خَيْشٌ Garments, or pieces of cloth, of the worst of flax: (S:) or garments, or pieces of cloth, of thin texture, and of coarse threads, made of the hards, or hurds, of flax, (K, * TA,) and of the worst thereof: (TA:) or of the coarsest of [the stuff called] عصب [i. e. عَصْب, q. v., in the copies of the K in my hands incorrectly written عَصَب]: (Lth, K:) or coarse flax: (Mgh:) or a cloth of coarse flax. (Har p. 544.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) A low, vile, or mean, man. (K.) خَيْشِىٌّ and ↓ خَيَّاشٌ [A weaver, or seller, of خَيْش.The former mentioned in the K, and the latter in the TA, as surnames of men.]
خَيَّاشٌ: see what next precedes.