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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
748. جهر18 749. جهز17 750. جهش14 751. جهض13 752. جهل15 753. جهم15754. جهنم10 755. جو4 756. جوأ5 757. جوالق2 758. جوب20 759. جوح17 760. جود17 761. جوذاب1 762. جور17 763. جوز17 764. جوس14 765. جوسق2 766. جوش10 767. جوشن2 768. جوع16 769. جوف17 770. جول17 771. جوم5 772. جون14 773. جوه10 774. جوهر4 775. جوى6 776. جى1 777. جيأ11 778. جيب12 779. جيح7 780. جيد12 781. جير11 782. جيش12 783. جيع1 784. جيف17 785. جيل11 786. جيم5 787. جيه1 788. ح10 789. حا6 790. حاج2 791. حب7 792. حبر19 793. حبس18 794. حبش17 795. حبط15 796. حبق18 797. حبك19 798. حبل19 799. حبن16 800. حبو13 801. حبى1 802. حت8 803. حتد10 804. حتر12 805. حتف16 806. حتك11 807. حتم17 808. حتى4 809. حث7 810. حثرم5 811. حثف4 812. حثل13 813. حثم10 814. حج9 815. حجأ7 816. حجب19 817. حجر22 818. حجز19 819. حجف14 820. حجل19 821. حجم19 822. حجن18 823. حجو10 824. حد8 825. حدأ12 826. حدب18 827. حدث22 828. حدج12 829. حدر18 830. حدس16 831. حدق21 832. حدلق3 833. حدم13 834. حدو11 835. حدى1 836. حذ6 837. حذر19 838. حذف21 839. حذفر7 840. حذق15 841. حذلق5 842. حذم15 843. حذو9 844. حذى2 845. حر7 846. حرب16 847. حرث20 Prev. 100




1 جَهُمَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. جُهُومَةٌ (S, K) and جَهَامَةٌ, (K,) He (a man) became frowning, or contracted, in face; or grinning in face, with a frowning, or contraction, or a stern, an austere, or a morose, look: (S:) or he was, or became, coarse, or rough, and contracted, and ugly, in face. (K.) b2: Also, said of the pubes, It was coarse, rough, or big. (TA.) A2: جَهَمَهُ, (S, K,) and جَهِمَهُ, aor. ـَ in both instances; (K;) and ↓ تجهّمهُ, (S, K,) and لَهُ ↓ تجهّم; (JK, K;) He grinned, frowning, or looking sternly, austerely, or morosely, in his face: (S:) or he met him, or regarded him, with a displeasing, (JK, K, TA,) frowning, or grinning and frowning, (TA,) face: (JK, K, TA:) or ↓ تجهّم signifies he showed a sour, a crabbed, or an austere, face. (TK in art. عبس.) A poet says, ↓ الجَهُومَا ↓ وَبَلْدَةٍ تَجَهَّمُ زَجَرْتُ فِيهَا عَيْهَلًا رَسُومَا (S, * TA,) i. e. [Many a region] that exhibits to the impotent that which he dislikes, [or that frowns upon the weak, or impotent, I have chidden therein a strong she-camel that leaves the marks of her footsteps upon the ground.] (S.) You say also, الكِرَامَ ↓ الدَّهْرُ يَتَجَهَّمُ (tropical:) [Fortune frowns upon the generous]. (TA.) And أَمَلِى ↓ تَجَهَّمَنِى (tropical:) [My object of hope frowned upon me] is said when one has not attained his object of hope. (TA.) 4 أَجْهَمَتِ السَّمَآءُ The sky had clouds such as are termed جَهَام. (K.) 5 تَجَهَّمَ see 1, in six places.8 اجتهم He entered upon, (K,) or journeyed in, (A, TA,) the portion of the night termed جُهْمَة. (A, K, TA.) جَهْمٌ A coarse, or rough, and contracted, and ugly, face; as also ↓ جَهِمٌ; (K;) or, as in some of the lexicons, ↓ جَهِيمٌ. (TA.) And جَهْمُ الوَجْهِ Frowning, or contracted, in face; or grinning in face, with a frowning, or contraction, or a stern, an austere, or a morose, look: (S, Mgh:) or coarse, or rough, in face: (JK, TA:) applied to a man: (JK, S, Mgh, TA:) and to a lion. (JK, TA.) And [hence,] الجَهْمُ The lion. (K.) A2: See also جَهُومٌ.

جَهِمٌ: see جَهْمٌ.

جَهْمَةٌ: see جُهْمَةٌ, in two places.

A2: Also A big cooking-pot. (K.) جُهْمَةٌ and ↓ جَهْمَةٌ, (JK, S, K,) both mentioned by Fr, (S,) A portion of the night: (JK:) the first of the last portions of the night, (JK, S, K, TA,) extending [app. from midnight] to near the period a little before daybreak: (TA:) or the remaining portion of the darkness of the last part of the night: (K:) or the former signifies, [or each,] the beginning of the night, extending to a fourth part: or, as some say, the middle of the night: (KL:) pl. of the former جُهَمٌ. (JK.) You say, مَضَى مِنَ اللَّيْلِ جُهْمَةٌ and ↓ جَهْمَةٌ [app. meaning A portion, or a portion at the commencement of the latter part, of the night passed]. (A'Obeyd, TA.) A2: Also the former, Eighty camels: or the like. (K.) جَهَامٌ Clouds in which is no water: (JK, S, K:) or that have poured forth their water (K, TA) with the wind. (TA.) جُهُومٌ, applied to a man, (JK, S,) Impotent; (JK, S, K;) weak; as also ↓ جَهْمٌ. (K.) See an ex. in the first paragraph.

جَهِيمٌ: see جَهْمٌ.
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