places. b2: Also The art, or business, of circumcising. (JK, K, TA. [In the CK, او الخِتانَةُ is erroneously put for وَالختانة.]) خُتُونَةٌ The alliance by which one acquires the relationship of a خَتَن, (Az, Mgh,) or of a صِهْر; (K;) as also ↓ خُتُونٌ. (Az, Mgh, K.) And A man's marrying, or taking to wife, a woman. (K.) خَاتِنٌ A circumciser. (JK, * Msb, * TA.) خَاتُونٌ A lady, or noble woman; a foreign word, (K, TA,) used by the Persians and Turks: pl. خَوَاتِينُ. (TA.) مَخْتُونٌ; and its fem., with ة: see خَتِينٌ. b2: عَامٌ مَخْتُونٌ (tropical:) A year of drought, or barrenness, or dearth. (A, TA.) مُخْتَتِنٌ: see خَتِينٌ.