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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
772. جون14 773. جوه10 774. جوهر4 775. جوى6 776. جى1 777. جيأ11778. جيب12 779. جيح7 780. جيد12 781. جير11 782. جيش12 783. جيع1 784. جيف17 785. جيل11 786. جيم5 787. جيه1 788. ح10 789. حا6 790. حاج2 791. حب7 792. حبر19 793. حبس18 794. حبش17 795. حبط15 796. حبق18 797. حبك19 798. حبل19 799. حبن16 800. حبو13 801. حبى1 802. حت8 803. حتد10 804. حتر12 805. حتف16 806. حتك11 807. حتم17 808. حتى4 809. حث7 810. حثرم5 811. حثف4 812. حثل13 813. حثم10 814. حج9 815. حجأ7 816. حجب19 817. حجر22 818. حجز19 819. حجف14 820. حجل19 821. حجم19 822. حجن18 823. حجو10 824. حد8 825. حدأ12 826. حدب18 827. حدث22 828. حدج12 829. حدر18 830. حدس16 831. حدق21 832. حدلق3 833. حدم13 834. حدو11 835. حدى1 836. حذ6 837. حذر19 838. حذف21 839. حذفر7 840. حذق15 841. حذلق5 842. حذم15 843. حذو9 844. حذى2 845. حر7 846. حرب16 847. حرث20 848. حرج18 849. حرح5 850. حرد21 851. حردن3 852. حرذن5 853. حرز18 854. حرس19 855. حرش16 856. حرص19 857. حرض19 858. حرف24 859. حرق19 860. حرقد4 861. حرقص9 862. حرقف6 863. حرك17 864. حرم20 865. حرن14 866. حرو8 867. حرى6 868. حز5 869. حزب19 870. حزر17 871. حزق13 Prev. 100




أ1 جَآءَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. مَجِىْءٌ (S, Msb, K, &c., [the most common form, but] deviating from the general rule [respecting inf. ns. of this class], for the inf. n. of a verb of the form فَعَلَ having its aor. of the form يَفْعِلُ is [accord. to the general rule, if commencing with an augmentative م,] مَفْعَلٌ, though some words, beside مَجِىْءٌ, deviate from this rule by being of the measure مَفْعِلٌ, [ for مَجِىْءٌ is originally مَجْيِئٌ,] as مَعِيشٌ and مَكِيلٌ and مَصِيرٌ and مَسِيرٌ and مَحِيدٌ and مَمِيلٌ and مَقِيلٌ and مَزِيدٌ and مَعِيلٌ and مَبِيعٌ and مَحِيصٌ and مَحِيضٌ, S, * TA) and جَيْئَةٌ (S, K, of the form of an inf. n. of un., but used as an inf. n. in an absolute sense, like رَجْفَةٌ and رَحْمَةٌ, S, TA) and جَىْءٌ, (K,) He, or it, came; or was, or became, present; syn. أَتَى; (S, K;) or حَضَرَ, said of a man [&c.]; (Msb;) or حَصَلَ [meaning it came, came to pass, happened, took place, betided, befell, or occurred; it resulted; it ensued; &c.]; and it is used in relation to ideal, as well as real, substantives; so that إِذَا جَآءَ نَصْرُ اللّٰهِ [When the assistance of God shall come (in the Kur ex. 1)] is [not a figurative but] a proper phrase. (Er-Rághib, TA.) Sb mentions, on the authority of certain of the Arabs, هُوَ يَجِيكَ [for هو يَجِيْؤُكَ He comes, or will come, to thee], with the hemzeh suppressed: (TA:) and he also mentions يَجُوْءُ as a dial. var. of يَجِىْءُ. (Id. in art. جوأ, q. v.) [As shown above,] جَآءَ is used intransitively and transitively. (Msb, MF.) say, جَآءَ زَيْدٌ Zeyd came; or was, or became, present. (Msb.) and جِئْتُ مَجِيْئًا حَسَنًا [I came with a good coming; or in a good manner]. (S.) And جِئْتُ زَيْدًا I came to Zeyd. (Msb.) And sometimes one says, جِئْتُ إِلَيْهِ meaning I went [as well as I came] to him, or it. (Msb.) And جِئْتُ مِنَ البَلَدِ [I came from the town, or country]: and مِنَ القَوْمِ, meaning مِنْ عِنْدِ القَوْمِ [from the presence of the people, or company of men]. (Msb.) And جَآءَ الغَيْثُ The rain [came, or] descended. (Msb.) And جَآءَ أَمْرُ السُّلْطَانِ The order, or command, of the Sultán came, or arrived. (Msb.) And جِئْتُ بِهِ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ أَجَأْتُهُ, both signifying the same, (S, K,) [I came with him, or it;] I brought him, or it, with me. (Msb.) And الحَمْدُ للّٰهِ الَّذِى

جَآءَ بِكَ [Praise be to God who brought thee]; and الحَمْدُ للّٰهِ إِذْ جِئْتَ [Praise be to God because, or that, thou camest, or hast come]; but not الحَمْدُ للّٰهِ الَّذِى جِئْتَ: (S, TA:) and [in like manner] you say, الحَمْدُ للّٰهِ إِذْ كَانَ كَذَا; but not الحَمْدُ للّٰهِ الَّذِى كَانَ كَذَا unless you say بِهِ or مِنْهُ or عَنْهُ [after الذى]. (ISk, TA.) [Hence, جَآءَ بِوَلَدٍ He begot a child, or children; like أَتَى

بِوَلَدٍ. And جَآءتْ بِهِ She brought him forth; gave birth to him; like أَتَتْ بِهِ. And جَآءَ بِمَعْنًى It (a word) conveyed, or imported, a meaning.] b2: [جَآءَ بِشَىْءٍ also signifies He brought to pass, did, executed, performed, or effected, a thing: and he said, gave utterance to, or uttered, a thing: like

أَتَى بِهِ in both these senses.] And جَآءَ كَذَا He did thus, or such a thing. (TA.) Hence, [in the Kur xix. 28,] لَقَدْ جِئْتِ شَيْئًا فَرِيًّا (TA) [Verily, O Mary, thou hast done] a thing hitherto unknown; a thing deemed strange. (Bd. [See another ex. voce إِمْرٌ, likewise from the Kur.]) And جِئْتُ شَيْئًا حَسَنًا I did a good thing. (Msb.) And جَآءَ بِالبَدِيعِ He produced a new saying, or new poetry, not after the similitude of anything preceding. (TA in art. بدع.) And جَآءَ جَرْيًا بَعْدَ جَرْىٍ (K in art. تأم) or [more commonly] جاء بِجَرْىٍ بَعْدَ جَرْىٍ (M in that art.) [He (a horse) performed, or fetched, run after run]. b3: جَآء is also syn. with صَارَ, like أَتَى; as in the saying, جَآءَ البِنَآءُ مُحْكَمًا The building became, or came to be, firm, strong, or compact. (Kull p. 11.) [And hence the phrase,] مَا جَآءَتْ حَاجَتَكَ, (M, K,) thus in all the copies of the K, with the noun in the accus. case; i. e. What became, or has become, thy want? syn. مَا صَارَتْ; (M, K;) or What was thy want? syn. مَا كَانَتْ: (Er-Radee, TA:) ما being here an interrogative, and the [implied] pronoun [in the verb] being made fem. because its predicate is fem.: but some say حَاجَتُكَ, in the nom. case, [as it is in the CK, meaning What did, or has, thy want become?] regarding حاجتك as the subject of جاءت, and ما as the predicate of this verb. (TA.) b4: See also 3.3 مُجَايَأَةٌ [inf. n. of جَايَأَ] signifies The act of facing, or fronting; being opposite, or over against: (IAar, K:) and the act of coinciding; as also جِيَآءٌ. (Az, K.) You say of a man, جَايَأَنِى مِنْ قُرْبٍ He faced me, fronted me, was opposite to me, or was over against me, at a short distance. (TA.) And مَرَّ بِى مُجَايَأَةً He passed by me being in front, or opposite. (TA.) and جَايَأْتُ فُلَانًا I coincided with such a one in his coming. (TA.) And لَوْ جَاوَزْتَ هٰذَا المَكَانَ لَجَايَأْتَ الغَيْثَ Hadst thou passed beyond this place, thou hadst met with rain, or coincided with rain in its coming. (TA.) b2: ↓ جَاآنِى فَجِئْتُهُ, [so in copies of the S, and in copies of the K, as from the S, but in the TA, as from the S, جَآءَأَنِى, and said to be with two hemzehs, though this is evidently wrong,] aor. ـِ the former verb of the measure فَاعَلَنِى, (S,) is [said to be] a mistake for جَايَأَنِى فجئته, since the former verb has an infirm letter [ى] for its medial radical and ء for its final, not the reverse, (Sgh, K,) [therefore] what J says is not allowable unless it be an instance of transposition; (IB, TA;) but what is given by F [and Sgh as the correct form] is that which is accord. to rule, and what J says is that which has been heard from the Arabs, as ISd has pointed out; (TA;) [and rule is not to be regarded when it is contr. to classical usage;] the meaning is, He vied with me, or strove to surpass me, in frequency of coming, and I surpassed him therein. (S, K.) 4 أَجَاءَهُ He made him, or it, to come. (Kull p. 11.) b2: [Hence,] أَجَأْتُهُ i. q. جِئْتُ بِهِ: see 1. (S, K.) b3: أَجَأْتُهُ إِلَيْهِ I compelled him, constrained him, or necessitated him, to have recourse, or betake himself, to it; (Fr, S, K;) or made him to want it, or be in need of it: (S:) in the dial. of Temeem, أَشَأْتُهُ. (TA in art. شيأ.) It is said in a prov., شَرٌّ مَا يُجِيْؤُكَ إِلَى مُخَّةِ عُرْقُوبٍ [It is an evil thing that compels thee to have recourse to the marrow of a hock]; for, as As says, the عرقوب contains no marrow, and only he who cannot obtain any [other] thing is made to want it. (S.) And it is said in the Kur xix. 23, فَأَجَآءَهَا المَخَاضُ إِلَى جِذْعِ النَّخْلَةِ And the motion of the child in her womb compelled her to betake herself to the trunk of the palm-tree. (Bd.) جِيْئَةٌ [A coming;] a subst. from جَآءَ, (S, K,) of the measure فِعْلَةٌ, with kesr to the ج. (S.) جَئِئٌ and جَأّءٌ: see what next follows.

جَيَّآءٌ, (K,) mentioned by Sb as an extr. word, (TA,) [but regularly formed, of the measure فَعَّالٌ,] and ↓ جَأّءٌ, also written جَأَّاءٌ, (K,) with the ى changed into hemzeh, (TA,) and ↓ جَئِئٌ, (K,) [originally جَيِئٌ, of the measure فَعِلٌ, denoting intensiveness, in the CK written جَايِئٌ,] mentioned by IJ as anomalous, A frequent comer. (TA.) One says, إِنَّهُ لَجَيَّآءٌ بِخَيْرٍ Verily he is a frequent bringer of good. (TA.) جَآءٍ, originally جَايِئٌ, then جَائِئٌ, then جَائِىٌ, and then جَآءٍ, Coming; act. part. n. of 1.]
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