شُفَارِجٌ A tray (طَبَقٌ) on which are small saucers, or cups, فَيْخَات and سُكُرَّجَات: (O, K:) a Pers\. word, (S, O,) arabicized; (S, O, K;) from بِيشْبَارَجْ or بِيشْبَارِجْ (K, TA) or بِيشَارَجْ; (as in some copies of the K;) or what people call بِيشْبَارَِجْ: (Yaakoob, S:) [i. e. پِيشْ پَارْ or پِيشْ پَارَهْ, “ pésh pár,” and “ pésh párah,” meaning “ sweetmeats presented to a guest: ”] accord. to ElJawáleekee, it signifies different kinds of flesh-meat in طبايخ: [but what this means I know not: I suppose it to be a corruption of some word signifying saucers or the like:] in the “ Kitáb el-Moheet,” شَفَارِيجُ is said to be pl. of شُفَارِجٌ, signifying a kind of food. (TA.)