a. From; of; for; at; among; through; since; some;
خَرَجَ مِن الدَّار
a. He went out from the house.
مُرَكَّب مِن نَفْسٍ وَجَسَدٍ
a. Composed of a soul & body.
مِنْ النَّاس مَن قَالَ
a. There were some ( of the people), who said.
مَاتَ مِنْ يَوْمِهِ وَمِنْ
a. He died on the same day & at
the same hour.
خَرَجَ مِنَ البَابِ
a. He went out through the door.
يَعْلَم الْمُفْسِد مِنَ
a. He distinguishes the bad from the good.
مَا جَآءنِي مِنْ رَجُلٍ
a. No person came to me.
مَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَقْدِر
a. No one can.
هُوَ أَقْوَى مِنِّي
a. He is stronger than me.
مِن وَقْتِه
a. At once.
مِن أَجْلِكَ
a. For your sake, on your account.
مِن الآن
a. Henceforth.
مِن أَيْن
a. Whence?
مِن بَعْد
a. After, hereafter.
مِن دُوْن
a. Without, except, beside.
مِن عَيْر أَن
a. Nevertheless.
مِن قَبْل
a. Formerly.
مِن قَبْلَ اَن
a. Heretofore.
مِن شَهْر
a. Since a month, a month ago.
مِن أَيّ وَجْهٍ كَان
a. In whatever manner.