1 كَرڤ3َ [كَرَّ, i. e.] كَرَّ بِنَفْسِهِ, as distinguished from the
trans. كَرَّ, [
aor. ـُ (
inf. n. كرٌّ, (
S,) or كُرُورٌ, (
Mgh,) [or both,] He returned. (
Mgh.) You say كَرَّ عَلَيْهِ, (
aor. ـُ (
inf. n. كَرٌّ and كُرُورٌ and تَكْرَارٌ (
K) and كَرِيرٌ, (
CK,) He turned to, or against, him, or it: (
K:) he returned to or against, it: (
TA:) the primary signification is the turning to, or against, a thing, either in person, or in
act. (El-Basáïr.) And اِنْهَزَمَ ثُمَّ كَرَّ عَلَيْهِ [He was put to flight: then he returned, or turned back, against him]. (
A.) And كَرَّ الفَارِسُ,
aor. ـُ
inf. n. كَرٌّ, The horseman [wheeled round, or about, or] fled, to wheel round, or about, and then returned to the fight: (
Msb:) [or returned to the fight after wheeling round, or about, or retiring, or being put to flight; as is implied in the phrase next preceding, from the
A, and in many other examples: and simply, he charged, or assaulted: opposed to فَرَّ: see كَرَّةٌ, below.] You say also الجَوَادُ يَصْلُحُ لِلْكَرِّ وَالْفَرِّ [The courser is suitable, or fit, for returning to the fight, or for charging, or assaulting, and fleeing]. (
Msb.) [And كَرَّ signifies He, or it, returned time after time.] You say أَفْنَاهُ كَرُّ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ The returning of night and day time after time caused him to come to an end. (
Msb.) Also كَرَّ عَنْهُ He returned from him, or it. (
K.) and عَنْ ذٰلِكَ ↓ تَكَرْكَرَ He returned from that. (
A2: كَرَّ is also
trans., as well as
intrans.; (
TA;) كَرَّهُ, (aor.
inf. n. كَرٌّ, signifying He made, or caused, him, or it, to return: (
TA:) and [in like manner,] عَنْ ↓ كَرْكَرَهُ كَذَا,
inf. n. كَرْكَرَةٌ, he made him to return, or revert, from such a thing. (
TA.) You say كَرَّ عَلَيْهِ رُمْحَهُ, and فَرَسَهُ,
inf. n. كَرٌّ, [He turned back his spear, and his horse, against him]. (
A3: كَرَّ,
aor. ـِ (
K,) and [see.
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. كَرِيرٌ, (
A, *
K, *
TA,) He uttered a sound like that of one throttled, or strangled: (
K:) or like that of one harassed, or fatigued, or overburdened: (
TA:) or he rattled in his throat (حَشُرَجَ) in dying: (
S:) or he made a sound in his breast like حَشْرَجَةٌ [or rattling in the throat in dying], (
TA) but not the same as this latter: and thus do horses, in their breasts. (
TA.) [See شَخَرَ.]
b2: Also, He (a sick man) gave up his spirit, at death. (
b3: See also كَرِيرٌ, below.
2 كرّرهُ,
inf. n. تَكْرِيرٌ (
K) and تَكْرَارٌ, (
K,) or the latter is a simple
subst., (
Msb,) or, as
AA said to Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer, in reply to a question respecting the difference between the measures تَفْعَالٌ and تِفْعَالٌ, the latter is a simple
subst., and the former, with fet-h, is an
inf. n., (
TA,) [but there are two
inf. ns. of the measure تِفْعَالٌ, both of unaugmented verbs, namely تِبْيَانٌ and تِلْقَآءٌ,] and تَكِرَّةٌ, (Ibn-Buzurj,
K,) [He repeated it, or reiterated it, either once or more than once:] he repeated it several times; reiterated it: (
Msb:) or he repeated it one time after another; (
K;) which may mean he tripled it, unless the “ other ” time be not reckoned as a repetition; (
TA;) as also ↓ كَرْكَرَهُ; (
K; [in the
CK, كَرْكَرَةً is put by mistake for كَرْكَرَهُ;]) either by act or by speech: (
MF:) it differs from أَعَادَهُ, which signifies only “ he repeated it once; ” for none but the vulgar say أَعَادَهُ مَرَّاتٍ; whereas كَرَّرَهُ may signify [not only the same as أَعَادَهُ, as it does in many instances, but also] he repeated it time after time: (Aboo-Hilál El-'Askeree:) some explain كَرَّرَهُ as signifying he mentioned it twice, and he mentioned it one time after another: (Sadr-ed-Deen
Zádeh:) when it is used in the former of these two senses, the term تَكْرَارٌ applies to the second, and to the first [with respect to the second]: ('Ináyeh, in the early part of chap. ii.; and
TA:) but its explanation as signifying the mentioning a thing one time after another is a conventional rendering of the rhetoricians: (
MF:) Es-Suyootee says, that تَكْرَارٌ signifies the renewing the first word or phrase; and it denotes a sort of تَأْكِيد [or corroboration]: but it is said to be a condition of تأكيد that the words or phrases [which are repeated] be without interruption, and occur not more than three times; and that تكرار differs from it in both these particulars; so that the phrase in the
Kur, [chap. lv.,] فَبِأَىِّ آلَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ is an instance of تكرار, not of تأكيد, because it occurs [with interruptions and] more than three times; and so another phrase in the
Kur, [chap. lxxvii.,] وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُكَذِّبِينَ. (
TA.) You say كَرَّر عَلَى سَمْعِهِ كَذَا [He repeated, or reiterated, such a thing, or saying, to his ear, or ears, or hearing]. (
A.) 5 تكرّر [It became repeated, or reiterated: and it recurred]. You say تكرّر عَلَيْهِ [It (a saying) became repeated, or reiterated, to him]. (
Q. 1 كَرْكَرَهُ: see 1: and 2.
Q. 2 تَكَرْكَرَ: see 1.
كَرٌّ A rope [made in the form of a hoop] by means of which one ascends a palm-tree; (
accord. to
A'Obeyd, a name not applied to any other rope; and so, says
Az, I have heard from the Arabs; it is made of the best of [the fibres of the palm-tree called] لِيف: (
TA:) or a thick rope; (
accord. to
AO, made of لِيف, and of the outer covering (قِشْر) of the [portions of the racemes of the palm-tree called] عَرَجِين and of the [portion of the branch called] عَسِيب: (
TA:) or a rope, in general: (
K:) and the rope [or sheet] of a sail: (
S:) or the rope of a ship: or the rope by which a ship is drawn: (
TA:) and a قَيْد [or pair of shackles, or hobbles,] made of لِيف or of palm-leaves: (
pl. كُرُورٌ. (
A2: The thing that connects the [two pieces of wood called] ظَلِفَتَانِ of the [kind of camel's saddle called] رَحْل, (
K,) and that enters [or is inserted] into them: (
S:) [See شَجْرٌ and شَخْرٌ:] or the skin, or leather, into which the ظَلِفَات of the رَحْل enter; occupying the same place in the رَحْل as the بِدَادَانِ have in the قَتَب, excepting that the بدادان do not appear before the ظَلِفَة: (
pl. أَكْرَارٌ. (
TA.) كُرٌّ A certain measure of capacity, (
K,) of the people of El-'Irák, (
K,) for wheat; (
S;) well known; (
Msb;) consisting of six ass-loads, (
K,) that is, sixty times the quantity called قَفِيز, (
accord. to the people of El-'Irák, (
TA,) the قفيز being eight مَكَاكِيك, [in the
TA, six, but this is a mistake,] and the مَكُّوك being a صَاع and a half, which is three كِيلَجَات; so that the كُرّ,
accord. to this reckoning, is twelve times the quantity called وَسْق, (
Msb,) each وسق being sixty times the quantity called صاع: (
Mgh:) in the Kitáb Kudámeh, it is said that the كُرّ called المُعَدَّلُ is sixty times the quantity called قفيز, and the قفيز is ten أَعْشِرَآء: and the كُرّ called القَنْقَلُ is twice the quantity of the كُرّ مُعَدَّل, that is, by the قفيز of the معدّل, a hundred and twenty times the quantity of the قفيز; with this كرّ are measured unripe dates and dried dates and also olives, in the districts of El-Basrah; and the قفيز used for measuring dates is twenty-five times the رِطْل of Baghdád; so that the كُرُّ القَنْقَلِ is three thousand times as much as the رطل: and the كُرّ called الهَاشِمِىُّ is the third part of the معدّل, that is, twenty times as much as the قفيز, by the measure of the معدّل; with this كُرّ, rice is measured: and the كُرّ called الهَارُونِىُّ is equal to them two [but what these two are is not shown]: and the أَهْوَازِىّ is equal to them two: and the مَخْتُوم is sixth part of the قفيز: and the قفيز is the tenth part of the جَرِيب: (
Mgh:) or the كُرّ is forty times as much as the quantity called إِرْدَبّ; (
K;) by the reckoning of the people of Egypt, as
ISd says: (
TA:) the
pl. is إِكرَار. (
Msb.) [It is
app. connected with the Hebrew כֹּר, whence the Greek ko/ros (a measure containing,
accord. to Josephus, six Attic medimni,) occurring in Luke xvi. 7.]
كَرَّةٌ A return. (
Msb.) So in the
Kur, [ii. 162,] لَوْ أَنَّ لَنَا كَرَّةً [Would that there were for us] a return to the world, or former state. And so in xxvi. 102, and xxxix. 59. (
Jel.) And so in the saying of Mohammad, اللّٰهَ اللّٰهَ وَالْكَرَّةَ عَلَى نَبِيِّكُمْ Fear ye God, [fear ye God,] and return to your prophet. (
b2: [Hence, The return to life;] the resurrection; the renewal of mankind, or of the creation, after perishing. (
b3: [Hence also, A return to the fight, after wheeling away, or retiring: and simply,] a charge, or an assault, (
K,) in war; (
TA;) as also ↓ كُرَّى: (
pl. كَرَّاتٌ. (
b4: [Hence also,] A time; one time; [in the sense of the French “ fois ”; generally repeated, or used in the
pl. form, so as to denote a returning to an action, once, or more; i. e., repetition, or reiteration, thereof, agreeably with the primary signification;]
syn. مَرَّةٌ: (
pl. as above. (
S.) You say فَعَلَهُ كَرَّةً بَعْدَ كَرَّةٍ
[He did it time after time]. And فَعَلَهُ كَرَّاتٍ
[He did it several times]. (
b5: [Hence also,] A turn to prevail against an opposing party; victory. So in the
Kur, [xvii. 6,] ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَا لَكُمُ الكَرَّةَ عَلَيْهِمْ [Then we gave to you the turn to prevail against them; the victory over them]. (
Jel.) كُرَّى: see كَرَّةٌ.
كَرِيرٌ, an
inf. n.: see 1.
b2: Also, A hoarseness or roughness of the voice, occasioned by dust. (
K.) كَرَّارٌ: see مِكَرٌّ.
كِرْكِرَةٌ The callosity, or callous protuberance, upon the breast of the camel, (رَحَى زَوْرِ البَعِيرِ,
K,) which, when the animal lies down, touches [and rests] upon the ground, projecting from his body, like a cake of bread; (
TA;) it is one of the five ثَفِنَات [of which there is one at each knee and one at each stifle-joint]: (
TA:) or the breast of any animal of which the foot is of the kind called خُفّ: (
pl. كَرَاكِرُ. (
TA.) حَزُّ الكَرَاكِرِ [
lit. The incision of the كراكر] is when a camel has a disease, so that he is not even when he lies down upon his breast; in consequence of which, a vein is gently drawn forth from the كركرة, and then he [or it] is cauterized. Hence the following, in a
trad. of Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr: عَطَاؤُكُمُ لِلضَّارِبِينَ رِقَابَكُمْ وَنُدْعَى إِذَا مَا كَانَ حَزُّ الْكَرَاكِرِ [Your bounty is for those who smite your necks, and we are invited when there is a difficult undertaking to be accomplished, like the incision of the كراكر:] meaning, ye invite us only when ye are distressed, because of our skill in war; and on occasions of bounty, and ampleness of the means or circumstances of life, others. (
IAth.) مَكَرٌّ A place of war or fighting [where the combatants return time after time to the conflict, wheeling away and then turning back]. (
S) مِكَرٌّ One who returns often [to the fight, after wheeling away, or retiring, or being put to flight]; as also ↓ كَرَّارٌ. (
b2: فَرَسٌ مِكَرٌّ A horse that is suitable, or fit, for returning to the fight, and for charging, or assaulting. (
S.) And فَرَسٌ مِكَرٌّ مِفَرٌّ A horse well trained, willing, and active, ready to return to the fight and to flee. (
b3: نَاقَةٌ مِكَرَّةٌ A she-camel that is milked twice every day. (
K.) مُكَرَّرٌ [Repeated; reiterated].
b2: المُكَرَّرُ The letter ر: (
K:) because of the faltering of the tip of the tongue which is observable when one pauses after uttering it, occasioned by the reiteration with which that is done; wherefore, with respect to إِمَالَة, [as an obstacle thereto,] it is reckoned as two letters. (
b3: [مُكَرَّرٌ, in the present day, also signifies Refined, as an
epithet applied to sugar, &c.]