عَجَّ(n. ac.
a. Cried out; roared; bellowed.
b. Raised the dust (wind).
c. Hastened, hurried, rushed.
عَجَّجَa. Filled with smoke.
أَعْجَجَa. see I (b) (c).
تَعَجَّجَa. Was full of smoke.
عَجّa. Cries, clamour, noise; roaring; bellowing.
عَجَّةa. see 1
a. [ coll. ], Omelet; egg-fritter.
عَجَاْجa. Dust.
b. Smoke.
c. Foolish, stupid.
d. Common people.
عَجَاْجَةa. Troop, herd of camels.
b. see 22
عَجِيْجa. see 1
عَجَّاْجa. Noisy, clamorous, uproarious, vociferous.
لَفَّ عَجَاجَتَهُ عَلَى
a. Made an hostile incursion against.
لَبَّدَ عَجَاجَتَهُ
a. He desisted from.