1 شَعَرَ بِهِ, (
K, &c.,) and شَعُرَ بِهِ, (
K,) which latter is disallowed by some, but both are correct, though the former is the [more] chaste, (
aor. ـُ (
inf. n. شِعْرٌ (
K, &c.) and شَعْرٌ (
TA) and شَعَرٌ, (
TA, and so in the
CK in the place of شَعْرٌ,) but the first is the most common, (
TA,) and شِعْرَةٌ (
K) and شَعْرَةٌ and شُعْرَةٌ, (
K,) of which last three the first is the most common, (
TA,) and شِعْرَى and شُعْرَى (
K) and شَعْرَى (
TA) and شُعُورٌ (
K) and شُعُورَةٌ, (
K,) which is said to be the
inf. n. of شَعُرَ, (
TA,) and مَشْعُورٌ and مَشْعُورَةٌ (
K) and مَشْعُورَآءُ, (
K,) which is of
extr. form, (
TA,) He knew it; knew, or had knowledge, of it; was cognizant of it; or understood it; (
S, *
TA;) as also شَعَرَ لَهُ: (
TA:) or he knew the minute particulars of it: or he perceived it by means of [any of] the senses. (
Lh mentions the phrase أَشْعُرُ فُلَانًا مَا عَمِلَهُ and أَشْعُرُ لِفُلَانٍ مَا عَمِلَهُ [I know what such a one did or has done], and مَا شَعَرْتُ فُلَانًا مَا عَمِلَهُ [I knew not what such a one did], as on the authority of
Ks, and says that they are forms of speech used by the Arabs. (
TA.) [See also شِعْرٌ, below.]
b2: شَعَرَ, (
aor. ـُ (
inf. n. شِعْرٌ and شَعْرٌ, (
TA,) or شَعَرٌ, (so
accord. to the
CK instead of شَعْرٌ,) He said, or spoke, or gave utterance to, poetry; spoke in verse; poetized; or versified;
syn. قَالَ شِعْرًا; [for poetry was always spoken by the Arabs in the classical times; and seldom written, if written at all, until after the life-time of the author;] (
K;) as also شَعُرَ: (
K:) or the latter signifies he made good, or excellent, poetry or verses; (
MF;) and this is the signification more commonly approved, as being more agreeable with
analogy: (
MF:) or the latter signifies he was, or became, a poet; (
S;) as also شَعِرَ,
aor. ـَ (
TA.) One says, شَعَرْتُ لِفُلَانٍ I said, or spoke, poetry, &c., to such a one. (
TA.) And لَوْ شَعُرَ بِنَقْصِهِ لَمَا شَعَرَ [Had he known his deficiency, he had not spoken poetry, or versified]. (
A2: شَاعَرَهُ فَشَعَرَهُ: see 3.
A3: شَعَرَ as a
trans. verb
syn. with اشعر: see 4.
b2: As syn. with شاعر: see 3.
A4: شَعِرَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. شَعَرٌ, (
TA,) His (a man's,
TA) hair became abundant (
TA) and long: (
TA:) and said likewise of a goat, or other hairy animal, his hair became abundant. (
b2: Also (assumed
tropical:) He possessed slaves. (
K.) 2 شعّر as an
intrans. verb: see 4:
b2: and as a
trans. verb also: see 4.
3 شَاْعَرَ ↓ شَاعَرَهُ فَشَعَرَهُ, (
aor. of the latter شَعَرَ, that is with fet-h, (
accord. to
Ks, who holds it to be thus even in this case, where superiority is signified, on account of the faucial letter; or,
accord. to most, شَعُرَ, agreeably with the general rule; (
MF;) He vied, or contended, with him in poetry, and he surpassed him therein. (
A2: And شاعرهُ, (
S,) and شاعرها, (
K,) and ↓ شَعَرَهَا, (
K,) He slept with him, and with her, (نَاوَمَهُ,
S, and نَامَ مَعَهَا,
K, or ضَاجَعَهَا,
A,) in one شِعَار [or innermost garment]. (
A3: [Reiske, as mentioned by Freytag, explains شاعر as signifying also Tractavit, prensavit, vellicavit: but without naming any authority.]
4 اشعرهُ He made him to know. (
S.) Yousay, اشعرهُ بِالأَمْرِ and الأَمْرَ, (
K,) the latter of which is less usual than the former, because one says شَعَرَ بِهِ but not شَعَرَهُ, (
MF,) He aquainted him with the affair; made him to know it. (
K.) And أَشْعَرْتُ أَمْرَ فَلَانٍ I made known the affair of such a one. (
A.) And أَشْعَرْتُ فُلَانًا I made such a one notorious for an evil deed or quality. (
b2: Also, (
inf. n. إِشْعَارٌ,
Msb,) He marked it, namely a beast destined for sacrifice at Mekkeh, (
S, *
Msb, *
TA,) by stabbing it in the right side of its hump so that blood flowed from it, (
S,) or by making a slit in its skin, (
K,) or by stabbing it (
TA) in one side of its hump with a مِبْضَع or the like, (
TA,) so that the blood appeared, (
TA,) or by making an incision in its hump so that the blood flowed, (
Msb,) in order that it might be known to be destined for sacrifice. (
b3: [Hence,
app.,] (assumed
tropical:) He wounded him so as to cause blood to come. (
TA.) It is said in a
trad. respecting the assassination of 'Othmán, أَشْعَرَهُ مِشْقَصًا (assumed
tropical:) He wounded him so as to cause blood to come with a مشقص [
q. v.]: (
TA:) and in another
trad., أَشْعِرَ أَمِيرُ المُؤْمِنِينَ (assumed
tropical:) [The Prince of the Faithful was wounded so that blood came from him]. (
b4: And (
tropical:) He pierced him with a spear so as to make the spearhead enter his inside: and اشعرهُ سِنَانًا (
tropical:) he made the spear-head to enter into the midst of him: [but this is said to be] from اشعرهُ بِهِ “ he made it to cleave to it. ” (
TA.) أَشْعِرَ is said specially of a king, meaning He was slain. (
b5: Also He made it to be a distinguishing sign: as when the performance of a religious service is made, or appointed, by God to be a sign [whereby his religion is distinguished]. (
b6: and اشعروا They called, uttering their شِعَار [whereby they might know one another]: or they appointed for themselves a شِعَار in their journey. (
TA. [See also 10.])
A2: مَا أَشْعَرَهُ [How good, or excellent, a poet is he !]. (
TA in art. خزى: see مُخْزٍ in that art.)
A3: اشعر [from شَعْرٌ or شَعَرٌ signifying “ hair ”] It (a fœtus,
K, in the belly of its mother,
TA) had hair growing upon it; (
K;) as also ↓ تشعّر; (
K;) and ↓ شعّر,
inf. n. تَشْعِيرٌ; and ↓ استشعر. (
b2: And اشعرت She (a camel) cast forth her fœtus with hair upon it. (
b3: And اشعر He lined a boot, (
K,) and a جُبَّة, (
A,) and the مِيثَرَة of a horse's saddle, and a قَلَنْسُوَة, and the like, (
TA,) with hair; (
K;) as also ↓ شَعَرَ; (
K;) and ↓ شعّر, (
inf. n. تَشْعِيرٌ: (
TA:) or, said of a ميثرة, he covered it with hair. (
b4: and اشعرهُ He clad him with a شِعَار [i. e. an innermost garment]. (
K.) And He put on him a garment as a شِعَار, i. e., next his body. (
TA.) [Hence,] اشعرهُ فُلَانٌ شَرًّا (
tropical:) Such a one involved him in evil. (
S, A.) And اشعرهُ الحُبُّ مَرَضًا (assumed
tropical:) [Love involved him in disease]. (
S.) and اشعرهُ بِهِ (assumed
tropical:) He made it (i. e. anything) to cleave, or stick, to it, [like the شِعَار to the body,] i. e., to another thing. (
b5: [And (assumed
tropical:) It clave to him, or it, as the شِعَار cleaves to the body. Hence,] اشعرهُ الهَمُّ (
tropical:) [Anxiety clave to him as the شِعَار cleaves to the body]. (
A.) And اشعر الهَمُّ قَلْبِى (
tropical:) Anxiety clave to my heart (
TA) as the شِعَار cleaves to the body. (
TA.) And أَشْعَرَ الرَّجُلُ هَمًّا (
tropical:) The man clave to anxiety as the شِعَار cleaves to the body. (
TA. [In one of my copies of the
S, أُشْعِرَ,
accord. to which reading, the phrase should be rendered The man was made to have anxiety cleaving to him &c.])
A4: اشعر السِّكِّينَ (
tropical:) He put a شَعِيرَة [
q. v.] to the knife. (
K. *) 5 تَشَعَّرَ see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph.
6 تشاعر He affected, or pretended, to be a poet, not being such. (See its part.
n., below.)]
10 استشعرت البَقَرَةُ The cow uttered a cry to her young one, desiring to know its state. (
b2: And استشعروا They called, one to another, uttering the شِعَار [by which they were mutually known], in war, or fight. (
TA. [See also 4.])
A2: استشعر as
syn. with اشعر and تشعّر: see 4, in the latter half of the paragraph.
b2: Also, (
A,) or استشعر شِعَارًا, (
K,) He put on, or clad himself with, a شعار [i. e. an innermost garment]. (
K.) [Hence,] اِسْتَشْعِرْ خَشْيَةَ اللّٰهِ (
tropical:) Make thou the fear of God to be شِعَارَ قَلْبِكَ [i. e. the thing next to thy heart]. (
TA.) And استشعر خَوْفًا (
tropical:) He conceived in his mind fear. (
S, A. *) شَعْرٌ and ↓ شَعَرٌ, (
K, but only the latter in my copies of the
S and in the
O,) two wellknown
dial. vars., the like being common in cases of this kind, in which the medial radical letter is a faucial, (
MF,) [but the latter I have found to be the more common,] Hair; i. e. what grows upon the body, that is not صُوف nor وَبَر; (
K;) it is an appertenance of human beings and of other animals: (
Msb:) [when spoken of as used in the fabrication of cloth for tents &c., the meaning intended is goats' hair: (see 4 in art. بنى:)] of the
masc. gender: (
pl. (of the former,
Msb) شُعُورٌ and (of the latter,
Msb) أَشْعَارٌ (
K) and (of the latter also,
TA) شِعَارٌ: (
TA:) and ↓ أُشَيْعَارٌ, properly
dim. of أَشْعَارٌ, is used,
accord. to Aboo-Ziyád, as
dim. of شُعُورٌ: (
TA:) the
n. un. is with ة: (
A, *
K:) and this, i. e. شَعْرَةٌ [or شَعَرَهٌ], is also used metonymically as a
pl. (
TA.) One says, بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَكَ المَالُ شَقُّ الشَّعْرَةِ and شَقُّ الأُبْلُمَةِ (assumed
tropical:) [The property is, or shall be, equally divided between me and thee]. (
TA.) And رَأَى فُلَانٌ الشَّعْرَةَ Such a one saw, or has seen, hoariness, or white hairs, (Yaakoob,
TA,) upon his head. (
b2: [The
n. un.] شَعْرَةٌ is also used, metonymically, as meaning (
tropical:) A daughter. (
b3: And ↓ شَعَرٌ (
K, and so
accord. to the
TA, but in the
CK ↓ شُعْرٌ,) signifies also (
tropical:) Plants and trees; (
TA;) as being likened to hair. (
b4: And the same, (
TA, but in the
CK ↓ شُعْرٌ,) (
tropical:) Saffron (
K) before it is pulverized. (
A.) شُعْرٌ: see the next two preceding sentences.
شِعْرٌ [an
inf. n., (see 1, first sentence,) and used as a simple
subst. signifying] Knowledge; cognizance: (
TA:) or knowledge of the minute particulars of things: or perception by means of [any of] the senses. (
TA.) One says, لَيْتَ شِعْرِى فُلَانًا مَا صَنَعَ, (
S, *
Msb, *
K, *) and لَيْتَ شِعْرِى لَهُ مَا صَنَعَ, and لَيْتَ شِعْرِى عَنْهُ مَا صَنَعَ, (
K, *) i. e. Would that I knew what such a one did, or has done; (
S, *
K, *
Msb, *
TA;) for would that my knowledge were present at, or comprehending, what such a one did, or has done; the phrase being elliptical: (
accord. to
Sb, لَيْتَ شِعْرِى is for ليت شِعْرَتِى, the ة being elided as in هُوَ أَبُو عُذْرِهَا [for هو ابو عُذْرَتِهَا], (
TA,) the elision of the ة in this latter instance, as
Sb says, being peculiar to the case of the words being preceded by ابو; [but see عُذْرَةٌ;] and as in إِقَامَة when used as a
prefixed noun; though لَيْتَ شِعْرَتِى is not now known to have been heard. (
TA.) One says also, لَيْتَ شِعْرِى مَا كَانَ Would that I knew what happened, or has happened. (
b2: The predominant signification of شِعْرٌ is Poetry, or verse; (
K;) because of its preeminence by reason of the measure and the rhyme; though every kind of knowledge is شِعْرٌ: (
K:) or because it relates the minute affairs of the Arabs, and the occult particulars of their secret affairs, and their facetiæ: (
TA:) it is properly defined as language qualified by rhyme and measure intentionally; which last restriction excludes the like of the saying in the
Kur [xciv. 3 and 4], اَلَّذِى أَنْقَضَ ظَهْرَكْ وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكْ, because this is not intentionally qualified by rhyme and measure: (
KT; and the like is said in the
Msb:) and sometimes a single verse is thus termed: (
pl. أَشْعَارٌ. (
b3: Also (assumed
tropical:) Falsehood; because of the many lies in poetry. (
TA.) شَعَرٌ: see شَعْرٌ, in two places.
شَعِرٌ: see أَشْعَرُ.
b2: [The
fem.] شَعِرَةٌ signifies [particularly] A sheep or goat (شَاةٌ) having hair growing between the two halves of its hoof, which in consequence bleed: or having an itching in its knees, (
TA,) and therefore always scratching with them. (
TA.) شَعْرَةٌ and شَعَرَةٌ ns. un. of شَعْرٌ [
q. v.] and شَعَرٌ.
شِعْرَةٌ The hair of the pubes; (
K;) as also ↓ شِعْرَآء, [
accord. to general
analogy with tenween,] or ↓ شَعْرَآء, [and if so, without tenween,] accord to different copies of the
K; (
TA;) of a man and of a woman; and of the hinder part of a woman: (
Msb:) or the hair of the pubes of a woman, specially: (
Msb:) and the pubes (عَانَة) [itself]: (
K:) and the place of growth of the hair beneath the navel. (
K, *
b2: Also A portion of hair. (
K, *
TA.) الشِّعْرَى [The star Sirius;] a certain bright star, also called المِرْزَمُ; (
TA; [but see this latter appellation;]) the star that rises [aurorally] after الجَوْزَآء [by which is here meant Gemini], in the time of intense heat, (
TA,) and after الهَقْعَة [
app. a mistranscription for الهَنْعَة]: (
TA:) [about the epoch of the Flight, it rose aurorally, in Central Arabia, on the 13th of July, O.
S.: (see النَّثْرَةُ; and see also مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل:) on the periods of its rising at sunset, and setting aurorally, see دَبَرٌ and دَبُورٌ:] the Arabs say, إِذَا طَلَعَتِ الشِّعْرَى جَعَلَ صَاحِبُ النَّخْلِ يَرَى [When Sirius rises aurorally, the owner of the palm-trees begins to see what their fruit will be]: (
TA:) there are two stars of this name; الشِّعْرَى العَبُورُ and الشِّعْرَى الغُمَيْصَآءُ, (
K,) together called الشِّعْرَيَانِ: the former is that [above mentioned] which is in [a mistake for “ after ”] الجَوْزَآء, and the latter is [Procyon,] in the ذِرَاع [by which is meant الذِّرَاعُ المَقْبُوضَةُ, not الذِّرَاعُ المَبْسُوطَةُ]; (
S;) and both together are called the two Sisters of Suheyl (سُهَيْل [i. e. Canopus]): (
K:) the former was worshipped by a portion of the Arabs; and hence God is said in the
Kur-án to be Lord of الشِّعْرَى: (
TA:) it is called العَبُور because of its having crossed the Milky Way; and the other is called الغُمَيْصَآء because said by the Arabs to have wept after the former until it had foul thick matter in the corner of the eye: (
K in art. غمص:) the former is also called الشِّعْرَى اليَمَانِيَّةُ [the Yemenian, or Southern, شعرى]; and the latter, الشِّعْرَى الشَّامِيَّةُ [the Syrian, or Northern, شعرى]. (
Kzw.) شَعْرَآءُ
fem. of أَشْعَرُ [
q. v.: under which head it is also mentioned either as a
subst. or as an
epithet in which the quality of a
subst. is predominant].
b2: See also شِعْرَةٌ.
شِعْرَآء [
app., if correct, with tenween]: see شِعْرَةٌ.
شِعْرِىٌّ [Of, or relating to, poetry; poetical.
b2: And also (assumed
tropical:) False, or lying]. One says أَدِلَّةٌ شِعْرِيَّةٌ (assumed
tropical:) False, or lying, evidences or arguments: because of the many lies in poetry. (
A2: [and Of, or relating to, الشِّعْرَى, i. e. Sirius.] You say, رَعَيْنَا شِعْرِىَّ المَرَاعِى We pastured our cattle upon the herbage of which the growth was consequent upon the نَوْء [i. e. the auroral rising or setting] of الشِّعْرَى [or Sirius]. (
A.) شَعَرِيَّاتٌ The young ones of the رَخَم [i. e. vultur percnopterus]. (
K.) شَعْرَانُ: see أَشْعَرُ.
b2: شَعْرَان [
app. without tenween, being probably originally an
epithet, also] signifies (assumed
tropical:) The [shrub called] رِمْث, (
K,) or a species thereof, (Tekmileh,
TA,) green, inclining to dust-colour: (Tekmileh,
TA:) or a species of [the kind of plants called] حَمْض, dust-coloured: (
TA:) or حَمْض upon which hares feed, and in which they [make their forms, i. e.] lie, cleaving to the ground; it is like the large أُشْنَانَة [here
app. used as the
n. un. of أُشْنَانٌ, i. e. kali, or glasswort], has slender twigs, and appears from afar black. (
TA.) شُعْرُورٌ [A poetaster]: see شَاعِرٌ.
A2: Also,
accord. to
sing. of شَعَارِيرُ, which is (assumed
Syn. with شُعْرٌ [as
pl. of شَعْرَآءُ,
q. v. voce أَشْعَرُ], meaning the flies that collect upon the sore on the back of a camel, and, when roused, disperse themselves from it. (
TA.) [Hence the saying,] ذَهَبَ القَوْمُ شَعَارِيرَ (assumed
tropical:) The people dispersed themselves, or became dispersed: (
S:) and ذَهَبُوا شَعَارِيرَ بِقُذَّانَ, (
K,) or بِقَذَّانَ, and بِقِذَّانَ, (
TA,) and بِقِنْدَحْرَةَ, (
K,) and بِقِنْذَحْرَةَ, (
TA,) (assumed
tropical:) They went away in a state of dispersion, like flies: (
K:) شعارير thus used being
pl. of شُعْرُورٌ; (
TA;) or having no
sing. (
TA.) And أَصْبَحَتْ شَعَارِيرَ بِقِرْدَحْمَةَ, and بِقِرْذَحْمَةَ, and بِقِنْدَحْرَةَ and بِقِدَّحْرَةَ, and بِقِذَّحْرَةَ, (assumed
tropical:) They became beyond reach, or power. (
b2: And the same
pl. شَعَارِيرُ, having no
sing., also signifies (assumed
tropical:) A certain game (
TA) of children. (
TA.) You say, لَعِبْنَا الشَّعَارِيرَ [We played at the game of الشعارير]: and هٰذَا لَعِبُ الشَّعَارِيرِ [This is the game of الشعارير]. (
b3: And (assumed
tropical:) A sort of women's ornaments, like barley [-corns], made of gold and of silver, and worn upon the neck. (
b4: And شُعْرُورَةٌ [
n. un. of شُعْرُورٌ] signifies A small قِثَّآء [or cucumber]:
pl. شَعَارِيرُ [as above]. (
K.) شَعْرَانِىٌّ: see أَشْعَرُ.
A2: أَرْنَبٌ شَعْرَانِيَّةٌ A hare that feeds upon the شَعْرَان [
q. v.], and that [makes its form therein, i. e.] lies therein, cleaving to the ground. (
TA.) شَعَارٌ (
tropical:) Trees; (
ISk, Er-Riyáshee,
K;) as also ↓ شِعَارٌ: (
K:) or tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees; (
K;) as also ↓ شِعَارٌ: (
K:) or (
TA, but in the
K “ and ”) trees in land that is soft (
TA) and depressed, between eminences, (
TA,) where people alight, (
TA,) such as is termed دَهْنَآء, and the like, (
TA,) warming themselves thereby in winter, and shading themselves thereby in summer, as also ↓ مَشْعَرٌ: (
TA:) or this last signifies any place in which are a خَمَر [or covert of trees, &c.,] and [other] trees; and its
pl. is مَشَاعِرُ. (
TA.) One says, أَرْضٌ كَثِيرَةُ الشَّعَارِ (assumed
tropical:) A land abounding in trees [&c.]. (
b2: See also the next paragraph, latter half.
شِعَارٌ A sign of people in war, (
K,) and in a journey (
K) &c., (
TA,) i. e. (
Msb) a call or cry, (
Msb,) by means of which to know one another: (
Msb:) and the شِعَار of soldiers is a sign that is set up in order that a man may thereby know his companions: (
TA:) and شِعَار signifies also the banners, or standards, of tribes. (
TA in art. برم.) It is said in a
trad. that the شِعَار of the Prophet in war was يَا مَنْصُورُ أَمِتْ أَمِتْ [O Mansoor, (a proper name of a man, meaning “ aided ” &c.,) kill thou, kill thou]. (
TA.) and it is said that he appointed the شِعَار of the refugees on the day of Bedr to be يابَنِى عَبْدِ الرَّحْمٰنِ: and the شعار of El-Khazraj, يا بَنِى عَبْدِ اللّٰهِ: and that of El-Ows, يَا بَنِى عُبَيْدِ اللّٰهِ: and their شعار on the day of El-Ahzáb, حٰم لَا يُنْصَرُونَ. (
b2: And Thunder; (Tekmileh,
K;) as being a sign of rain. (
b3: شِعَارُ الحَجِّ means The religious rites and ceremonies of the pilgrimage; and the signs thereof; (
K;) and, (
TA,) as also ↓ الشَعَائِرُ, (
S,) the practices of the pilgrimage, and whatever is appointed as a sign of obedience to God; (
Msb, *
TA;) as the halting [at Mount 'Arafát], and the circuiting [around the Kaabeh], and the
سَعْى [or tripping to and fro between Es-Safà and El-Marweh], and the throwing [of the pebbles at Minè], and the sacrifice, &c.; (
TA;) and ↓ شَعِيرَةٌ and ↓ شِعَارَةٌ and ↓ مَشْعرٌ signify the same as شِعَارٌ: (
L:) ↓ شَعِيرَةٌ is the
sing. of شَعَائِرُ meaning as
expl. above; (
Msb;) or, as some say, the
sing. is ↓ شِعَارَةٌ: (
S:) or ↓ شَعِيرَةٌ and ↓ شِعَارَةٌ, by some written ↓ شَعَارَةٌ, and ↓ مَشْعَرٌ, signify a place [of the performance] of religious rites and ceremonies of the pilgrimage;
expl. in the
K by مُعْظَمُهَا, which is a mistake for مَوْضِعُهَا; (
TA;) and ↓ مَشَاعِرُ, places thereof: (
S:) or الحَجِّ ↓ شَعَائِرُ signifies the مَعَالِم [or characteristic practices] of the pilgrimage, to which God has invited, and the performance of which He has commanded; (
K;) as also ↓ المَشَاعِرُ: (
TA:) and اللّٰهِ ↓ شَعَائِرُ, all those religious services which God has appointed to us as signs; as the halting [at Mount 'Arafát], and the
سَعْى [or tripping to and fro between Es-Safà and El-Marweh], and the sacrificing of victims: (
TA:) or the rites and ceremonies of the pilgrimage, and the places where those rites and ceremonies are performed; (
Bd in
v. 2 and xxii. 33;) among which places are Es-Safà and El-Marweh, they being thus expressly termed; (
Kur ii. 153;) and so
accord. to
Fr in the
Kur v. 2: (
TA:) or the obligatory statutes or ordinances of God: (
Bd in
v. 2:) or the religion of God: (
Bd in
v. 2 and xxii. 33:) the camels or cows or bulls destined to be sacrificed at Mekkeh are also said in the
Kur xxii. 37, to be مِنْ شَعَائِرِ اللّٰهِ, i. e. of the signs of the religion of God: (
Bd and
Jel:) and [hence the
↓ شَعِيرَةٌ signifies [sometimes] a camel or cow or bull that is brought to Mekkeh for sacrifice; (
K;) such as is marked in the manner
expl. voce أَشْعَرَ; (
Msb;) and شَعَائِرُ is its
pl.; (
K;) and is also
pl. of شِعَارٌ: and the [festival called the]
عِيد is said to be a شِعَار of the شَعَائِر [i. e. a sign of the signs of the religion] of El-Islám. (
b4: شِعَارُ الدَّمِ is said to mean (
tropical:) The piece of rag: or (
tropical:) the vulva: because each is a thing that indicates the existence of blood. (
A2: Also The [innermost garment; or] garment that is next the body; (
Msb;) the garment that is next the hair of the body, under the دِثَار; as also ↓ شَعَارٌ; (
K;) but this is strange: (
pl. [of pauc.] أَشْعِرَةٌ and [of mult.] شُعُرٌ. (
K.) [Hence,] one says, لَبِسَ شِعَارَ الهَمِّ (
tropical:) [He involved himself in anxiety]. (
A.) And جَعَلَ الخَوْفَ شِعَارَهُ (assumed
tropical:) [He made fear to be as though it were his innermost garment], by closely cleaving to it. (
TA in art. درع.) [Hence, also,] it is said in a
prov., هُمُ الشِّعَارُ دُونَ الدِّثَارِ, meaning (assumed
tropical:) They are near in respect of love: and in a
trad., relating to the Ansár, أَنْتُمُ الشِّعَارُ وَالنَّاسُ الدِّثَارُ (assumed
tropical:) Ye are the special and close friends [and the people in general are the less near in friendship]. (
b2: Also A horse-cloth; a covering for a horse to protect him from the cold. (
b3: And (assumed
tropical:) A thing with which wine [
app. while in the vat] is protected, or preserved from injury: (
K: [for الخَمْرُ, the reading in the
CK, the author of the
TK has read الخُمُرُ (and thus I find the word written in my
MS. copy of the
K) or الخُمْرُ, pls. of الخِمَارُ; and Freytag has followed his example: but الخَمْرُ is the right reading, as is shown by what here follows:]) so in the saying of El-Akhtal, فَكَفَّ الرِّيحَ وَالأَنْدَآءَ عَنْهَا مِنَ الزَّرَجُونِ دُونَهُمَا الشِّعَارُ
[evidently describing wine, and
app. meaning (assumed
tropical:) And the شعار of the wine, (الشِّعَارُ مِنَ الزَّرَجُونَ, i. e. شِعَارُ الزَّرَجُونِ,) while yet in the vat, intervening as an obstacle to them, kept off the wind and the rains, or dews, or day-dews, from it, namely, the wine]. (
b4: See also شَعَارٌ, in two places.
A3: Also Death. (
K.) شَعِيرٌ, (
K,) which may be also pronounced شِعِيرٌ, agreeably with the
dial. of Temeem, as may any word of the measure فَعِيلٌ of which the medial radical letter is a faucial, and,
accord. to
Lth, certain of the Arabs pronounced in a similar manner any word of that measure of which the medial radical letter is not a faucial, like كَبِيرٌ and جَلِيلٌ and كَرِيمٌ, (
MF,) [and thus do many in the present day, others pronouncing the fet-h in this case, more correctly, in the manner termed إِمَالَة, i. e. as “ e ” in our word “ bed: ”
Barley;] a certain grain, (
Msb,) well known: (
K:) of the
masc. gender, except in the
dial. of the people of Nejd, who make it
fem.: (
n. un. with ة [signifying a barleycorn]. (
A2: Also An accompanying associate;
syn. عَشِيرٌ مُصَاحِبٌ: on the authority of En-Nawawee: (
TA:) said to be formed by
transposition: but it may be from شَعَرَهَا meaning “ he slept with her in one شِعَار; ” [see 3; and so originally signifying a person who sleeps with another in one innermost garment;] then applied to any special companion. (
TA.) شِعَارَةٌ, and, as written by some, شَعَارَةٌ: see شِعَارٌ, in four places.
شَعِيرَةٌ A sign, or mark. (
b2: See this word, and the
pl. شَعَائِرُ,
voce شِعَارٌ, in seven places.
A2: Also
n. un. of شَعِيرٌ [
q. v.]. (
b2: and [hence,] (
tropical:) The iron [pin] that enters into the tang of a knife which is inserted into the handle, being a fastening to the handle: (
S:) or a thing that is moulded of silver or of iron, in the form of a barley-corn, (
TA,) entering into the tang of the blade which is inserted into the handle, (
TA,) being a fastening to the handle of the blade. (
b3: [And (assumed
tropical:) A measure of length, defined in the law-books &c. as equal to six mule's hairs placed side by side;] the sixth part of the إِصْبَع [or digit]. (
Msb voce مِيلٌ.)
b4: [And (assumed
tropical:) The weight of a barley-corn.]
dim. of شَعْرَةٌ and شَعَرَةٌ:
pl. شُعَيْرَاتٌ.]
شُعَيْرَآءُ [
dim. of شَعْرَآءُ
fem. of أَشْعَرُ.
A2: Also] A kind of trees; (
K;) in the
dial. of Hudheyl. (
b2: See also أَشْعَرُ, last signification but one.
شَعِيرِىٌّ A seller of شَعِير [or barley]: one does not use in this sense either of the more analogical forms of شَاعِرٌ and شَعَّار. (
TA.) شَاعِرٌ A poet: (
K:) so called because of his intelligence; (
Msb;) or because he knows what others know not: (
accord. to
Akh, it is a possessive
epithet, like لَابِنٌ and تَامِرٌ: (
pl. شُعَرَآءُ, (
K,) deviating from
analogy: (
Sb says that the measure فَاعِلٌ is likened in this case to فَعِيلٌ; and hence this
pl.: (
TA:) or,
accord. to IKh, the
pl. is of this form because the
sing. is from شَعُرَ, and therefore should by rule be of the measure فَعِيلٌ, like شَرِيفٌ [from شَرُفَ]; but were it so, it might be confounded with شَعِير meaning the grain thus called, therefore they said شَاعِرٌ, and regarded in the
pl. the original form of the
sing. (
Msb.) A wonderful poet is called خِنْذِيذٌ: one next below him, شَاعِرٌ: then, ↓ شَوَيْعِرٌ [the
dim.]: (
K:) then, ↓ شُعْرُورٌ: and then, ↓ مَتَشَاعِرٌ. (
b2: Also (assumed
tropical:) A liar: because of the many lies in poetry: and so,
accord. to some, in the
Kur xxi. 5. (
b3: شِعْرٌ شَاعِرٌ Excellent poetry: (
K:) or known poetry: but the former explanation is the more correct. (
TA.) One also says, sometimes, كَلِمَةٌ شَاعِرَةٌ, [by كلمة] meaning قَصِيدَةٌ: but generally in a phrase of this kind the two words are cognate, as in وَيْلٌ وَائِلٌ and لَيْلٌ لَائِلٌ. (
TA.) شُوَيْعِرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
أَشْعَرُ [More, and most, knowing or cognizant or understanding: see 1, first sentence.
b2: And,] applied to a verse, (
T,) or to a poem, (
S,) More [and most] poetical. (
S. *)
A2: Also, (
K,) and ↓ شَعِرٌ, (
K,) and ↓ شَعْرَانِىٌّ, (
K,) which last (
SM says) I have seen written شَعَرَانِىٌّ, (
TA,) A man having much hair upon his body: (
S, A:) or having hair upon the whole of the body: (
L voce أَجْرَدُ [
q. v.], in explanation of the first:) or having much and long hair (
TA) upon the head and body: (
TA:) and the first and second, a goat having much hair:
fem. of the first شَعْرَآءُ: (
TA:) and
pl. of the first شَعْرٌ. (
K.) One says أشْعَثُ أَشْعَرُ, meaning Having his head unshaven and not combed nor anointed. (
TA.) And فُلَانٌ أَشْعَرُ الرَّقَبَةِ [
lit. Such a one is hairy in the neck] is said of a man though he have not hair upon his neck, as meaning (
tropical:) such a one is strong, like a lion. (
A, *
b2: [The
fem.] شَعْرَآءُ also signifies A testicle, or scrotum, (خُصْيَةٌ,) having much hair: (
TA:) and the سَوْءَة [or pudendum]: thus used as a
subst. (
TA in art. معط.) See also شِعْرَةٌ.
b3: And A furred garment. (
b4: And as an
epithet, (
tropical:) Evil, foul, or abominable: [as being likened to that which is shaggy, and therefore unseemly:] (
K, *
TA:) in the
K, الخَشِنَةُ is erroneously put for الخَبِيثَةُ. (
TA.) One says, دَاهِيَةٌ شَعْرَآءُ, (
K,) and وَبْرَآءُ, (
A,) and زَبَّآءُ, (
TA in art. زب,) (
tropical:) An evil, a foul, or an abominable, (
TA,) or a severe, or great, (
K,) calamity or misfortune:
pl. شُعْرٌ. (
TA.) and one says to a man when he has said a thing that one blames or with which one finds fault, جِئْتَ بِهَا شَعْرَآءَ ذَاتَ وَبَرٍ (
tropical:) [Thou hast said it as a foul, or an abominable, thing]. (
S, A. *)
b5: And أَشْعَرُ signifies also The hair that surrounds the solid hoof: (
S:) or [the extremity, or border, of the pastern, next the solid hoof; i. e.] the extremity of the skin surrounding the solid hoof, (
TA,) where the small hairs grow around it: (
TA:) or the part between the hoof of a horse and the place where the hair of the pastern terminates: and the part of a camel's foot where the hair terminates: (
pl. أَشَاعِرُ, (
TA,) because it is [in this sense] a
subst. (
b6: Also The side of the vulva, or external portion of the female organs of generation: (
K:) it is said that the أَشْعَرَانِ are the إِسْكَتَانِ, which are the two sides [or labia majora] of the vulva of a woman: or the two parts next to the شُفْرَانِ, which are the two borders of the إِسْكَتَانِ: or the two parts between the إِسْكَتَانِ and the شُفْرَانِ: (
TA:) or the two parts next to the شُفْرَانِ, in the hair, particularly: (
Zj, in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) the أَشَاعِر of the حَيَآء [or vulva of a camel &c.] are the parts where the hair terminates: (
TA:) and the أَشَاعِر of a she-camel are the sides of the vulva. (
b7: And A thing that comes forth from [between] the two halves of the hoof of a sheep or goat, resembling a ثُؤْلُول [or wart]; (
K;) for which it is cauterized. (
b8: And Flesh coming forth beneath the nail:
pl. شُعُرٌ, (
TA,) with two dammehs, (
TA,) or شُعْرٌ. (So in the
b9: And [the
fem.] شَعْرَآءُ also signifies (
tropical:) Land (أَرْض) containing, or having, trees: or abounding in trees: (
K:) [and so,
app., ↓ شَعْرَانُ; for] there is a mountain in [the province of] El-Mowsil called شَعْرَانُ, said by
AA to be thus called because of the abundance of its trees: (
S:) or شَعْرَآءُ signifies many trees: (A 'Obeyd,
S:) or
i. q. أَجَمَةٌ [i. e. a thicket, wood, or forest; &c.]: (
TA:) and a meadow (رَوْضَةٌ,
TA) having its upper part covered with trees, (
K *
TA,) or abounding in trees, (
TA,) or abounding in herbage: (
A:) and a tract of sand (رَمْلَةٌ) producing [the plant called] نَصِىّ (
K) and the like. (
b10: And (assumed
tropical:) A certain tree of the kind called حَمْض, (
TA,) not having leaves, but having [what are termed] هَدَب [
q. v.], very eagerly desired by the camels, and that puts forth strong twigs or branches; mentioned in the
L on the authority of
AHn, and by
Sgh on the authority of Aboo-Ziyád; and the latter adds that it has firewood. (
b11: And (assumed
tropical:) A certain fruit: (
TA:) a species of peach: (
sing. and
pl. the same: (
K:) or a single peach: (
MF:) or الأَشْعَرُ is a name of the peach, and the
pl. is شُعْرٌ. (
b12: Also (assumed
tropical:) A kind of fly, (
K,) said to be that which has a sting, (
S,) blue, or red, that alights upon camels and asses and dogs; (
K;) as also ↓ شُعَيْرَآءُ: (
TA:) a kind of fly that stings the ass, so that he goes round:
AHn says that it is of two species, that of the dog and that of the camel: that of the dog is well known, inclines to slenderness and redness, and touches nothing but the dog: that of the camel inclines to yellowness, is larger than that of the dog, has wings, and is downy under the wings: sometimes it is in such numbers that the owners of the camels cannot milk in the day-time nor ride any of them; so that they leave doing this until night: it stings the camel in the soft parts of the udder and around them, and beneath the tail and the belly and the armpits; and they do not protect the animal from it save by tar: it flies over the camels so that one hears it to make a humming, or buzzing, sound. (
TA. [See also شُعْرُورٌ, under which its
pl. شُعْرٌ is mentioned.])
b13: And [hence, perhaps, as this kind of fly is seen in swarms,] (assumed
tropical:) A multitude of men. (
K.) أُشَيْعَارٌ: see شَعْرٌ.
i. q. مَعْلَمٌ [meaning A place where a thing is known to be]. (
b2: And hence, A place of the performance of religious services. (
TA.) See this word, and its
pl. مَشَاعِرُ,
voce شِعَارٌ, in four places.
b3: [The
pl.] المَشَاعِرُ also signifies The five senses; (
S, *
A, *
TA;) the hearing, the sight, the smell, the taste, and the touch. (
S and
Msb in art. حس.)
A2: See also شَعَارٌ.
دِيَةُ المُشْعَرَةِ The bloodwit that is exacted for killing kings: it is a thousand camels. (
TA. [See 4.]) مُتَشَاعِرٌ One who affects, or pretends, to be a poet, but is not. (
S, *
L, *
K, *
TA.) See شَاعِرٌ.