جَامٌ A vessel, (K,) or فَاثُور [i. e. a basin, or a table, or a tray used as a table], (IAar, TA,) of silver: (IAar, K, TA:) or a white dish or tray, of glass or of silver: (Mgh:) or a vessel (ظَرْف) of glass: (Har p. 200:) [a Persian word, i. e. جَامْ, arabicized; or] a genuine Arabic word: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَجْؤُمٌ, with ء, (IAar, K,) and أَجْوَامٌ, and (as some say, IAar, TA, [of mult.,]) جُومٌ, (K,) with damm, (TA, in the CK جَوْمٌ,) and [of pauc. or mult.] جَامَاتٌ: (IAar, K:) but IB says that جَامٌ is pl. of ↓ جَامَةٌ, as is also جَامَاتٌ: [instead of which he should rather have said that جام is a coll. gen. n. of which the n. un. is جامة, (though this requires consideration, as the former is commonly used as a sing.,) and that the pl. of the latter is جامات:] that its dim. is ↓ جُوَيْمَةٌ: and that it, i. e. جام, is of the fem. gender. (TA.) جَامَةٌ: see above.
جُوَيْمَةٌ: see above.