حَنْبَلٌ, [mentioned in the S and Msb in art. حبل,] applied to a man, (S, Msb,) Short: (S, Msb, K:) and, (K,) as some say, (Msb,) large in the belly, (Az, ISd, Msb, K,) and short: (Az, ISd, Msb:) and [in the CK “ or ”] fleshy; (ISd, K;) as also ↓ حِنْبَالٌ. (K.) A2: A fur-garment: (Az, S, K:) or an old and worn-out fur-garment. (ISd, K.) b2: An old and worn-out boot. (ISd, K.) A3: The sea; as also ↓ حِنْبَالَةٌ. (ISd, K.) حِنْبَالٌ: see above. b2: Also, (T, O, TA,) and ↓ حِنْبَالَةٌ, (T, O, K,) [but the latter has a more intensive signification,] Loquacious; a great talker. (T, O, K.) حِنْبَالَةٌ: see حَنْبَلٌ: A2: and see also حِنْبَالٌ.