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كَفَأَ(n. ac. كَفْء [ ])
a. Inverted.
b. ['An], Turned away from, gave up.
c. Fled.
d. Drove away; pursued.
e. [acc. & 'An], Turned from.
f. Changed (colour).
g. [Fī], Entered.
h. see IV (b)
& VII (a).
كَاْفَأَa. Recompensed, compensated, requited.
b. Opposed, resisted; repelled.
c. Equalled, matched.
d. Compared; rendered equal.
e. [acc. & Bi], Pierced with (spear).
f. [Bain], Stabbed.
g. Watched, observed.
أَكْفَأَa. see I (a)b. Inclined, leaned over.
c. Assigned the profits of .... to.
d. Made a curtain for (tent).
e. see I (f)
a. [Fī], Leaned forwards in (walking).
b. Was inverted & c.
c. see I (f)
تَكَاْفَأَa. Was equal; corresponded to.
إِنْكَفَأَa. Turned back, fled; was routed.
b. see I (f)
& IV (b).
إِكْتَفَأَa. see I (a)b. Carried off.
إِسْتَكْفَأَa. Asked for the produce of.
كَفْء (pl.
كِفَآء []
أَكْفَآء [ 38 ] )
a. Equal; like.
كَفْأَة []
a. Annual produce.
كِفْءa. Interior of a valley.
b. see 1
كُفْءa. see 1
كُفْأَة []
a. see 1t
أَكْفَأ []
a. Inclining.
كَفَآء []
a. Equality, parity; resemblance, similarity.
كَفَآءَة []
a. see 22
كِفَآء []
a. Equal; equivalent.
b. (pl.
[أَكْفَئَة]), Tentcurtain.
كَفِيْء []
a. see 1 & 2
كَُفُوْء [كَفُوْء]
a. see 1
مُكَافِى^ [ N.
a. III], Equal; equivalent.
إِكْفَآء [ N.
a. IV], Dissonance, disparity in rhyme.
كَفِيْء اللَّوْن
مَكْفُوْء اللَّوْن
مُكْتَفِئ اللَّوْن
a. Changed in colour.
لَا مُكَافَأَة عِنْدِي فِى
a. There is no concealment with me about this.